r/Glasgow Tools


Reddit URLhttps://www.reddit.com/user/FoxandMagpie
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r/Glasgow posts601
r/glasgow comments2400


  • Aw man, R-cade is right round the corner from me too! I'll have to check it out, cheers! by FoxandMagpie (Mon 28th Oct 2019 2:58pm)
  • I'm busy tonight, but I'll try pop along next week! by FoxandMagpie (Tue 29th Oct 2019 10:03am)
  • Hey dude, I can help you out a bit! I studied Film and Television at the University of Glasgow - it's an entirely academic course though, so while I really enjoyed it, it might not be the best for you if practical filmmaking is more your scene. However, I know that UWS has a good film-making course. It's not the highest regarded university in Glasgow, tbh, but it does do practical courses and the people that I know who have taken it seem very happy with the results - plus you get the chance to make contacts with industry professionals, which is invaluable after uni. Also 10/10 for heading into further education as a mature student, it takes real courage and I'm sure you'll have a great time no matter what you choose to do. by FoxandMagpie (Thu 31st Oct 2019 4:28pm)
  • Yeah, I graduated from that course and I can say this : in your third year, you can choose to do one production module. 1 module, out of six per year, over 4 years. Trust me, FTV Studies at Glasgow Uni is for academics, not practical filmmaking! That being said, the uni does have a fantastic student television station (slightly biased, I used to run it) which ticks all the boxes that the courses does not. by FoxandMagpie (Sat 2nd Nov 2019 11:25am)
  • This was bloody ages ago, but just wanted to say that I went with your suggestion! Derek's great, had about 7 lessons with him now and he's endlessly patient with my shit driving and self-deprecating jokes. Cheers for the recommendation! by FoxandMagpie (Wed 19th Feb 2020 12:00pm)
  • Shut down because of management incompetence! My boyfriend worked there until it closed in December. Basically they didn't train enough staff, so when one of the supervisors quit they were asking for 5/6 12hr -shifts a week from the two remaining supervisors. On top of that weren't paying the rent unless they were literally summoned to court about it. Absolute shambles. Everyone was paid in cash, fairly sure it was dodgy from the get-go. by FoxandMagpie (Thu 12th Mar 2020 11:10pm)
  • https://www.facebook.com/groups/2327240904235433/ Another link in case the embedded one doesn't work by FoxandMagpie (Sat 14th Mar 2020 10:37pm)
  • You can also search Glasgow Covid-19 Community Aid on Facebook :) by FoxandMagpie (Sat 14th Mar 2020 11:46pm)
  • You're absolutely not alone - left the flat today to grab some supplies and was frankly horrified to see how many people were outside. Apart from a few people wearing masks and a couple of signs about cash in the windows of shops there didn't seem to be any change... I think over-reacting is better than under-reacting right now. by FoxandMagpie (Sun 15th Mar 2020 7:29pm)
  • I went outside for ten minutes to get food - I'm talking more about the people I saw filtering in and out of bars, restaurants etc. Going outside is fine, but you should be trying to distance yourself from other people as much as possible right now I think by FoxandMagpie (Sun 15th Mar 2020 11:07pm)
  • Absolutely love reply all! The latest episode - about a mysteriously vanished pop song and the quest to discover who made it - is genius level podcasting. by FoxandMagpie (Tue 24th Mar 2020 9:21am)
  • Really recommend You're Wrong About, which strives to retell misremembered events from the past and get rid of all the misconceptions we have about them. The two hosts, Sarah Marshall and Michael Hobbes, are very funny and absolutely brilliant journalists. It is v American but it covers events like Columbine, the Challenger Disaster, and the O.J Simpson trial, and more general concepts like Stranger Danger, and homelessness. by FoxandMagpie (Tue 24th Mar 2020 9:25am)
  • Thanks man ☺️ by FoxandMagpie (Sun 12th Apr 2020 12:16am)
  • No - I studied English Lit at uni but I love art and illustration. Right now I'm a video editor trying very slowly to pivot into animation and design. by FoxandMagpie (Sun 12th Apr 2020 10:49am)
  • Ahaha, thanks? I have a ton of experience in Premiere Pro and After Effects so the concept of layers and opacity and masks isn't all that new to me, just the interface. by FoxandMagpie (Sun 12th Apr 2020 10:47am)
  • Just found out that one of my friends from a few years back was laid to rest on Wednesday. She commited suicide in February, didn't find her until March. I wasn't that close with her, but my old flatmates lived with her and were her best friends - they couldn't even go to the funeral because of social distancing. Fucking sucks by FoxandMagpie (Fri 17th Apr 2020 8:55am)
  • Don't have any advice unfortunately, but you're not alone - I posted about the same thing a few months back. I've not had an active friend group since I graduated last summer after my friends from uni moved on. A lot of the advice I got was to look at groups on MeetUp etc, but the age group is so much older there, so I'm not really further forward. by FoxandMagpie (Sun 19th Apr 2020 9:30pm)
  • Oh man, so true. I was thinking about joining a DnD group or something but as a fairly anxious 22F the idea of going alone makes me pretty nervous. Honestly once this pandemic is over I'm probably going to move to Leeds to be with my friends there. by FoxandMagpie (Sun 19th Apr 2020 9:39pm)
  • There's no ill side-effects to taking hormone blockers and it can save a lot of painful dysphoria later - it just buys kids who are unsure a little more time to come to terms with their body and their gender. by FoxandMagpie (Tue 28th Apr 2020 8:59am)
  • Hi, my brother is trans and my parents also struggled for a while for somewhere to get support. I think there are a lot of forums online, and mermaids is really good as well. You're probably better looking for support there or on specific trans sub-reddits than here. Also I think it's wonderful that you're letting your child explore their gender identity this early! by FoxandMagpie (Tue 28th Apr 2020 8:57am)
  • It's a really difficult thing to navigate as a parent (and as a sibling) - it's not like there's guidebooks on how to handle situations like this! But trust me when I say that you're doing the right thing. My brother is happy and healthy now, thank god, but our teenage years were anything but. A whole lot of pain and distress could have been avoided if my parents were as open and as honest as you and encouraged my brother to talk more openly about his gender. Nothing at this stage is irreversible, but the hurt that being closeted can cause can leave permanent scars (physical and mental) by FoxandMagpie (Tue 28th Apr 2020 11:11am)
  • He came out as trans at 17/18, after coming out as lesbian at 14 and years and years of bullying and depression - so definitely not as early as your daughter! He had his top surgery in February and has been on testosterone for a year or so now :) by FoxandMagpie (Tue 28th Apr 2020 11:35am)
  • I honestly couldn't tell you - it's not something we've spoken about. But I think so! by FoxandMagpie (Tue 28th Apr 2020 12:12pm)
  • Seeing this late, but my flatmate has been doing a ton of tutoring the last year! She's got a masters in maths and is about to start her PhD; tutored Higher, Advanced Higher, GCSE, and A-Level over lockdown. She's incredibly patient with me when I forget what 2x2 is ahaha by FoxandMagpie (Fri 2nd Jul 2021 9:46pm)