r/Glasgow Tools


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  • stolen by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Tue 15th Dec 2020 7:08pm)
  • A video version of this has been made: [https://youtu.be/XjzwS4gXSfQ](https://youtu.be/XjzwS4gXSfQ) by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Wed 16th Dec 2020 2:15pm)
  • Oh hello johnny we met a few times back when GAC was a thing. please check the FB page and youtube channel "Emma Goldman's bit on the side" we are building cases and evidence against him also \^.\^ by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Thu 17th Dec 2020 2:34pm)
  • A compilation of his racist and general dodgy behaviour over the last few days. [https://youtu.be/Yvv2wtQyv-M](https://youtu.be/Yvv2wtQyv-M) by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Thu 17th Dec 2020 10:12pm)
  • Would you believe it? :o [https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/glasgow-cops-say-no-evidence-23187379](https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/glasgow-cops-say-no-evidence-23187379) by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Fri 18th Dec 2020 12:04pm)
  • >We know he’s up in Court for criminal charges on 21 Dec 2020 in Paisley. Discharged from of the Marines – now thinks he’s a modern day William Wallace. He’s involved a number of ‘off the grid’ businesses. He treats folk that work for him like dogs and continually bullies them. Managed a pub where the sale of drugs was rife (and well known in the community) He avoids paying any tax (which ironically pays for police, nurses, doctors, and social workers). Has for years, used aggressive intimidation tactics to get his way. Regularly threatens vigilante violence to sort out people who don’t align with his views. Used intimidation tactics as a debt collector. Got previous for criminal damage and theft. Abuses immigrants on the street. Alludes to the use of violence if anyone gets in his way. (Those sly winks are funny, right?) Claims to have evidence of child abuse but doesn’t give it to police and prefers to use it as clickbait. By suggesting healthcare workers etc. are messaging him he is ensuring that any children who are harmed in future will not be taken to hospital or doctors. Do you think he’s thought about that? Trespasses and films on multiple properties alleging all sorts of heinous crimes which even the police are not permitted to do. > >Be assured, this guy cares for no-one but himself, he shows many acute symptoms of mental issues (delusional disorder, BI polar and narcissistic personality disorder), he loves the limelight, craves the adulation of a poorly informed/educated section of society who are lapping up the thinly disguised ‘poverty porn’ that he spouts. The more people encourage him, the more extreme his behaviour could become. He is a car crash waiting to happen. > >The most significant irony around his latest episode is that folk that really know him would not want him anywhere near their own children, and that includes his wife. > >Shame on anyone who encourages the behaviour of this sad individual; start thinking for yourself; and stop feeding this sick hypocrite to further his selfish and poisoned agenda. I am almost certain he is the guy that was aggressively banging on my door on a daily basis and putting threatening messages through my door. I was withholding rent as the flat was deemed unfit for human habitation by govanhill housing association. Its how i first noticed him and when he mentioned he was a debt collector, I was like no fucking way. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Sat 19th Dec 2020 2:23pm)
  • But he isn't though is he? He is raising race-based hysteria using "protecting children" as the selling point. Nice new few day old account you've got there. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Wed 23rd Dec 2020 7:36pm)
  • Thank you for deciphering what you could. Their points are lost on me. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Thu 24th Dec 2020 12:21am)
  • and that would be EMMA Goldman lol here it is [https://youtu.be/Yvv2wtQyv-M](https://youtu.be/Yvv2wtQyv-M) by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Thu 24th Dec 2020 12:43am)
  • you're\* No one is sticking up for any ACTUAL predators or child molesters. We are sticking up for an ENTIRE minority group who are being labelled as predators / child molesters by a known violent abusing bullshitter and racist. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Thu 24th Dec 2020 12:51am)
