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Who lived at 4 Ashgrove Terrace

Next door to 3 Ashgrove Terrace (41 Partickhill Road)    Around the corner to5 Ashgrove Terrace (69 Gardner Street)Across Gardner Street to37 Partickhill RoadAcross Partickhill Road toWestfield House

Start - EndName, occupation and work address
1888 - 1891MacDonald, John K. (The Singer Manufacturing Co., sewing machine manufacturers, Kilbowie)
1889 - 1892Dunlop, Charles D., iron and steel merchant, 146 West Regent Street
1889 - 1901Ferguson, Wm. (of Harvie & McGavin, grain millers, Anderston Grain Mills, 27 Washington Street)
1890 - 1893Andrew, James, writer (of Mitchells, Johnston & Co., writers, 160 West George Street)
1890 - 1896Andrew, Wm., writer (at Bannatyne, Kirkwood, France & Co., writers, 145 West George Street)
1891 - 1894Steven, Alex.
1892 - 1900Ferguson, John, teller, National Bank of Scotland Ltd., Queen Street
1893 - 1895Bell, Robt. C. (of J. & F. Bell, tobacco, snuff and cigarette manufacturers, 43 Brunswick Street)
1894 - 1903Baird, Thomas (of Russell & Adam, marine insurance brokers, 46 Gordon Street)
1894 - 1903Gavin, W.J., cashier (Milne & Co., East India merchants, 191 West George Street)
1895 - 1901Erskine, Capt. Wm., nautical assessor
1896 - 1901McDougall, P.R.
1900 - 1900Griffin, Wm. E.
1902 - 1914Ferguson, Robert, commission agent, 42 Argyle Street
1903 - 1906Peck, N.E.
1906 - 1910Dempster, Mrs. E.J.
1907 - 1908Young, W.P.
1908 - 1908Ormond, Thos. (at William Murdoch & Sons, commission merchants, 67 West Nile Street)
1910 - 1910Sinclair, Mrs. G.H., Glasgow Academy
1912 - 1912Bingham, Joseph (of J.G. Malcolm, tailor & clothier, 340 Argyle Street)
1912 - 1912Webster, Robert, manager, Farrows Bank Ltd., Paisley