r/Glasgow Tools


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  • FYI if you need a small table saw, Aldi are selling off the last of their Workzone stuff and have a fairly decent wee benchtop table saw knocked down from £70 to £50... that's if you can find any Aldi's that still have one in stock! It's a rebranded Scheppach, which goes for £100 on Amazon. I have been using my parents' garage/driveway but they're getting sick of me coming over every weekend to make a racket and cover everything in dust. And they're more tolerant of me than most people, haha. by c130 (Mon 17th Jun 2019 4:12pm)
  • I really want to do their blacksmithing course. Might as well sign up for that and ask about woodworking while I'm there, good shout! by c130 (Mon 17th Jun 2019 4:16pm)
  • Phone them up and ask where's the nearest shop that still has any, I had to go to the one in Renfrew haha by c130 (Mon 17th Jun 2019 4:41pm)
  • Having converted a van, it is doable without a garage or workspace if you can get battery powered tools like drill, screwdriver, wee circular saw. by c130 (Wed 24th Jul 2019 8:59pm)
  • Yeah I asked this a couple of months ago as I'm in the exact same situation as you. I messaged the guy who posted that other thread but didn't hear back from him. Galgael are handtools only, no power tools. There is a place called Glasgow Autonomous Space that have woodworking facilities but AFAIK it's only open one evening a week for a couple of hours, and I also suspect they want you to work on projects for them to repay for use of the workshop, not just show up and do your own thing. I've signed up for an 8 week evening woodworking class at Cardonald College that starts next month, mainly so I can try and build my furniture there and ask the tutor this question. by c130 (Wed 24th Jul 2019 9:09pm)
  • Make sourdough! by c130 (Sun 29th Mar 2020 8:52pm)
  • Smoke bombs never worked for me, I think most of the moths lurk in places the smoke doesn't reach. Vacuuming has been my #1 weapon but it's a pain in the ass. I have floorboards with rugs, so they crawl under the rugs and lay eggs in the cracks between the boards. I have to scrape the cracks clean with a wee brush while hoovering to get the fuckers out. Furniture needs moved to get at the eggs under & behind. They make nests in places I never noticed or thought about, like among the fake coals in a gas fire I've never used, in the space under the bath, and at the backs of drawers. I think they eat the organic matter in dust, not just fabric, so they'll thrive anywhere that's dusty. Sticky traps have also really useful for me - the fewer adults there are, the smaller the next generation will be. Never tried freezing my clothes... I just put it through the washing machine and that seems to be enough. Most of my flat hasn't been too bad so far this year, but they've taken over the spare room... The war continues. by c130 (Mon 11th May 2020 1:04am)
  • By the sound of it there were nowhere near enough cops to do anything apart from stop fights breaking out. If someone is shouting abuse but not actually physically hurting anyone, arresting them means 2 cops have to leave the scene. When there are loads of cops at a protest they get called mob handed, dressed for a riot, etc. There's also the fact budget cuts = fewer cops. So policing is done with as few cops as possible for reasons out of control of the police themselves. ACAFU puts the blame in the wrong place. by c130 (Mon 15th Jun 2020 2:07pm)
  • UK police don't have absolute power. by c130 (Mon 15th Jun 2020 2:18pm)
  • Arresting 1 person takes 2 cops off the scene - it's morally right but strategically terrible. by c130 (Mon 15th Jun 2020 2:28pm)
  • Did London police have more police available so they could make arrests without losing control of the mob? Doing nothing tells me the protest was not allocated enough resources. I see it as a question of whether the police misjudged how likely it was to get out of hand, or just didn't have enough cops because our emergency services run on a shoestring budget. There's also the issue they get slammed for being heavy handed when they put too many cops on a protest, football match, etc. - it gives the message that they're looking for trouble. The number of cops assigned to a protest is very politically motivated. There's no evidence of a motive like police going easy on right wing protestors because of bias. by c130 (Mon 15th Jun 2020 3:00pm)
  • Echoing this, Farmfoods is shite. by c130 (Wed 24th Jun 2020 11:44am)
  • There's an Iceland beside the Aldi at Auldhouse as well which is always really empty even when the Aldi is queuing round the block. I think folk don't realise it's not a wholesale shop, or don't realise it's Iceland, or just think Iceland is shite? It's good for me lol. by c130 (Sat 11th Jul 2020 1:59pm)
