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I think the key difference between us is that you don't acknowledge the fundamental nature of the Orange Lodge and what it represents - as seen by the way you 'both sides' it with the false comparison to cairde na h'eirrean, who are not an equivalent organisation. As I pointed out yesterday, the equivalent anti-protestant groups to the OO were proscribed in the 19th century and no longer exist.

The key part of the above is not the 'peaceful' bit but the 'rights and freedoms of others'.

The OO was founded as a splinter group of existing protestant/masonic groups *explicitly* to further the cause of the Protestant Ascendancy. In other words, the removal of catholics from public life and office, and the institution of a two-tier ethno-cultural state in Ireland.

The OO is not an expression of protestant culture or unionism (both of which are entirely valid), it is an *explicit* expression of opposition to catholics having equal rights to others.

Those wishing to march as an expression of their own Ulster Protestant culture should be entirely free to do so as self-expression. Those wishing to march for Unionism should be entirely free to do so as political expression. Those wishing to march for the advancement of the Protestant Ascendancy through the oppression of another ethno-cultural group have no right to that expression because it is predicated on the removal of rights of another.

The OO fall as squarely into the paradox of tolerance as any neo-nazi group, and if those involved merely wished to march for self-expression or political goals, there are plenty of other protestant and masonic banners under which they should do so.
Reddit Linkhttps://www.reddit.com/r/glasgow/comments/pqg693/the_steamie_saturday_18_september_2021/hdcbxyr/
CreatedSat 18th Sep 2021 4:38pm
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