r/Glasgow Tools


Reddit URLhttps://www.reddit.com/user/SpicedPotatoes
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r/Glasgow posts201
r/glasgow comments2600


  • hey sorry to revive a really old thread but anyone know anything about Slay's wheelchair accessibility? by SpicedPotatoes (Sun 20th Oct 2019 12:47pm)
  • Yeah I thought the Stand might be a good shout but it's the wrong week for red raw unfortunately by SpicedPotatoes (Tue 10th Aug 2021 9:16am)
  • Ooh that's a good suggestion I'll check that out by SpicedPotatoes (Tue 10th Aug 2021 9:15am)
  • Where abouts you based and how long are you willing to travel? by SpicedPotatoes (Sun 2nd Jan 2022 12:31pm)
  • Would second Neil Slorance but also Hana Berggren is great, love her Birdface series [https://www.instagram.com/hanaberggren/](https://www.instagram.com/hanaberggren/) Also quite like The Grey Earl, not sure if he's technically Glasgow mind https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/thegreyearl?section\_id=26112307 by SpicedPotatoes (Tue 5th Apr 2022 6:14pm)
  • https://goodmoves.com/search?lat=55.86362987410874&lng=-4.236884037038807&keywords=&location=Glasgow&distance=16.09344 by SpicedPotatoes (Fri 29th Apr 2022 7:04am)
  • Flourish House supports adults with a history of mental health issues, of course a lot of people want to get back to work so there's a fair amount of Flourish's stuff that's looking to make that happen for people. Don't know if they do clothes but you could ask. Maslow's in Govan as well https://www.maslowscommunity.co.uk/ by SpicedPotatoes (Sun 1st May 2022 12:07pm)
  • I considered moving to Anniesland just before lockdown, and one thing I would say is I didn't find a lot of kinda "on your doorstep" community activities. I don't want to bad mouth anywhere, but I like a place where I can do some local volunteering, meet people, pitch in and feel like I'm part of the place. I struggled to find this kinda thing round there. Not like charity shops but community meals, activities for older folks, choirs that cannie sing to save themselves. Would love to be proven wrong, please feel free to spam me with awesome community action, but ultimately that was a big factor in me not moving there. by SpicedPotatoes (Fri 13th May 2022 10:52am)
  • If it's just food and drink your after might I suggest Mikaku [http://www.mikaku.co.uk/](http://www.mikaku.co.uk/) We went when they had just opened up and it had a really nice vibe of ordering wee stuff and drinking while you chat, that just felt differnet from your traditional "Going for a meal" kinda deal - feels like I'm describing that badly but hopefully you get what I mean by SpicedPotatoes (Mon 16th May 2022 5:33pm)
  • Hey, First off, good on you high fives and such. Secondly I think the reason you won't find a lot doing a direct google is just because of language. Loads of groups will see their work as providing positive alternatives to gangs, and will have street teams who are out there directly engaging with young people at risk, they're just unlikely to phrase it quite so bluntly in their materials because they'd rather focus on the positive outcomes of their work than the negative impact if they weren't there. There's been some cracking groups mentioned already, I'd add PEEK, YCSA, and Church House to the list. If you wanna shout out your general area we can probably give you a more deliberate steer. Another alternative would be to look at mentoring/buddying instead of youth projects. I know Volunteer Glasgow has a mentoring project and that stuff is all about using past experiences to support a young person. If you mention to them you dabbled in that kinda stuff in the past they're likely to match you with someone similar. by SpicedPotatoes (Sun 29th May 2022 10:42am)
  • Agreed GK are cracking by SpicedPotatoes (Sun 29th May 2022 4:41pm)
  • I have found volunteering has helped me with this in the past - I'm not particularly shy but I really struggle with initiating conversations especially when I don't feel comfortable in a space, when that voice in the back of your head telling you that you're being a nuisance and just in everyone's way is the loudest. Volunteering means have a reason for being there so I don't need to justify the space I take up, it also provides a self-selecting group of people who care about similar issues or have similar interests. Importantly for me it gives me something to do, so I can focus on my tasks and just quietly enjoy being around people, till I feel comfortable enough to relax a little. Glasgow has a multitude of awesome community groups it's one of the reasons I love the city. If you want to shout out some interests/causes or a vague indication of the part of the city your in I'm sure folks will know some great groups you could get involved in. by SpicedPotatoes (Fri 3rd Jun 2022 11:25am)
  • also refuweegie ​ https://www.refuweegee.co.uk/ by SpicedPotatoes (Fri 3rd Jun 2022 11:52am)
  • [https://www.urbanroots.org.uk/freefood/](https://www.urbanroots.org.uk/freefood/) Can't promise it's up to date but Urban Roots made a map of different food stuff a while ago by SpicedPotatoes (Thu 16th Jun 2022 9:13pm)
  • Thank you! I ate at Bucks twice and was unwell afterwards each time (tried it a second time because I figured maybe it was unrelated). This would explain why. by SpicedPotatoes (Wed 22nd Jun 2022 9:43am)
