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Who lived at 110 South Woodside Road

Across Henderson Street to 106 South Woodside Road (18 Kelvin Drive)     Next door to112 South Woodside Road (24.5 Kelvin Drive)

Start - EndName, occupation and work address
1878 - 1879Mitchell, John, bookkeeper, 198 West George Street
1879 - 1880Messer, Wm. (of Wm. Messer & Co., pickle, sauce & licensed vinegar makers & British wine manufacturers,130-134 Renfield Street & 30 Renfrew Street)
1879 - 1882Nicol, Alex., grocer and provision merchant, 24.5 Kelvin Drive (now 112 South Woodside Road)
1880 - 1883McCutcheon, R.F.
1880 - 1883McPhie, Alex.
1880 - 1883Smith, Robt.
1881 - 1896McCoull, Thomas, smith, gasfitter, 112 North Hanover Street, later at 146 West Nile Street
1883 - 1885Bowen, Garret, farrier, 188 West Prince's Street, later at 57 Park Road
1883 - 1884Hamilton, Thomas
1883 - 1884Stewart, Geo. H., traveller, measurer (at Wylie, Stewart & Marshall, timber merchants, saw millers & moulding manufacturers, Western Saw Mills, Firhill Basin)
1884 - 1886Rathie, R.W., commercial traveller (with W.G. Rathie & Co., wholesale tea dealers, 81 Robertson Street)
1886 - 1888Angless, Edwin, teacher of the violon cello and guitar
1886 - 1887Cockburn, David, law clerk, 198 W. George Street
1887 - 1889Kelly, Mrs.
1889 - 1889MacDonald, Allan S., teacher of music, pianoforte and harmonium
1890 - 1892Soule, Rev. Mrs. Carolina A., preacher, 9 Watson Street, later at Street Paul's Universalist Church, North Claremont St
1892 - 1894Forrest, G. (McIlvride, Forrest & Co., makers of plain & ornamental boxes, pattern cards & books, importers of fancy stationery, City Paper Box Works, 72 Waterloo Street)
1897 - 1898Smith, Andrew L., licensed grocer, 144 Rottenrow
1899 - 1909McInnes, D.
1905 - 1911MacDougall, Miss Margaret, waitress
1907 - 1910Somerville, Mrs., green grocer, 112 South Woodside Road
1910 - 1910McKay, Miss Christina, confectioner, 112 South Woodside Road
1912 - 1912Anderson, John, compositor