r/Glasgow Tools


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  • There is one in the Hillhead Bookclub (obviously can't get to it until after lockdown). by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Sun 28th Jun 2020 1:59pm)
  • Something that helped me get through my dissertation was to commit to writing 1000 words a day. I would usually get into it and end up writing more than that, but if I wasn't feeling it I would stop at 1000. It didn't have to be structured, sometimes it was just writing down my thoughts or in the moment research. After 5 days you already have 5,000 words. Then you just go back and make it pretty. Not sure how long you have but it really helped me. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Sun 28th Jun 2020 1:56pm)
  • Yeah, my husband and I love going there! They also have Super Mario, if the controllers aren't broken lol. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Sun 28th Jun 2020 3:16pm)
  • Ha! I'm such a procrastinator, the daily word count really saved me not having to do it the weekend before it was due 🤣. But whatever gets the writing done. You do you, and good luck👍. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Sun 28th Jun 2020 4:43pm)
  • I second this. I too live in Cessnock area like OP and this is the one I go to. I have found things to be improperly put back (probably by customers) so watch the labels of anything you pick out to make sure the fibre content is what you need. The prices are all listed on the labels which is handy. I have found the owner to be a bit curt at times, she seems all business and no smiles, but she is helpful if you need anything. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Mon 14th Sep 2020 12:54pm)
  • As far as Yarn Cake goes I remember them having a slightly limited stock as they are small, and the products are a little more on the pricey side. Having said that the owner was super sweet and the cafe atmosphere was excellent and hosts knitting groups from time to time. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Mon 14th Sep 2020 12:59pm)
  • The app Olio works really well for me. You can give away food or non-food items and I have never waited long to have my items claimed. Also Freecycle (Glasgow). Not as good as Olio but not as many chancers as Gumtree. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Thu 17th Sep 2020 9:00am)
  • Great to hear that! Yeah I've only had one item go unclaimed on that app out of probably dozens. Hope you get all your duds given away in time 👍. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Thu 17th Sep 2020 10:32pm)
  • Mossgiel Farm. Organic glass bottle milk and they deliver to lots of places. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Wed 21st Oct 2020 2:36pm)
  • Staying will be very, VERY tough. If you don't have a very specific set of skills, find an employer who loves you so much they want to pay for a visa to keep you, or have enough money in the bank to be an entrepreneur after graduating, you probably won't be able to stay after your studies. But as mentioned by others, in your field they may need people. I came in 2014 and loved it so much I desperately tried to stay. But I just kept hitting road block after road block. My advice would be to do your research thoroughly. Know all the possible avenues to staying inside and out. I waited till my visa was about to expire before I started researching (big mistake). Volunteer at as many places as you can and make yourself indispensable in your employment with a company that can afford a visa. You want connections and you want good experience to beat the massive competition for jobs. Companies are unlikely to take on a foreign national who will cost them more unless they have a damn good CV. As for me I lucked out and met my future spouse while in Glasgow. Still didn't help in the immediate. I had to move back to my country and go through 3.5 years and a wedding to be able to move back in 2019. And damn is it all VERY expensive! But it got me back to Glasgow, so maybe date while you're here lol? Good luck to you whatever you decide. Glasgow is an awesome place to live. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Thu 12th Nov 2020 12:15pm)
  • I am also from America, and there are many reasons we chose to live in Scotland vs. the US, but one of them was the visa process here is quicker....not by a lot, but with America being on fire right now it probably has only gotten worse..... (I am not a visa specialist, this is my own knowledge so please look into it yourself as things will have changed due to covid etc.) I use [this](https://www.expatforum.com/forums/britain-expat-forum-for-expats-living-in-the-uk.8/) website quite frequently as my visa journey is far from over, and I would highly reccomend looking through the forum and asking more experienced people your specific questions. Realistically your options are probably as follows (sorry for the wall of text): Basically, yeah....get married....like right fucking now. And