Comment | I happy to see this. I made a similar comment on the previous lads thread.
It's fucking shocking and even worse to see folk thinking it's funny.
I used to work in the rickshaws and got attacked by a bunch of wee twelve year olds. It's terrifying because you ABSOLUTELY CABT DO FUCK ALL. They kept screaming that I'm a gypsy (I believe they think we were, which we are not but it's beside the point, even if I was, it's hardly a fucking excuse to throw rocks at someone) and followed me all up the street giving me dogs abuse.
You hit back? They are minors. You are fucked.
Don't hit back? They keep throwing rocks n stuff at you.
Phone the polis? Fat lot of good they do "alright lads, leave the man alone eh. Let's call it a night" obviously stops it for all of five minutes. |