r/Glasgow Tools

Nobody pays road tax.

If you own a car you pay vehicle excise duty which is based on emissions.

Again, and sorry, I don't mean across as unnecessarily antagonistic - we're at a point where many of the cyclists you see out and about are *still* the more confident types. And I suspect you're possibly focussing on seeing the ones who piss you off by daring to use the road. You're likely missing the plenty others who do use existing cycle lanes.

Mass cycle lanes are there to encourage everyone and anyone to get out on their bike and use it as a means of getting from A to B, without needing the prerequisite road cycling experience.

As we see the networks develop, you'll see many many more people on these lanes.

You already see it where there *are* high quality routes. South City Way, and the Clydeside paths are examples. But we need much more before we reach that saturation point.

On your last point about fining people not using lanes - I covered a few very valid reasons why (more confident) cyclists would occasionally opt to be on the road. There's really no reason to stop them using roads if they want to. A huge percentage of potential cyclists wouldn't dream of using the road, and that's who the lanes are aimed at. But I don't know what you're achieving by formally preventing road cyclists from using the, well, road, if they want to.
Reddit Linkhttps://www.reddit.com/r/glasgow/comments/n21sln/if_you_want_safe_cycle_lanes_near_you_get/gwiy8wg/
CreatedSat 1st May 2021 11:01am
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