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Who lived at 2 Clifton Street

Next door to 4 Clifton StreetAround the corner to 14 Somerset PlaceAcross Clifton Street to 1 Clifton Street

Start - EndName, occupation and work address
1845 - 1854Ramsay, Wm., engineer, 46 West George Street
1845 - 1854Dodds, Wm., merchant (of W. & J. Dodds, cordage & twine manufacturers, Kelvinhaugh ; counting-house 84-86 Stockwell Street)
1845 - 1850Frazer, John jun., clerk (at Lancefieid Worlc)
1845 - 1854Ramsay, Mrs.
1846 - 1850Thomson, Wm., accountant & stock-broker, 67 Buchanan Street
1850 - 1862Kerr, John jun., manufacturer, 51 Cochran Street
1851 - 1852Reid, Andrew Paterson, Belgian Consul, consulate, 58 Buchanan Street
1854 - 1858McArthur, Mrs. James
1854 - 1856McAuslin, A.
1855 - 1857Monteith, Henry (of John Monteith & Co. calico-printers, 88 St. Vincent Street)
1857 - 1861Barr, Gavin, commission agent, 136 Buchanan Street
1857 - 1864Paterson, Rev. H.S., minister, Free Street Mark's Church, Main Street, Anderston
1858 - 1860Orr, Wm.
1860 - 1864Athya, John (of John Athya & Co., American produce brokers & commission merchants, 11 Dixon Street)
1861 - 1862Murphy, Neil, designer of harness curtains & damask patterns, 107 Buchanan Street
1862 - 1863Golstein, Adolph, 49 West George Street
1862 - 1869Smith, John (of David & John Smith, boot & shoe merchants & manufacturers, 173 Trongate)
1864 - 1866Symon, John, merchant, 137 West Regent Street
1865 - 1867Grant, Mrs.
1866 - 1870Gardner, Allan, straw bonnet & millinery warehouseman, 168 Trongate & 10 Hutcheson Street
1866 - 1878McGill, John S., oil merchant, 63 Stockwell Street
1868 - 1870Stewart, Rev. Robt., of Street Marks, Cheapside Street
1869 - 1881Coghill, Wm. (of Aird & Coghill, steam-power letterpress printers & stereotypes, Madeira Buildings, 263 Argyle Street)
1870 - 1874Kemp, Wm. S., classical teacher, High School
1877 - 1881MacKay, Lauchlan (at Mackay & Kirkwood, wholesale & retail stationers, 55-67 Gordon Street ; works, 45 Cranston Street, Cranstonhill)
1879 - 1887Cohen, Morris T. (of Joseph Cohen & Son, importers of cigars & tobacconists' fancy goods, 80 Buchanan Street)
1879 - 1889Miller, Mrs.
1881 - 1902Smith, James, surveyor of taxes, 13 Queen Street
1881 - 1887Telfer, David, grain & provision merchant, 16a Main Street, Blythswood Holm
1888 - 1889Hamilton, John (of McDougall & Hamilton, house factors & insurance agents, 109 W. George Street)
1888 - 1891Morton, Hugh, agent for I. C. Johnson & Co., Portland cement manufacturers, London & Gateshead, 125 Buchanan Street
1889 - 1891McKay, D.S., sole lessee & manager, Gaiety Theatre
1889 - 1904Fleming, Alex., C.A. (of Fleming & Black, chartered accountants, 51 St. Vincent Street)
1891 - 1903Ferguson, J. Marshall, butcher, 33 Street George's Road & 71 Great Western Road, Hillhead
1893 - 1895Oliver, Wm. P. (of Wm. P. Oliver & Co., accountants & auditors, 75 Buchanan Street)
1896 - 1899Cochran, H.A., agent, 132 West Nile Street
1902 - 1904Hannah, James Wm. (at Hewit & Wingate Ltd., a branch of, & agents for, the Calico Printers Association Ltd., 15 West Regent Street)
1902 - 1902Watson, Mrs. R.K. (Isabella A.)
1903 - 1903Fleming, Mrs. Alex. (Robina)
1903 - 1903Munsie, Robt. G. (of George Munsie & Co., yarn merchants, 109 Virginia Place)
1905 - 1906Steven, Mrs. J.
1906 - 1912Loudon, Hugh, agent, 68 Gordon Street
1913 - 1913Fairlie, Miss Annie L.