  • His latest shit chute: [https://www.facebook.com/ACglasgow/videos/180752217164629/?notif\_id=1609201788023790&notif\_t=comment\_mention&ref=notif](https://www.facebook.com/ACglasgow/videos/180752217164629/?notif_id=1609201788023790&notif_t=comment_mention&ref=notif) What happened to the claims he was talking to loads of health care professionals who had come forward to him?. Now he's blaming them and accusing them of covering it up. He's mixing half-truths with his own delusional sense of grandeur. The more he talks the more the cracks start to show. Its doublethink; tomorrows heroes are today's enemies! Inconsistencies all around! But don't take notice just be filled with irrational rage instead! everyone is still eating it up by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Tue 29th Dec 2020 2:19pm)
  • BawSaq's James English vid goes live in 12 minutes [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLLHjjv1I3E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLLHjjv1I3E) by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Wed 30th Dec 2020 4:48pm)
  • And now it appears he may now be launching his own clothing brand. Copying Darren Gee like. (this is just a guess) very convenient that it was launched 30th December and he is already promoting it. Notice that the percentage that will be donated isn't shown: [https://www.facebook.com/ACglasgow/posts/109393131062686](https://www.facebook.com/ACglasgow/posts/109393131062686) ​ All for profit and ego. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Sat 2nd Jan 2021 1:17pm)
  • They replied to my pal that with each clothing sale that it would be £5 donated. That isn't a percentage. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Sat 2nd Jan 2021 7:14pm)
  • sounds predictable but got anything to back that up? by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Sat 2nd Jan 2021 8:09pm)
  • Plus he has no idea what he is talking about, or just talking out his arse, probably both; Petitions to Scottish parliament need to be done through the parliament website, not change.org. And he thinks he needs 100k signatures - he doesn't, thats for UK parliament. The only demand in this petition that the parliament could act on is the call for a multi-agency task force - he is too late, that was already set up in 2016, been operating for nearly 5 years now. It also seems he has turned commenting off for his latest 2 vids regarding the petitions probably because of those very reasons. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Wed 6th Jan 2021 2:47pm)
  • I take amusement that it would probably bother him that when you youtube his name the "definitely not racist, racist Alex Cairnie compilation" vid is at the top of the results. That was until the 0% evidence James English podcast happened, but it's still second. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Wed 6th Jan 2021 2:45pm)
  • Its an Attwood special [https://ibb.co/2KTc4F1](https://ibb.co/2KTc4F1) by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Wed 6th Jan 2021 2:52pm)
  • Not exactly sure the comments are on this [https://www.facebook.com/ACglasgow/posts/109873061014693](https://www.facebook.com/ACglasgow/posts/109873061014693) is anyone else to able to comment on his posts? by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Wed 6th Jan 2021 9:15pm)
  • Looks like fellow bullshitter for-profit Exploiter Ron Swanson is looking to do a team up at some point: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jAYGP0TQOI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jAYGP0TQOI) If you are needing any information regarding that wannabe cult leader look no further than here: [https://www.reddit.com/user/SurvivingLies/](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?stzid=Ugzvokdq32mIGqLsUOp4AaABAg.9HW-aSv8xob9IDQIvMGUf8&event=comments&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fuser%2FSurvivingLies%2F&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnJvaUVRcXhXUVdNOVdaX3ZPdGNvV3pKdFViQXxBQ3Jtc0tuaFNXdXk4MVNQaDdFSkNtMllFWXFiUzdtajZGQWcxYW1xdGhuZDk5TXFIYURSaDg3Ml9GS2Mtc3RQNTBmaUQwUHJwckRBSUdKVHE2bVhuYVdnM21BdnJHREF4ZmZfYmxWUGwyNVFSa3JsSG1OY3Y0UQ%3D%3D) He's the guy Shaun Attwood has teamed up with after Sonia Poulton gave him the boot for his shenanagans. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Thu 7th Jan 2021 4:30pm)
  • I'm not Angry, I'm Hungry. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Thu 7th Jan 2021 11:09pm)
  • And blaming the downturn of his views and likes on Facebook on one big conspiracy against him. As if any Facebook employee is even aware of his existence. What an egomaniac. Victimisng himself, trying to make himself a martyr. Typical. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Sat 9th Jan 2021 10:11pm)