  • Yeah, the famous view north towards Loch Lomond from the hill in Queens Park. by c130 (Sat 11th Jul 2020 3:18pm)
  • The benefit of having a dog to walk after a late shift! by c130 (Sat 11th Jul 2020 9:43pm)
  • Cheers! Just my phone - Huawei P20 Pro. It's so good I've stopped bothering with my DSLR. by c130 (Sat 11th Jul 2020 9:58pm)
  • Take your pick: https://i.imgur.com/J68wWqD.jpg https://i.imgur.com/rE6HPUL.jpg by c130 (Sun 12th Jul 2020 12:41am)
  • I thought so too but the tail is visible in the other pics I took, while the clouds shift slightly. And since it's pointing the right way I'm going with it lol. by c130 (Sun 12th Jul 2020 10:53am)
  • Awesome, thanks for all the info! The sky cleared at 3:30am this morning so I went back out to see if I could spot it again, but think I was too late as only Venus was visible in the east. by c130 (Sun 12th Jul 2020 10:50am)
  • It's going to be 6800 years until it comes back - so a full month near earth is actually fleeting. by c130 (Sun 12th Jul 2020 11:02am)
  • Just my phone - Huawei P20 Pro. I've stopped bothering to bring my DSLR anywhere. by c130 (Sun 12th Jul 2020 1:11pm)
  • Peakfinder - I think it was about £5, worth it just to be able to answer "what's that big hill over there?" Plus I've been using it to find out how far I can see on a clear day, and which part of the country in looking at, which is pretty cool. by c130 (Sun 12th Jul 2020 10:09pm)
  • Yeah, I edited it to get the sky in the photo to look as close to how it looked in person. The best shot I could get still looked watery and grey, the intense colours & textures didn't come through. Unedited version: https://i.imgur.com/PUUHTHw.jpg I use Snapseed, which is honestly awesome. The P20 camera has a Night mode that lets you take long exposures. It's different than a traditional camera with a long shutter speed - it takes a bunch of shots and merges them together, so you end up with a HDR shot. But it still doesn't capture the full range of depth & clarity your eyes see. Here's an unedited photo from another early morning in the park: https://i.imgur.com/v2KwO1e.jpg Another cool use for Night mode is if you're trying to take a photo of a dark subject against a bright background, or vice versa. It would normally come out with the subject lit correctly and the background too bright or too dark (eg. photographing a plant on a sunny windowledge). by c130 (Tue 14th Jul 2020 3:51am)
  • Yeah, it's in Google Play and it's free! by c130 (Sun 19th Jul 2020 9:08am)
  • Are you gatekeeping sunset photos? 😂 by c130 (Sun 3rd Jan 2021 10:28am)
  • My phone - Huawei P20 Pro. I've used a DSLR for years but stopped bothering to take it out places when I got this phone. by c130 (Sun 3rd Jan 2021 10:34am)
  • No you weren't, you were sharing an opinion. by c130 (Sun 3rd Jan 2021 10:46am)
  • Yeah it's a great view! And so different depending on time of day, weather & season. by c130 (Sun 3rd Jan 2021 10:51am)
  • The question wasn't directed at you, you don't know what device took the photo, you just have some weird chip on your shoulder about people posting cameraphone photos in this sub. Your answer was purely to criticise the quality of the image. by c130 (Sun 3rd Jan 2021 2:13pm)
  • If someone asked for a football score and the reply was "2-0, football's a crap sport" that'd be a better analogy. It's like it physically hurts you to not be a dick. by c130 (Sun 3rd Jan 2021 2:29pm)
  • Criticise the camera, criticise the photographer, criticise the subject. by c130 (Sun 3rd Jan 2021 2:39pm)
  • More like you're worried people enjoying a phone photo might think it was done with high end kit if you don't jump in and point out what sucks about it. I answered their question with the actual info they asked for. by c130 (Sun 3rd Jan 2021 2:53pm)
  • Nice try with the gatekeeping anyway. by c130 (Sun 3rd Jan 2021 2:56pm)
  • https://fstoppers.com/originals/snobbery-towards-mobile-phone-photography-just-gatekeeping-industry-526543 by c130 (Sun 3rd Jan 2021 3:15pm)
  • That's awesome. A few days ago there was basically a double sunset and I couldn't decide which was more beautiful to stare at. Thanks for putting a name to it! by c130 (Sun 3rd Jan 2021 6:49pm)
  • Yes please! When the setting sun hits snow on the hills, it gives me happy chills inside and I can't look away till the fire fades. by c130 (Sun 3rd Jan 2021 7:52pm)
  • Someone with a shite attitude got called on it and had to have the last word. Pretty standard for Reddit. by c130 (Mon 4th Jan 2021 4:24am)
