West End Address Archive

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Who lived at 42 Gardner Street

Next door to 40 Gardner Street     Next door to 44 Gardner Street

Start - EndName, occupation and work address
1891 - 1893Binns, Capt. W.K.
1891 - 1903Duff, J.M.
1891 - 1895Gemmell, Wm., colliery cashier, later secretary (Wilsons & Clyde Coal Co. Ltd., coalmasters, 157 St. Vincent Street)
1893 - 1898Aird, Wm.
1893 - 1895Hinderwell, E.G.
1893 - 1897Keir, James C, grocer and wine merchant, 407 Dumbarton Road, Partick
1893 - 1894Storry, Mrs.
1894 - 1897Hill, Eben. M., reporter "Mail" office
1895 - 1896Penman, J.S.
1897 - 1898Mossman, John, wine and spirit merchant, 220 Main Street, Anderston
1902 - 1903Rodger, Matthew, sheriff and justice of peace oflicer for Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire