r/Glasgow Tools

The key part of the legislation is that those are '*examples* of what constitutes a *reasonable excuse*' - in other words, there is discretion to determine what could be considered reasonable for leaving home.

> especially given there has been no clear steer against it from government

That's what "Travel no further than you need to to reach a safe, non-crowded place to exercise in a socially distanced way," is, a clear steer from the government on how to interpret the rules around what is reasonable.

> I'd argue the cycling round the roads of lanarkshire is far more in the spirit of the rules than piling in to queens park, for example.

The guidance shows that you can go further afield if you need to in order to socially distance. If Queens Park is hoaching, then that is a reasonable excuse to go elsewhere. This is why the legislation is not explicitly enforcing a strict boundary, because there are clearly cases where it would be *reasonable* to go further, and also because the shape of council boundaries would create difficult edge cases arbitrarily restricting some people more than others. A road trip round an entirely different council area does not fall within that guidance.
Reddit Linkhttps://www.reddit.com/r/glasgow/comments/l4m0hk/is_driving_out_of_glasgow_2050_miles_for/gkrbkif/
CreatedMon 25th Jan 2021 10:21pm
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