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Who lived at 283 Wilton Street

Next door to 2 Kelvinside Terrace (North) (287 Wilton Street)    Next door to 5 Kelvinside Terrace (North) (279 Wilton Street)

Start - EndName, occupation and work address
1874 - 1881Niven, John (of Niven & Co., merchants & commission agents, 145 St. Vincent Street)
1889 - 1900Murray, Geo. (of John Bruce Murray & Son, yarn agents, 144 Queen Street)
1898 - 1900Black, Mrs. A.E., florist, Albany Chambers, Charing Cross
1900 - 1911Service, Mrs. John
1914 - 1914Desch, Dr. Cecil H., Professor of Metallurgy, Royal Technical College