r/Glasgow Tools


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r/Glasgow posts210
r/glasgow comments2900


  • Was waiting on it 😂 by Whereisja80 (Thu 21st May 2020 1:04am)
  • Thanks for the detailed reply by Whereisja80 (Thu 21st May 2020 9:27am)
  • 😂😂 you definitely just made that up by Whereisja80 (Tue 26th May 2020 4:01am)
  • None of them are particularly close to Coatbridge College either. by Whereisja80 (Tue 26th May 2020 7:25pm)
  • Fair enough, all I'll say is sitting on the 201 for the best part of an hour is not fun lol. by Whereisja80 (Tue 26th May 2020 7:40pm)
  • Different Craignuek, same name, different towns, both shitholes. by Whereisja80 (Wed 27th May 2020 12:17pm)
  • Ideally they would both take each other out, then we would all be winners. by Whereisja80 (Wed 27th May 2020 6:36pm)
  • https://youtu.be/VcWdLBNEdVw by Whereisja80 (Wed 27th May 2020 7:43pm)
  • Yank/Canadian term for a city center int it? would you rather no rather they just used their own patter instead of trying to sound Scottish. by Whereisja80 (Sat 30th May 2020 11:31am)
  • Never understood the let's have a demo in George Square thing about stuff happening half way around the world that will achieve even less than most protests normally do. All support and sympathy for the protesters in the states right now and in Hong Kong etc but it's like do we not have enough of our own problems without taking on anyone else's? Do you think they gather in Time Square when bad stuff happens here? This is amplified even more whenever it's something to do with the states, connected to the bizarre way our country has become so tuned into US politics and social issues. At the end of the day these things are about making the participants feel good and like they have done something rather than actually achieving anything anyway. by Whereisja80 (Tue 2nd Jun 2020 12:29am)
  • The reaction on this thread has been about 95% negative so not really sure what you're getting at here. by Whereisja80 (Tue 2nd Jun 2020 10:10am)
  • Wankers by Whereisja80 (Tue 2nd Jun 2020 10:09pm)
  • Ten minutes walk from my flat and the station I'll use if I go with taking the train in. It's not access to the railway that makes me question whether it's the best option though it's the cost. by Whereisja80 (Wed 3rd Jun 2020 2:29am)
  • 👏🏼 this, do what Liverpool did should have been an option in the poll by Whereisja80 (Wed 3rd Jun 2020 3:32pm)
  • >However, I'd venture that virtually nobody in Glasgow knows who these streets are named after. Their names live on in these streets, but the people themselves are essentially forgotten, so I'd say it's questionable that the streets actually honour them any more. I This is a great point, often when this comes up folk talk as if it's on the level of statues of confederate generals in southern US cities. A constant physical reminder for minorites of hundreds of years of continuing oppression, and not just street names no one really takes any notice of. by Whereisja80 (Wed 3rd Jun 2020 3:38pm)
  • Don't think this is true at all, much as I wish it was other wise, and it's not just the manky mob. Plenty moderate "a wish we could just skip past Charlie's to Williams & Katie, there down to earth and their weans are cute" type folk who would just view fucking about with our constitution more hassle than it's worth. by Whereisja80 (Wed 3rd Jun 2020 3:35pm)
  • I remember someone told me you could buy salvia in there. It was legal at the time, or at least in one of those legal gray areas were you could sell it as something else. I asked the boy behind the counter and he said aye but I need to take you to it. He proceeds to walk with me out the shop, up union street, all the way round the co-op and starts heading for that manky alleyway off Gordon Street that runs behind they shops. Was at that point I told him just to leave it and bailed, heavy werid vibes. by Whereisja80 (Thu 4th Jun 2020 2:30am)
  • Complete lack of police oversight, heavily over financing an increasingly militarized police force at the expense of other public services, ghettoization of minorities in most major cities, an almost constant (as in weekly/monthly) barrage of fatal police brutality cases in which officers are not prosecuted and which minorities are overwhelmingly the victim, a government economic policy to deal with covid that simply involved making large swaths of the population and those on the lowest incomes unemployed. Yes racism and cunty coppers are international issues but the Scotland does not have the same issues pointed out above either at all or to anywhere near the same extent. The UK is not the US (we have plenty issues of our own), our shared language creates a false sense of a shared culture. To say the issues are the same is just silly. by Whereisja80 (Sun 7th Jun 2020 12:59pm)
  • The ramifications of a mass gathering in a pandemic aside I hope people keep the head today. We all know police in the UK are capable of being as big a shower of cunts as anywhere else at times but at the BLM protests in London it really just seemed like it was the crowd that was spoiling for a confrontation. by Whereisja80 (Sun 7th Jun 2020 1:02pm)
  • This is just stupid by Whereisja80 (Sun 7th Jun 2020 3:32pm)
  • The folk that do stuff like this are the same wankers who turn up to a protest hoping for a riot. Juvenile and idiotic. by Whereisja80 (Sun 7th Jun 2020 3:38pm)
  • My point wasn't that you were wrong about wanting to get rid of them, which I am behind a 100%, it was that I felt your comment overplayed the public appetite for doing so, which I don't think is there at all. by Whereisja80 (Mon 8th Jun 2020 12:54pm)
  • Did she knock you back or something ya sad fuck? This is doxing, mods want to step in? by Whereisja80 (Mon 8th Jun 2020 9:39pm)
  • Orange marches ? they said they were cancelling "the season" months ago when this all started. [https://www.thenational.scot/news/18311893.orange-order-marching-season-officially-cancelled-amid-covid-19-pandemic/](https://www.thenational.scot/news/18311893.orange-order-marching-season-officially-cancelled-amid-covid-19-pandemic/) But now they are coming out with this pish, that's a thanks I could do without as an NHS worker. [https://www.thenational.scot/news/18362069.orange-order-plans-special-march-thank-tories-virus-response/](https://www.thenational.scot/news/18362069.orange-order-plans-special-march-thank-tories-virus-response/) by Whereisja80 (Thu 11th Jun 2020 3:52pm)
  • Leed's is by far the friendliest English city I have been to, Manchester reminds me the most of Glasgow though. by Whereisja80 (Thu 11th Jun 2020 3:55pm)
  • Offensive if you're a po-faced PC sore arse. by Whereisja80 (Sun 14th Jun 2020 6:42pm)
  • Its even more well accepted that its just a daft insult with no deeper meaning than "stupid cunt" by anyone who isn't an oversensitive we bitch. by Whereisja80 (Sun 14th Jun 2020 6:46pm)
  • I don't know enough about Peel to say if he was a good guy or not overall but its also kind of ironic considering this [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peelian\_principles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peelian_principles) is almost exactly what people in the states are protesting for. by Whereisja80 (Sun 14th Jun 2020 10:47pm)
  • But we made a big show of voting to not send rubber bullets to the states anymore (even though we have never actually done that making the vote essentially a vapid act of virtue signaling). What else does Scotland need to do to show its a uniquely woke liberal utopian corner of the UK that we can all pat ourselves on the back over. by Whereisja80 (Sun 14th Jun 2020 10:59pm)