r/Glasgow Tools

Couple of things.

* Between the squinty bridge and quay is "private land". There used to be an open path there (you can see a side ramp was included in the bridge design to access it, but it's gated now). But the residents/property owner complained (not sure what about) around 10 years ago and got it sealed off at both ends. Arseholes. There's a sign there that says something pish like "the council will endeavour to include this in a future open routes plan" or something, but it's been there for years. Hope something changes soon. Worryingly though I've heard that the clearance height at the bridge is too low to allow a cycle path under it legally. Which might prevent a path extending west to the BBC and beyond uninterrupted. Again, not sure how true this is.

* There was a major quayside collapse between the Kingston Bridge and Tradeston about 3 or 4 years ago. So access was fairly closed there.

* Same situation up near the sheriff court and across from Glasgow Green. The path subsided into the river during heavy flooding a few years ago.

The council secured funding for a complete remodelling of the quaysides along the river, I think that's what the hold up with repairs is - they plan to do them all at once as part of a comprehensive project.

Bundled into this, there was a plan for a complete southside cycleway announced recently (I can't find the story). First section of this to be built will run parallel along the river to the current Tradeston cycle lane in Paisley Road. Seems an odd choice since, as I say, there's already a fine parallel cycleway there while the rest of the south river bank has none.

Anyway that's all the info I have!
Reddit Linkhttps://www.reddit.com/r/glasgow/comments/iut9d3/whats_up_with_paths_along_the_south_bank_of_the/g5oleve/
CreatedFri 18th Sep 2020 8:50am
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