  • Is there any evidence that can be presented that he is in fact in Spain? Claiming that he is having sitdowns this week wouldn't be possible. Thus showing he is in fact full of absolute shite, for everyone to see. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Sat 9th Jan 2021 10:30pm)
  • Papers Tovarishch! by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Tue 12th Jan 2021 11:37am)
  • I will, from experience, also say this about 1st lets. Pretty sure it was that Cairnie C\*nt that was banging on my door when I decided to rightly withhold rent due to it being deed unfit for human habitation. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Mon 18th Jan 2021 2:53am)
  • My worry is the amount of comments on these videos that are wanting to form Vigilante groups, and of course because of Alex these will be Race-based Vigilante groups. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Mon 18th Jan 2021 11:29am)
  • Not that this needs explaining... **Social media allegations about child sexual exploitation in Govanhill have “no substance”, a local police chief has said.** Claims about the southside neighbourhood were widely shared last month, but chief inspector Janie Thomson-Goldie, area commander for Greater Glasgow South East, revealed “nobody has come forward” with information. [https://news.stv.tv/west-central/vlogger-had-no-evidence-for-govanhill-child-abuse-claims?top&fbclid=IwAR3stBtQJbmVkHT20jX4xhm5Bx4Lx4cVUKAUtEaSEHO12Lgjl5bueScNsc0](https://news.stv.tv/west-central/vlogger-had-no-evidence-for-govanhill-child-abuse-claims?top&fbclid=IwAR3stBtQJbmVkHT20jX4xhm5Bx4Lx4cVUKAUtEaSEHO12Lgjl5bueScNsc0) by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Wed 20th Jan 2021 11:22am)
  • [https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=703829920298427&ref=watch\_permalink](https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=703829920298427&ref=watch_permalink) Definitely starting to lose it; talking around his own shite in circles once again, but tripping himself up even more. You can see he is DYING for something to exist, just so he can be the hero/martyr. Additionally was it not a care worker and not a journalist who uncovered Rotherham? Also is it just me or is his jaw goin' in this one? by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Thu 21st Jan 2021 2:58am)
  • [https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=703829920298427&ref=watch\_permalink](https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=703829920298427&ref=watch_permalink) Definitely starting to lose it; talking around his own shite in circles once again, but tripping himself up even more. You can see he is DYING for something to exist, just so he can be the hero/martyr. Additionally was it not a care worker and not a journalist who uncovered Rotherham? Also is it just me or is his jaw goin' in this one? by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Thu 21st Jan 2021 2:58am)
  • Get some state paid for curtains, or whatever your needs dictate as comfortable. That's what the NHS is for. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Fri 22nd Jan 2021 9:45pm)
  • Looks like he is building up to putting out his donation tin. URGGGH [https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=227792362222336&ref=watch\_permalink](https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=227792362222336&ref=watch_permalink) by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Thu 28th Jan 2021 12:18pm)
  • This needs some Born Slippy and The Verve by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Thu 4th Feb 2021 1:17am)
  • Do you have a link for his gofundme page? by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Sun 7th Feb 2021 7:34pm)
  • Source? by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Sun 7th Feb 2021 7:36pm)
  • Neilston Mandela. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Thu 11th Feb 2021 9:06pm)
  • Its an old photo Homeless Project Scotland have been caught being dodgy and lazy [https://www.facebook.com/homelessprojectscotland/posts/433065514779775](https://www.facebook.com/homelessprojectscotland/posts/433065514779775) by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Mon 15th Feb 2021 8:18pm)
  • Unfortunately, Billy Knox deemed it necessary to film an interview with him. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Wed 24th Feb 2021 4:50pm)
  • [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deLoQQExzSc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deLoQQExzSc) ​ That headline though lolol: Alex is an entrepreneur with a portfolio of properties and business's as well as having his mind set on future investments. In this episode of the DO IT NOW! PODCAST we'll hear Alex's account of how its done. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Wed 3rd Mar 2021 3:27pm)
