r/Glasgow Tools


Reddit URLhttps://www.reddit.com/user/hellokitty997
Last 12 monthsTotalDeletedRemoved
r/Glasgow posts210
r/glasgow comments700


  • Yeah I was trying to find Facebook pages, even just for meet ups etc. Never tried discord but might give it a look by hellokitty997 (Mon 19th Sep 2022 5:29pm)
  • Yeah I thought about volunteering there. by hellokitty997 (Mon 19th Sep 2022 5:29pm)
  • Did have a look but there's not too much by hellokitty997 (Tue 20th Sep 2022 9:14pm)
  • Literally just trying to give them their photos by hellokitty997 (Sun 25th Jun 2023 8:34am)
  • What a weird question, it's so they have their photos. by hellokitty997 (Sun 25th Jun 2023 8:30am)
  • Hahaha they obviously didn't know it still had film in it and I doubt police would give two shits. If they didn't know they wouldn't go looking for it. by hellokitty997 (Sun 25th Jun 2023 8:36am)
  • Vue at at Enoch's. I was only there over a summer but the turnover was so high. I once had to clean all 12 screens by myself because we were short staffed and even though that might not seen like much whens it's busy you have people leaving food and drink everywhere (so much wastage). I did not care for the main manager in the slightest. We weren't allowed to serve customers from our tills or we would get trouble. We would have to get them to order from the screens at the front door - tickets and food even though they have to come collect it from us anyway. Such a stupid system and I don't blame customers for getting mad as they just wanted to speak to someone. You end up completely burnt out after a shift and only ever had a half an hour break. The job gave me so much anxiety, never showed up for my last shift. There was never enough staff for the days that we needed. Had multiple occasions were customers were abusive with me and my coworkers didn't pay attention and served them anyway. They would also never offer to pay for travel home after a shift even though they knew I was walking home back to the east end alone. Not a good place for someone with anxiety, thought it was going to be a chill job but it wasn't. by hellokitty997 (Fri 22nd Sep 2023 10:22am)