r/Glasgow Tools


Reddit URLhttps://www.reddit.com/user/lmmeu
Last 12 monthsTotalDeletedRemoved
r/Glasgow posts101
r/glasgow comments400


  • Best to wait at BP gas station Arrivals can walk there within 5 minutes of leaving the airport and there’s plenty of parking to wait by lmmeu (Mon 30th Aug 2021 1:20am)
  • Cottiers theatre in the West End is spectacular and not to expensive I’ve heard by lmmeu (Wed 20th Apr 2022 4:04pm)
  • There’s a hire place at the canal basin in Auchinstarry/Kilsyth Beautiful spot! by lmmeu (Wed 18th May 2022 7:06am)
  • Taxi drivers need to absolve a new test which consists of 9 separate exams and costs £500. Estimated time to do the test is 2-4 months. Rarely payed by employer and an extra cost which makes driving a cab as a part time job absolutely impossible. Test is not easy and questions are aimed to be very hard to answer by people with English as a second language It’s outrageous and no wonder there is less and less taxi drivers out there! by lmmeu (Sat 28th May 2022 10:51pm)