  • "That's a phone photo. It's completely flat." Vs "That's a phone photo. Phone cameras have a small depth of field because the sensor's so close to the lens, so the whole scene is in focus and appears flattened." Or whatever. One's informative, one's arsey. He could've sparked an interesting chat about cameras and photography, but his MO is to whinge about phone photos of Glasgow scenery being upvoted in this sub. by c130 (Mon 4th Jan 2021 5:10pm)
  • I mean you can read that whole comment chain, it's right there. Feel free to keep scrolling through my post history and see if I do actually sound like a highly aggressive and easily angered person, or just occasionally stubborn and pedantic. by c130 (Tue 5th Jan 2021 1:05pm)
  • Nah I'm done. Someone had a go at me with zero humour about it. You get out what you put in. by c130 (Tue 5th Jan 2021 1:40pm)
  • Same happened to a friend who changed her name about 6 years ago. All current medical records are correct, blue envelope was out of date. by c130 (Wed 16th Jun 2021 11:32am)
  • She did not. She's raging because she keeps getting sent post with the wrong name when it comes from central NHS. She's sent them corrections each time it happened before, hasn't had anything from them for a while, then boom, blue letter to the wrong name. by c130 (Wed 16th Jun 2021 11:38am)
  • Yeah, definitely not current GP records anyway. My guess is they've got a database somewhere where data goes in... once. by c130 (Wed 16th Jun 2021 12:44pm)
  • Yeah that's her issue. I don't know if they have a different process for changing someone's surname after marriage, it seems like they can do that without a fuss. by c130 (Thu 17th Jun 2021 6:33pm)
  • A lot of native wildflowers need poor quality soil, so nettles improving the soil makes it less compatible for other species of plants. by c130 (Thu 17th Jun 2021 6:40pm)
  • They are considered invasive though - it's not that they're the best at growing in those conditions, it's that the way they grow blocks light from anything with a smaller growth habit. Huge thickets of nettles reduces biodiversity and there's no shortage of them in places like riverbanks. by c130 (Thu 17th Jun 2021 6:39pm)
  • Invasive doesn't just mean foreign, it includes native plants that spread aggressively and outcompete other native plants. > Although Urtica dioica is distributed widely in many parts of the world, it is considered invasive because of its nuisance value even within its native range https://www.cabi.org/isc/datasheet/55911#tosummaryOfInvasiveness > Whether native, such as gorse, bracken and nettles, or non-native, such as Rhododendron or Japanese knotweed, invasive species can have an impact on important habitats and the flora and fauna they support by competing for nutrients and light. https://www.nature.scot/invasive-species-biggest-pressure-nature-sites by c130 (Thu 17th Jun 2021 9:18pm)
  • I'll stick with the definition from environmental orgs, not the UK government. by c130 (Thu 17th Jun 2021 10:29pm)
  • > CABI (legal name CAB International, formerly Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux) is a not-for-profit inter-governmental development and information organisation focusing primarily on agricultural and environmental issues in the developing world, and the creation, curation and dissemination of scientific knowledge. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centre_for_Agriculture_and_Bioscience_International > CABI is an international intergovernmental organisation, and we gratefully acknowledge the core financial support from our Member Countries (and lead agencies) including the United Kingdom (Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office), China (Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs), Australia (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research), Canada (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada), Netherlands (Directorate-General for International Cooperation), and Switzerland (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation). https://www.cabi.org/what-we-do/how-we-work/cabi-donors-and-partners/ by c130 (Thu 17th Jun 2021 10:45pm)
  • Our back lane is flytipper's paradise, every few months it fills up til the bin truck can't squeeze through. A lot of it is from the flats backing onto the courtyard but we've had a ton of commercial waste as well since they stopped letting businesses dump at Polmadie. A few weeks ago a bunch of the neighbours grouped up to do a huge cleanup, put a new chain & padlock on the gate, stuck up signs explaining how to get rid of bulky waste. Did fuck all to stop it, and commercial tippers just bring a ladder to get over the gate now. Not many people bothered their arses to call for a bulk uplift when it was free. by c130 (Wed 14th Jul 2021 2:38pm)
