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Who lived at 33 Cecil Street

Next door to31 Cecil Street     Next door to 35 Cecil Street

Start - EndName, occupation and work address
1879 - 1889Hamilton, John
1879 - 1882Jackson, Robt. (of Robert Jackson & Sons, clothiers, 75 St. Vincent Street, later at 1 St. Vincent Place and 161 Queen Street)
1879 - 1882Jackson, R.J.W. (of Robert Jackson & Sons, clothiers, 75 St. Vincent Street, later at 1 St. Vincent Place and 161 Queen Street)
1879 - 1882Spence, H.F., architect, 212 St. Vincent Street
1879 - 1880Smith, Harry Gordon, manager, Mutual Fire Insurance Corporation Guaranteed, 153 Queen Street
1879 - 1884Taylor, John (of John Taylor, jun. & Co., merchants, 28 Cochrane Street)
1879 - 1904Hamilton, James (of Potter & Hamilton, later Hamilton & Co., silk, woollen, worsted & Angola yarn agents, 241 East George Street)
1880 - 1886Flett, David (of John Gray & Co., bootmakers, 98 Buchanan Street)
1880 - 1882Lightbody, James (of J. & J. Lightbody & Co., slate, marble, and cement merchants, 115 Bothwell Street)
1883 - 1887Greig, Peter (of J. & W. Greig, wool brokers, 99 McAlpine Street)
1883 - 1884Herbertson, John R. (of Peterson & Co., merchants. Corn Exchange Place, 23 Waterloo Street)
1884 - 1887Cochrane, Andrew, agent, 51 Miller Street
1886 - 1892Jardine, Andrew McL.
1886 - 1891Jardine, Wm. McLeod, bank inspector (Inspector's Department, Union Bank of Scotland Ltd., Ingram Street)
1888 - 1892Nicholl, C.A. (at Henderson Brothers, steamship owners and agents, 47-57 Union Street)
1888 - 1891Hughes, Richard, cashier (London & Glasgow Engineering and Iron Shipbuilding Co. Limited, 172 Lancefield Street)
1890 - 1902Robinson, T. Eaton, C.A., registrar under the Glasgow Corporation Loans Act, 1883, and city accountant, City Chambers, 285 George Street
1891 - 1891Speirs, James, Bank of Scotland
1891 - 1899Speirs, John (of John Speirs & Co., iron, steel, and metal merchants, 11 West Regent Street)
1891 - 1897Steel, Miss
1892 - 1901Cochrane, James (of Cochrane & Black, flour, grain, and margarine importers, 19 Waterloo Street)
1892 - 1904Lockhart, E.H.
1897 - 1898Mercier, Alfred J. (lecturer at the University)
1901 - 1909Binnie, James (at Leisler Bock & Co., merchants, 55 West Regent Street)
1901 - 1906Binnie, John, at Anchor Line (Henderson Brothers, steamship owners and agents, 45-57 Union Street)
1903 - 1906Phillips, W.A. (Kelsall & Kemp, Ltd., Rochdale)
1904 - 1911Sinclair, Archd. G., printer, publisher, lithographer & stationer, 'Celtic Press', 47 Waterloo Street
1906 - 1906Tennent, Robert, LL.B., writer (of D. & J. Hill, writers, 138 West Regent Street)
1909 - 1909Burton, Mrs. E.M.
1909 - 1909Scott, S.F., boot maker, 343 Victoria Road
1911 - 1911Warren, Robt. G., rep., R. Waygood & Co. Ltd., London, electric & hydraulic power lifts & J.P. Hall & Co. Ltd., Oldham, electrical engineers ; office, 116 Hope Street