r/Glasgow Tools

I think they'd be useful in the event of a nuclear attack, god forbid.

I can see why they might not have been useful as shelter from aerial bombing during the second world war. There is always the risk a bomb dropped from a bomber might strike directly above a cut-and-cover tunnel, rather than its intended target. If you're in one of the shallow sections when that happens, yeah not good.

A nuclear strike aimed at the centre of Glasgow is different though. Cowcaddens, Buchanan Street and St Enoch, and the tunnels in-between, would be next to useless as shelters, bacause of their shallowness and location.

But stations and tunnels elsewhere on the circle would be much better places to be than standing on the streets above.

Can't believe this is what we're talking about. What a time eh.
Reddit Linkhttps://www.reddit.com/r/glasgow/comments/t40jik/bomb_shelters_around_glasgow/hz2zio4/
CreatedWed 2nd Mar 2022 6:46pm
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