  • If the close looks and smells clean, and there's no rubbish like old sofas & mattresses piled up out the back, it's probably good. If you're visiting a property you can chap a few doors in the close and ask neighbours what they think of living there. by c130 (Sun 1st Aug 2021 12:38am)
  • Yep nope, it's just that the sound is carrying really well. I thought it was my upstairs neighbour so took the dog out for a bit of peace. Sounded the same outside - thought it must be a neighbour across the street, or a gig in the park, or the next park over... by c130 (Sun 12th Sep 2021 10:37pm)
  • Here... you can put one on your living room wall now. https://www.redbubble.com/i/sticker/Glasgow-Rangers-Alfredo-Morelos-by-trueblueapparel/42486732.Z7RJ3 by c130 (Fri 29th Oct 2021 11:02am)
  • It's bone - dogs don't get bones any more because they can break into shards like razor blades, which cut up their stomachs. Vets have convinced people to switch to nylabones, antlers, etc. by c130 (Sun 21st Nov 2021 2:28pm)
  • The stuff in that photo isn't a glasshouse full of plants left to die. Note how the palms, trees and huge shrubs appear to have poofed into thin air. Loads of plants were rehomed to the glasshouses at Queen's Park - they're still alive and being looked after. Here's a good overview that explains why it's not as simple as paying someone to water the plants: https://twitter.com/OssianLore/status/1081551457546051586 by c130 (Wed 16th Feb 2022 8:48pm)
  • The stuff in that photo isn't a glasshouse full of plants left to die. Note how the palms, trees and huge shrubs that used to be there are gone, not just poofed into thin air. Loads of plants were rehomed to the glasshouses at Queen's Park - they're still alive and being looked after. Here's a good overview that explains why it's not as simple as paying someone to water the plants: https://twitter.com/OssianLore/status/1081551457546051586 by c130 (Wed 16th Feb 2022 8:51pm)
  • It's not about paying someone to look after the plants - it's the cost of keeping an iron-framed Victorian glasshouse in working order. The whole place needs major metalwork repairs and thousands of panes of glass replaced because iron rusts and glass putty disintegrates. It's a few millions on a cash-starved council. Even Glasgow Botanics is run on a shoestring. by c130 (Thu 17th Feb 2022 9:24am)
  • These folk telling you to ignore it aren't law experts, neither are the people upvoting them. "Ignore it" might have been true 10 years ago but can easily get you in bother now. If you set Google to show only results from the last couple of years, you'll find fewer success stories on sites like PePiPoo & Moneysavingexpert and more requests for help navigating court cases. https://www.lawscot.org.uk/members/journal/issues/vol-63-issue-07/the-perils-of-parking/ https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/scotland/law-and-courts/parking-tickets/appealing-parking-tickets/parking-tickets-on-private-land-s/#donothing If you ignore the ticket until they twist your arm, the charge will multiply and there's no guarantee you can actually dodge it. If you appeal you've got a slight chance of getting it cancelled. Try speaking to Asda first. Even though we don't have keeper liability written into law yet (Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 is coming soon), parking companies can summon the registered keeper to court. If you don't tell the court who was driving, they'll presume it was you. Parking companies have paired themselves with solicitors and streamlined it like printing money: Solicitors get a list of today's non-payers, print out a bunch of template letters demanding payment, wait 7 days, then raise [Simple Procedure](https://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/taking-action/simple-procedure) Sheriff Court cases against everyone who ignored that letter too. It only costs [£19](https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/scotland/law-and-courts/legal-system-s/taking-legal-action-s/going-to-court-using-simple-procedure-s/simple-procedure/costs-of-civil-court-action-using-simple-procedure/) per case so it's profitable for them to chase people for a single PCN. It's like a symbiotic relationship between a bear trap and a vampire. by c130 (Tue 21st Jun 2022 1:36pm)
  • Don't worry - it would happen even with a gate. My lane fills up repeatedly with stuff from people living in the block, and flytippers either chuck stuff over the gate or cut off the padlock. by c130 (Wed 11th Jan 2023 11:00am)