r/Glasgow Tools


Reddit URLhttps://www.reddit.com/user/StumblineOutAtNight
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r/Glasgow posts100
r/glasgow comments100


  • I’m so sorry that happened to you. Glasgow usually is a much nice place. At least I try to believe that. Here’s a story that might help. My mate, before I met him, used to be like that. A militant gay hater. A Romanian. Till he came out about 8 years ago. Apparently he fell in love with someone who he used to make fun of. It was a difficult step for him to take. Everyone he cared about turned their back on him. Even the boy he came out for, couldn’t stand him. And as far as I know he’s never had a boyfriend. Sometimes people hate themselves so much they just take it out on the world. The self loathing is just way too much for them to handle. Maybe if you imagine a similar story for anyone who ever harasses you, they can never hurt you. All you feel is pity for them, and hope the best for them. You have a beautiful life. You have someone. You’re better than anything those kids could ever hope to be. by StumblineOutAtNight (Wed 29th Nov 2023 5:15am)