r/Glasgow Tools


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  • Had a similar situation in a queue for a Marks the other day. Everyone was keeping their distance quite the thing and the queue looked long but the wait was no longer than 15/20 minutes at best. I was at the back and a Karen type lady probably in her forties cane behind me to the point she could probably have breathed and I’d have felt it on my neck. And then she tried to engage me in conversation about how “this queuing is getting ridiculous now!!”. In the end I told her we could swap places in the queue so she was at least one step closer and I could properly practice my social distancing from her. Some people just aren’t interested in listening I guess. by jjkibum (Thu 14th May 2020 3:14pm)
  • Yes I came here to say Karen Buckley too. Horrible thing that happened to her, being in Sanctuary still kinda unnerves me. by jjkibum (Mon 3rd Aug 2020 11:44pm)
  • I'm from East Kilbride and the [Jack Frew](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-16852311) murder always kind of shook me. I was of a similar age at the time and also being a young gay guy in high school at a time it wasn't maybe accepted just everything made me a little bit nervous. Even though it wasn't a random homophobic attack, it still kind of made me overthink. by jjkibum (Mon 3rd Aug 2020 11:58pm)
  • I was out last week during the week and I noticed this a lot more too. Obviously it's always been something you see but I presume due to the pandemic their resources are cut and it's driving more poverty in the city centre. by jjkibum (Wed 26th Aug 2020 8:38pm)
  • Seen a couple of media outlets reporting an Aberdeen-style local lockdown depending on how bad the numbers are today, but who knows. If it’s similar numbers here today as the last two days I see her putting some kind of restrictions here. by jjkibum (Tue 1st Sep 2020 1:43pm)
  • Has the Catty stopped doing unders nights? They defos used to congregate for that lmao by jjkibum (Wed 7th Oct 2020 2:04pm)
  • It's bizarre. Brits love to moan about having the civil right to get smashed at the pub and moan about what a liberty the restrictions are. Yet in the same conversation they'll complain about the number of cases this country is drawing in in the pandemic. It's just loss of reality. I feel for the businesses who are gonna be affected by the pandemic don't get me wrong and I hope they get the revenue when they can and need it. It's just people complaining for the sake of complaining. by jjkibum (Sat 10th Oct 2020 12:32am)
  • Sunak's announcement I feel was majorly impacted today so these businesses that are going to be at higher risk of being closed over winter, like hospitality venues, have a bit of comfort in knowing they can be closed in a time when they need to be closed. Even up here in Scotland a lot of offices have reopened, stores are open, construction is back, most sectors have been able to regain what work they can, I guess to put it. If these restrictions carry over the 16 days (they probably will, they'll probably extend them another 2 weeks if I were to guess so they can track the numbers more closely) it's not necessarily affecting the workload other industries have. The government, for now, have openly said there won't be widespread closures over winter, even with the situation going on right now with the numbers, so I don't think those announcements today were hinting at that being a possibility. by jjkibum (Sat 10th Oct 2020 12:43am)
  • She replied to someone on twitter who called her out by replying "you've got aids you reprobate"... I can't fucking stand these kinds of people. by jjkibum (Sat 31st Oct 2020 3:02pm)
  • I'm 24 in the south side and always looking to broaden my friendships and currently unemployed so doing fuck all, so here if you need it pal by jjkibum (Tue 3rd Nov 2020 11:34pm)
  • Policeman’s hat by jjkibum (Mon 9th Nov 2020 8:38am)
  • I miss it I won’t lie, I respect it’s been a decent balance of lowering my alcohol intake but also admittedly (somewhat shamefully?) sometimes the pub was my only way of social interaction with certain friends so I miss that. by jjkibum (Fri 18th Dec 2020 8:12pm)
  • Glasgow’s reputation isn’t completely unjust... we do have an unhealthy rate of crime, once being considered the deadliest in Europe. The Glasgow effect still exists and we remain in a drugs and addiction crisis that is continually spiralling quite dangerously. While it’s wrong to generalise every Glaswegian and the entire city, the archetype being generalised most certainly still exists and is a problem. The East End, for example, remains completely neglected and in deprivation, and still one of the hot beds for illegal drug dealings and drug related crime and certain areas, even after urban regeneration thanks to 2014, leave passers through uneasy. We’ve come a long way as a city but on the same line have a long way to go. by jjkibum (Sun 24th Jan 2021 1:01pm)
