r/Glasgow Tools


Reddit URLhttps://www.reddit.com/user/GheyForGrixis
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r/Glasgow posts100
r/glasgow comments2200


  • This is an especially important comment, the huge overhauls to drivable roads hasn't resulted in an improvement to PT, it's actually only gotten worse and worse since I've known it by GheyForGrixis (Mon 10th Apr 2023 4:53pm)
  • Sort your fucking life out by GheyForGrixis (Thu 1st Jun 2023 8:53pm)
  • MAKE THEM WORK HARDER, MAKE THEM TOIL by GheyForGrixis (Fri 9th Jun 2023 11:30pm)
  • Honesty I have a feeling its down to how utterly disgusting the aesthetics of Glasgow are, it's not just the litter that's horrific, much of the architecture is ugly as sin to the point they make the nice period buildings around them ugly, the roads are in a terrible state and the pavements have absolutely ZERO care for how they look, the city was never seen as something to preserve so it's bred an attitude of what's the point Edinburgh ain't eve and close to how much litter Glasgow has and that's maybe down to the fact Edinburgh is worth preserving by GheyForGrixis (Wed 5th Jul 2023 12:23am)
  • AW SHUT UP WHO GIVES A FUCK, ACTUAL RETARD there's people that are struggling to hear their house, read the room by GheyForGrixis (Tue 11th Jul 2023 7:41pm)
  • Peak leaded air moment by GheyForGrixis (Tue 1st Aug 2023 4:02am)
  • How the fuck ARNT there powers for this? Bhs has been empty for YEARS, and somehow it's allowed to be vacant, it's actively harmful to the city. That scaffolding in union street has been there for more than 10 years because of a similar issue, fuck these people use the property or lose it simple as that by GheyForGrixis (Thu 3rd Aug 2023 6:16pm)
  • From what I've HEARD essentially the people that own the top flat are just refusing to pay their share to get it fixed HENCE permanent scaffolding by GheyForGrixis (Thu 3rd Aug 2023 8:07pm)
  • That's just earth by GheyForGrixis (Wed 27th Sep 2023 9:22am)
  • I mean strictly speaking... Yeah? it's only since covid that suchiehall street has crumbled apart Other parts of the town are doing fine Now, could it have been done BETTER? well yes of course haha by GheyForGrixis (Mon 2nd Oct 2023 5:18pm)
  • I dunno how people can't see it this way It's obviously infuriating but their life is a lot fucking worse than yours if they are sneaking into closes to get high by GheyForGrixis (Tue 3rd Oct 2023 5:13pm)
  • Ultimately addiction IS a mental illness, and if you're not addicted to anything harmful or been exposed to such things on a personal level it's impossible to understand how it effects people. Nobody WANTS to be in that situation, although I do admit calling it an Illness definitely feels off on face value. It's probably better characterised as a social issue, people may chose to do drugs but nobody would chose this kind of life which tells me they can't chose to not take drugs and there's a million different reasons for why people start to begin with Ultimately more than anything I'd want this and homelessness addressed first and foremost in my ideal Scotland by GheyForGrixis (Tue 3rd Oct 2023 5:19pm)
  • No it's not that at all, I get that it seems to kind of amount to that but these people have clearly given up on life ultimately people are shaped by their environment they need help Wanting people wiped out is soo incredibly callous, these people are created by horrible societal conditions literally any one of us could have ended up like that by GheyForGrixis (Tue 3rd Oct 2023 10:15pm)
  • No my mum was a heroin addict so I just know how this kind of thing effects people, I'd prefer to approach a situation with an angle of understanding WHY do people act this way, it can't just be "this person is JUST bad and actively chose to ruin their lives". Also my point of view is the exact opposite of a privileged position. But even if it WAS why would that mean what I'm saying is wrong? by GheyForGrixis (Tue 3rd Oct 2023 10:21pm)
  • This is what they took from us :( I get bummed out seeing old pictures of Glasgow and realising "wait Glasgow actually just looked like Edinburgh at one point didn't it, why the fuck wouldn't it have!?" They just didn't run a motorway down the royal mile like we did by GheyForGrixis (Tue 10th Oct 2023 4:30am)
  • I live just off Wallace well road and I'm telling you that fucking nobody uses those bike lanes. Now I understand that the point of them is to encourage bike use. But Glasgow isn't the fucking city for it I'm sorry. Cold. Rainy. Hilly. Why would anyone use a bike here!? Wallacewell is a fucking joke btw, it used to be 2 lanes now reduced to 1, so now if a bus stops it holds up EVERY car behind it until it starts moving again, that is fucking INSANE for a road as busy as that by GheyForGrixis (Mon 6th Nov 2023 2:23am)
  • Right except Glasgow is all 3 of those things not just 1. Yes SOME people use bikes in the city but I'd wager it's less than 5% of people using them to get about as a main form of transport Glasgow desperately needs better public transport not this by GheyForGrixis (Mon 6th Nov 2023 12:34pm)
  • What a fucking insane take, obviously it's not union street But its busy enough that 1 singular lane that needs to stop for busses is an awful idea Also how many bikes did you see? by GheyForGrixis (Mon 6th Nov 2023 12:37pm)
  • Okay so the list is, hilly, rainy, cold AND no cycle lanes What absolutely fucking insane denial that you think building the lanes will somehow cause thousands of cyclists to spring up by GheyForGrixis (Mon 6th Nov 2023 4:38pm)
  • I don't get why you keep bringing up places that are cold but not very rainy, or rainy but flat and not cold Glasgow is uniquely ALL 3, I guarantee that even with amazing cycling infrastructure you wouldn't see close to the percentage of daily bike use that these other places have and I just dunno why people are soo in denial about it Sure make the cycle lanes I'm not even really "against" them, it just feels like a disproportionate waste of money to me by GheyForGrixis (Mon 6th Nov 2023 6:22pm)
  • Right but it IS hilly, I don't know why you're trying to pretend it isn't by GheyForGrixis (Mon 6th Nov 2023 6:31pm)
  • Now look what happened to Springburn as a result then say that again, it is IN THEORY a good idea but it came at an avoidable cost by GheyForGrixis (Wed 6th Dec 2023 11:07pm)