West End Address Archive

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Who lived at 1 Woodlands Drive

Next door to 3 Woodlands DriveAround the corner to273 Great Western RoadAcross the Woodlands Drive to2 Woodlands Drive

Start - EndName, occupation and work address
1895 - 1909Deas, John, secretary, The Craigpark Co. Ltd., india rubber & gutta percha manufacturers, Townmill Road, Alexandra Parade
1895 - 1896Dawson, Mrs.
1895 - 1904MacKay, John, editor "Celtic Monthly", & hon. secretary, Clan Mackay Society
1895 - 1899Williamson, Mrs.
1895 - 18991895-99    McAllister, Frank, commission agent
1895 - 1898Frew, David, B.A., tutor for arts & medical preliminary & other university examinations
1896 - 1903Cormack, John R., commercial traveller (Eadie, Ireland & Co., wholesale woollen warehousemen, 61 Buchanan Street)
1896 - 1897McGowan, T. James
1896 - 1897Swann, Miss
1897 - 1899Cochrane, W.A.
1897 - 1898Fraser, Peter
1899 - 1908Hamilton, James, dairyman, 292 Gt. Western Road
1899 - 1904Hamilton, Wm., Lloyd's surveyor, 342 Argyle Street
1899 - 19041899-1904    MacQuisten, Alex. C. (of Carrick & Craig, tool and machinery merchants, 348 Argyle Street)
1899 - 1900McKay, Charles
1900 - 1904Manus, Miss
1901 - 1902Hannah, John, boot manufacturer, 107 North Street
1901 - 1901McLean, Donald, boot & shoe merchant, 461 New City Road
1902 - 1904Brooks, David, 20 Robertson Street
1903 - 1904Morrison, Hector (Wm. Ritchie & Sons Ltd., wholesale stationers & fancy goods merchants ; agents for Eyre & Spottiswoode, H.M. bible publishers, Victoria Chambers, 142 West Nile Street)
1904 - 1908Connell, Robert M. (Daily Record and Mail, commercial, publishing & editorial offices, Daily Record Buildings, Renfield Lane, Renfield Street)
1904 - 1909Murray, James
1904 - 1909Robertson, C. & M., tobacconists, 269 Gt. Western Road
1908 - 1913Sinclair, John (at Thomas Muirhead & Co., silk mercers & warehousemen, 200 Sauchiehall Street)
1909 - 1910Niven, William
1909 - 1909Thomson, James
1910 - 1913Anderson, David, Hamilton's dairy, 292 Gt. Western Road
1910 - 1910Robertson, Alfred, slater, plasterer & cement worker, 31 Argyle Street
1911 - 1911Douglas, G.M. Holmes (of Kyle, Dennison & Laing, civil engineers & land surveyors, 174 W. George Street)
1911 - 1912MacDonald, Miss Jane
1912 - 1912Blyth, Vincent J., M.A., lecturer, Royal Technical College
1913 - 1913Shearer, James, wine & spirit merchant, 36 William Street, Anderston