  • I work in Parkhead and there's a beacon of problems there that need to be addressed and I'm not sure why they haven't been. I'm not sure if it's because most of the people still living in that area are coming from generations who're used to the way it is over there but it's really bad. In the winter nights when the sun sets at around 4, it's so dangerous to be out and about, like seriously. Especially on West Muir Street and the B streets along it. A colleague just recently was carjacked leaving work at 5 o'clock, the health centre isn't allowed to prescribe certain drugs to patients because certain prescription medicines were being sold on the streets at high prices, problems with firearms, it's kind of a mess. And on a separate note for being an area with so much deprivation, they're much more prone to serious illness from Covid, yet when I walked to the forge to grab a sandwich from Asda from my lunch, there was far too much foot traffic, mask exempt people, shops definitely doing illegal business through the back door. In the same vein as what I said earlier, an area like that doesn't have to represent every place and person in the city, but I think the problem with Glasgow is the area's of deprivation have totally dropped in priority for the councils and police, so they don't bother actually trying to make positive changes to the community anymore. If you're first impression of Glasgow was anywhere from Baillieston to Gallowgate, with the exception of a few places like Mount Vernon for example, I don't think it would be brilliant. by jjkibum (Sun 24th Jan 2021 5:17pm)
  • Her actual boy name is Lawrence, too. So I think the Lawrence part is just from her own name, but the Chaney part very well could be a reference to this! by jjkibum (Thu 28th Jan 2021 8:50pm)
  • The transport system in, out and around the city centre needs overhauling across the board. It would take me 1hr to travel to my work in the east end by bus, way over double the 20mins it takes to drive there. It’s also not affordable anymore really. A subway expansion/new metro system is well welcomed but needs to be well-spread and affordable. by jjkibum (Sat 6th Mar 2021 11:25am)
  • There’s a new first time buyers scheme coming? I’ve not seen anything regarding it by jjkibum (Sat 6th Mar 2021 12:16pm)
  • I have to laugh. The subway remains a wasted opportunity to make public transport in and around the city cheaper. £1b to be spent on a new transport system when if they just utilised that money towards updating, modernising and expanding the current transport methods we have, they would work really well. by jjkibum (Mon 5th Apr 2021 2:09am)
  • I did it was good but so busy! Felt like it took twice as long to get through the crowd at the bar for a drink, but regardless was nice to be out in a club enjoying myself! by jjkibum (Thu 12th Aug 2021 4:24pm)
  • For sure!! I’ll keep you posted :) by jjkibum (Sat 14th Aug 2021 3:58pm)
  • I presume there's a miscommunication here and what they meant was it's considerably stopped people using the bridge to take their life. by jjkibum (Thu 10th Feb 2022 12:35am)
  • I know this is non-relative to the actual point of this thread, but key term here being "more common". Not yet industry leading, and won't be for a long time, even after the combustion sales ban in 2030. EV's not being road taxed is a huge incentive along with free charging from Government funded charge points. The black hole in finances is easily sorted by turning City of Glasgow into a ULEZ (Ultra Low Emission Zone), which I presume most cities will be in the near future as climate change actions come into place. London did it in 2019 and had made £40million in less than 6 months. I know Glasgow's a tiny city in comparison but it's relative money to size. I wouldn't be surprised if in a few years you'll be paying hefty fines driving the city unless you've got an EV, or you're a cyclist or using public transport. It's the way things are headed. by jjkibum (Thu 10th Feb 2022 12:45am)
  • I wouldn't take the SIMD map to gospel, since it's got Calderwood marked as blue and areas like East Mains and West Mains in orange/red. I've lived here all my days and it's more than okay. It is one of the best value places for money these days. What you're getting for your cash is unmatched but as previously mentioned, it comes with travel link restrictions so driving is necessary. And I guess to counteract that, EK is a bit insular, but maybe that's more noticeable by being raised here. Also for all the things you do have on your doorstep, you kind of start to realise everything else that's a bit further out is a bit better. The shopping centre is a dive these days. EK lacks independent shops, most cafes/sit ins are institutionalised and drinkeries, especially in the village, can be a bit old man-y. I think EK lacks a bit of "trendiness", but these things aren't to take away from the good of living here. If you really like the house I'd go for it. by jjkibum (Wed 15th Jun 2022 2:47am)
