r/Glasgow Tools


Reddit URLhttps://www.reddit.com/user/kingofseals
Last 12 monthsTotalDeletedRemoved
r/Glasgow posts412
r/glasgow comments100


  • Sorry the audio is terrible and it's all a bit shoddy but it's far from anything polished, just found it hidden away on my laptop. A bit of context: I made this a concept video for a short film I was planning to make. It was to be about Glasgow's history and its need to reinstate nature as a new integral part of the city. I wanted to celebrate Glasgow, how such a great city persevered and where it was going next. I'm very fuckin' english (lived here my whole life, don't worry), there was never an intention to have me speaking but I did write and edit up myself. The images are all copywrited so it'll prolly get taken down but all the same. by kingofseals (Tue 1st Dec 2020 3:32pm)