  • God that's horrible I'm sorry you had that experience. I do hate the blasè attitude you can get when raising these kinds of issues. It's so often treated like the equivalent of being disappointed in the quality of the food, but even when no lives are at stake my goddamn evening plans can be. There's a cost to getting this wrong that goes beyond simple dissatisfaction. by SpicedPotatoes (Wed 22nd Jun 2022 10:26am)
  • God that's horrible I'm sorry you had that experience. I do hate the blasè attitude you can get when raising these kinds of issues. It's so often treated like the equivalent of being disappointed in the quality of the food, but even when no lives are at stake my goddamn evening plans can be. There's a cost to getting this wrong that goes beyond simple dissatisfaction. by SpicedPotatoes (Wed 22nd Jun 2022 11:25am)
  • Hey, this is a lovely idea. Really racked my brain to think of a cafe, but if you're staying near the proper centre and want to avoid alcohol it is surprisingly difficult. Looks like everywhere I thought of either closes at 1900hrs or moves that more "continental" vibe of beer and coffee. Thought the cafe in the Theatre Royal would be a good shout because they've got reasons to be open later but looks like that closes at 1700hrs, and the hotels I thought of are all basically bars that serve coffee as opposed to seperate spaces. Even the cafe type space in central closes surprisingly early and somewhere like Princes Square is no better. I've never been inside so I don't know what the seating is like but how about one of these late-night dessert places? They're definately alcohol free. These guys are pretty close to city centre https://www.facebook.com/DeessertsUK/ by SpicedPotatoes (Sat 25th Jun 2022 12:03pm)
  • This is purely annecdotal but I've lived in the city more than 10 years now - anyone I know who's got a story of a break-in, a mugging, or a random act of violence these things occured either in the West End or the City Centre. by SpicedPotatoes (Sat 16th Jul 2022 8:49pm)
  • I actually came in here to suggest Hana Berggren as well. she pretty versatile, did a tiny portrait for me after I sent her some images of portrait artists (mostly Sargent). Don't know if this link will work [Link](https://scontent-frx5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/253313848_1351812785234959_5583189064537897646_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p1080x2048&_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=ae9488&_nc_ohc=Q-skjZSXRlYAX-SK5Sp&_nc_ht=scontent-frx5-1.xx&oh=03_AVIpPCrau2a1OeOaLvbP7tgr9oS9lRqkutJGabvdjlRNzg&oe=63098B65) I ended up using her again about a year later for some book illustrations, I wasn't asking wildly different art styles but it wasn't all one thing and she did it brilliantly. Don't want to labour the point but if you like the "feel" of her work but was hoping for something in a different style may still be worth reaching out by SpicedPotatoes (Thu 28th Jul 2022 8:31pm)
  • I've lived in cessnock for the past 7 years and don't plan going anywhere. Easy bus links to town, Paisley, and the fancier end of the Southside. Subway to the West End. Beruit Star and Schwarma Grill for cheap good food. Neighbours who are friendly without being nosey, and the Co-Op staff are beyond lovely. Plus it's walking distance from town and a big Asda or Aldi if you absolutely need to. Yes the orange march is a massive pain the arse, football is annoying, and same goes for the subcrawls and the infrequent gigs at Bella, but I couldn't name anywhere else in Glasgow with such good transport links that's affordable to live. Oh and having Kinning Park Complex on your doorstep is a big plus as well. In terms of Junkies and crime, the worst I could say for cessnock is there's a couple of friendly people you might get to know who I've noticed are day-drunk with a frequency that makes you concerned for their wellbeing. In more than 15 years living in Glasgow most of my friends who've been broken into lived in the West End, always led me to figure that sort of thing is a risk anywhere. In short, I'd recommend it. by SpicedPotatoes (Tue 28th Mar 2023 10:46pm)
  • There's a wee community Gala going on in Govan today [https://www.facebook.com/events/739400161257024](https://www.facebook.com/events/739400161257024) by SpicedPotatoes (Sat 6th May 2023 10:46am)
  • Wheelchair user here - never had a problem with Goma beyond goths loitering in the ramps by SpicedPotatoes (Fri 23rd Jun 2023 3:58pm)
  • Just dropped in to add a vote of confidence for Gary Murray he coaches me and a pal down at boxers booth each week. He'll rip the piss, and he's utterly unforgiving during practice, but he's a class act by SpicedPotatoes (Tue 18th Jul 2023 9:38pm)
  • It's been an age since I've been to that end of town so I don't know if it's still there but wasn't Pink Peacock trying to be that kinda space? Also there a group called "good clean fun" that runs alcohol free club nights. by SpicedPotatoes (Wed 19th Jul 2023 8:03pm)
  • Never lived in govan but worked there for years and have many friends who've lived there. It's no different from the rest of Glasgow, you get back what you put in. Treat people with respect and politely and you'll get similar back - act like you're better than folks and it'll be different. My own experience of Govan has been the opposite - people being over-friendly. Hearing folks tell their whole life story across a shop counter, taking half an hour to nip out for milk because people stop you for a chat. I was covering a basic 9-5 so I totally accept I might have seen a different side than everyone else but I can only speak to what I know. by SpicedPotatoes (Thu 7th Sep 2023 10:26am)