  • PLEASE. by jjkibum (Thu 30th Jun 2022 11:58pm)
  • I was there tonight, ended up leaving about an hour before Paolo finished (had heard all the songs of his I had wanted to and was getting a lift anyway so good way to beat the crowds) and to be fair most people seemed alright, as always there’s a few who can’t handle their drinks, but I think given the prices most people were dodging the bar. £7.50 for base level drinks is madness. Food was expensive too. I just feel sorry for the folk who need to clean up afterwards. The ground was absolutely rotten. Also bizarre being 26 at a festival and feeling old. 😭 by jjkibum (Sat 9th Jul 2022 3:33am)
  • I’m not sure any of the 999 call handlers can help you, they will have info from the paramedics on their system but I don’t think they’re allowed to share that with you. 101 also may not be able to give you a lot of info over the phone. You could call A&E at GRI in the morning, they should be able to tell you if he was discharged and if not where we was admitted to and follow up from there. by jjkibum (Sat 9th Jul 2022 3:37am)
  • Cynically, I don’t think the area you’ve highlighted at the cross park is inconspicuous enough to attract doggers, so for once I’d actually be inclined to say it would be something else. Like perhaps drugs or just eat drivers. by jjkibum (Sat 6th Aug 2022 9:26am)
  • I don't know if it's even re-opened or if it's any good anymore since admittedly I've not been in ages, but when I was in college I used to love going to the cafe in the Lighthouse since it was just around the corner. Actually really good food and was nice to escape up there for an hour. Was usually really quiet so was able to get work done up there too. by jjkibum (Mon 8th Aug 2022 11:33pm)
  • They should have expanded the underground system years ago when they had the chance too by jjkibum (Tue 9th Aug 2022 10:47pm)
  • Grain and Grind is always really good too, they’ve got locations dotted all over I like to go to the one in Battlefield by jjkibum (Sat 5th Nov 2022 9:19pm)
  • It’s awful. I’m from EK and that line really needs updating, if it was a modern line could get there way quicker and as it stands it’s a good 40 mins. Doesn’t seem high on anyone’s priority list to fix it though, people are still buying tickets out of need so nothing will change sadly. by jjkibum (Wed 16th Nov 2022 2:44pm)
  • I don’t know about Glasgow and the West but if you’re ever in Millport for a day trip or whatever the stuff from the sweet shop has forever been my favourite! by jjkibum (Sun 27th Nov 2022 10:39pm)
  • I've never understood why people are affronted by gentrification or by the idea of urban regeneration making a place lose itself. Gentrification didn't really change a place like Dalmarnock, it just makes it more desirable to live in and therefore adds a surge on property prices, which is ultimately good for everyone in said area. And artisan cheese is nice so it's a win-win. by jjkibum (Wed 18th Oct 2023 5:17pm)
  • Obviously not everyone, but new folk to the area may have bought. Also there will be private lets in the area and they have to be owned by someone. And that's a different kettle of fish. And even if we're not talking about buying and solely on rent, urban regeneration still caters to being accessible to folk renting through a housing association. What is the other alternative? Area's need to have some sort of gentrification coming in to save them from deprivation. If there's no sense of appeal put in to an area, who's going to want to live there? And, without being pedantic, local businesses are in trouble without gentrification being talked about. It's unfortunate seeing small businesses fall through, but if there's an opening for something as niche as a cheese shop (I only personally know of one other dedicated cheesemonger on GWR, I think?) why does that have to be a bad thing? by jjkibum (Wed 18th Oct 2023 5:58pm)
  • Oh my god yes that’s it by jjkibum (Thu 23rd Nov 2023 9:31pm)
  • Maybe? And I’m just getting myself mixed up. I vaguely remember the logo being like coloured squares and I think I bought some things in there and for the life of me can’t remember any names 😭 gonna be in the back of my head all night haha by jjkibum (Thu 23rd Nov 2023 9:31pm)