  • There is a Military Presence. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Tue 9th Mar 2021 2:52pm)
  • Alex Cairnie has spoken at these events on more than one occasion. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Fri 16th Apr 2021 8:51pm)
  • You could say the same about True Crime series and watchdogs legion. It's even more of an effect to try replicate than create from scratch in my opinion. Plus they are getting paid, its not a hobby lol by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Sun 30th May 2021 7:23pm)
  • I noticed they made the effort to put the graffiti in. couldn't tell if it was stock graffiti or that they also took the time to rip the exact artwork on the line. I could see the Batleys logo was there also but too blurry to tell how they changed it for copyright etc. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Sun 30th May 2021 7:22pm)
  • I was thinking the exact same lol by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Sun 30th May 2021 7:21pm)
  • Do you mean the residents of Govanhill who also happen to enjoy standing outside In the streets of their own community? by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Mon 7th Jun 2021 11:57pm)
  • I wish I could get drugs that easily on my street. Oh wait it is my street & and I can't. Away with your tabloid pish. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Tue 8th Jun 2021 10:26pm)
  • I had a similar party on the same night at the Hollybrook / Allison street block of flats. on till about 3am with Happy Hardcore Techno. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Sat 12th Jun 2021 5:09pm)
  • Barlinnie for War crimes and crimes against Humanity. Failing that; Wyndford locks care home. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Tue 10th Aug 2021 5:38pm)
  • Mad Bam who went [raging about Govanhill nearly a year ago](https://youtu.be/Yvv2wtQyv-M). Turns out he has a long history of dodgy landlording and business ownerships. If you search "Alex Cairnie" within r/glasgow you should get plenty of information. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Thu 16th Sep 2021 4:15pm)
  • Aye I can only find my previous post from around the same time. There was quite a few when he originally started swaggering about, oh well lol. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Thu 16th Sep 2021 4:34pm)
  • Your profile was created yesterday with no other post than this one. Seems legit. Alex is that you? by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Thu 30th Sep 2021 10:05am)
  • There goes the Isa intel. At least its all clearer now. I wonder why it closed and had no staff. Its not even been there for a full year. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Sun 3rd Oct 2021 11:43am)
  • If only drones where banned for the full duration of his presidency, not just this visit. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Sun 17th Oct 2021 2:17am)
  • Shit like this is why I'm an Anarchist and not a Socialist. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Sun 17th Oct 2021 2:25am)
  • New Owners, last I heard. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Wed 3rd Aug 2022 12:25am)
  • And "Some Goyim" isnt disrespectful? by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Fri 7th Oct 2022 9:56am)
  • They are an embarassment and an insult to anything resembling actual Anarachism/Anarchists. The owners of Sachs Cafe and EG herself would be rolling in their graves at these preppy champaigne socialists wanting to play anarchist dress-up to feel spicy. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Fri 7th Oct 2022 10:01am)
  • Last i checked to be a semite is to speak one of or all Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, and Amhari languages. So no; its not appropriate. Whitewashing cultural history in favour of a modern perspective, is, rather offensive. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Sun 9th Oct 2022 1:08am)
  • Im of the school of thought of Anarchism you know ideal of.. NO GODS Be gone with this Abrahamic Noncery. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Sun 9th Oct 2022 1:10am)
  • Definition of Semite 1a: a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs b: a descendant of these peoples 2: a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language Also from Merriam-Webster What difference does it make if I'm Jewish or not? I have Jewish ancestry that moved here thanks to the Romanov Pogroms. I couldn't care less. We live in 2022 I'm human that's all. by Alberto_Balsalm420 (Sun 9th Oct 2022 11:23am)