r/Glasgow Tools


Reddit URLhttps://www.reddit.com/user/HoBo_PaNd4z
Last 12 monthsTotalDeletedRemoved
r/Glasgow posts100
r/glasgow comments400


  • Applewood’s vegan cheese is really good and melts really well. It’s sold in [Sainsbury’s](https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/gol-ui/product/vegan-applewood-slices-200g?istCompanyId=1e096408-041f-4238-994e-a7cf46bf9413&istFeedId=689af7a8-5842-4d88-be59-1ee5688a81b5&istItemId=iltixwllp&istBid=t), [Tesco](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/305836512) and Asda I think. by HoBo_PaNd4z (Fri 27th Nov 2020 12:40pm)
  • Aye I’ve been checking all morning but will probably take a while for it to show up on there, thanks man by HoBo_PaNd4z (Sun 3rd Oct 2021 1:29pm)
  • Thank you, only just managed to get running so it’s stinging quite a bit by HoBo_PaNd4z (Sun 3rd Oct 2021 1:27pm)
  • Thanks, anything else you could say about the guy with it? I think it’s a pretty unique bike so chances are could be the same. by HoBo_PaNd4z (Sun 3rd Oct 2021 1:27pm)