I'm only kinda joking. Things take longer than you think and so doing it ASAP is going to help. We still had to wait a year after we got married before we could apply for the visa due to finances. So now is the best time to act. Get a civil partnership. Don't want to be married? This is another avenue. You have to have proof of living together for 2+ years so you may qualify. Basically nearly the same as the spouse visa without having to get married. Other than that have lots of money in savings and apply for an entrepreneur visa. Got a small business idea? Maybe it's time to start it! If your boyfriend has really specific skills (ie brain surgeon or rocket scientist) he might be able to find a company that will sponsor a visa for him, but as I stated in my previous comment, it is increasingly unlikely with all the competition for jobs. And that's....kinda....it. But do your own research and DO IT NOW! Do not wait. If you think you have "the one" go for it! I hope this doesn't dishearten you, I have been where you are and I spent many nights/years stressing out about our future. As long as you are pro-active you will make it work somehow. Drop me a PM if you have more questions, but again I would look at that forum for better answers. Good luck! by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Thu 12th Nov 2020 1:44pm)
  • That's why I said start everything now. This is just the beginning as well. If your boyfriend has to move back to the US before you decide what to do, the UK will not count his income towards a partner visa and it is based solely off you making more than £18,600/yr. I've also found it difficult as an American here because you still have to pay US taxes and it's near impossible to invest for retirement outside of an employer pension. I cannot get an ISA or invest for my future in the UK and I have to be pretty quiet when it comes to my US investments. If I didn't have my parent's US address to use it's very likely that my US investment accounts will try to cut ties with me as well. I keep telling my spouse this is the most expensive relationship I have ever been in. But that's something you have to talk about with your boyfriend. Is the relationship worth the absolutely insane hassle. If so awesome! Start saving now! by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Thu 12th Nov 2020 5:34pm)
  • Even worse for us, my spouse is self employed so we had to provide a FULL YEAR of payslips in order to apply. We didn't see each other at all that year in order to make the threshold. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Thu 12th Nov 2020 5:48pm)
  • So, I actually thought Rafa's was disgusting...and I'm from California so CaliMex is my jam! The food we got was so bland and flavourless we ended up binning it. Do you think I should give it another chance because EVERYONE seems to have the opposite opinion from me and I just don't get it?!? I could have sworn all their reviews were paid for because what people said and what we got was totally night and day. Looking for honest opinion is all. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Thu 19th Nov 2020 11:43am)
  • I may just try again. I mean there must be a reason there are queues every night. I'm not even one to nitpick food, I'll eat mostly everything, but I felt embarrassed when we went because I had talked it up so much. But we both took one bite and like looked at each other like "ew". They have some new menu items so maybe I'll try again. Thanks for the opinion! by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Thu 19th Nov 2020 5:02pm)
  • You could try getwellgamers.org.uk. They usually take old consoles, fix them up if need be, and then donate them to hospitals and hospices and such. They usually have a list of consoles they are no longer accepting on their donate page that you can check out before contacting them. Worth a shot. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Tue 24th Nov 2020 11:04pm)
  • As an American in Glasgow THIS is what gets me all the time. I remember when my spouse and I got married and we were only able to spend two weeks together for the occasion. EVERYONE I talked to asked "wait, your spouse didn't stay?!?" or "wait it's been a year since you got married, why are you still living in different countries?!?" IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT PEOPLE....ugh. These are the same people (on both sides of the pond) who would bitch and moan about immigration being "too easy" and we need to stop immigrants at all costs. Trust me, it's fucking difficult and not like the movies. End rant. edit: a word by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Fri 8th Jan 2021 9:53am)
  • Yeah it was always great! They set out chairs in the lobby and there are wee programmes with the songs of the day listed. They usually did about 6 songs and it lasted maybe half an hour to an hour. There would always be a mix of styles too so it didn't feel dominated by stuffy church music. I believe they also used these performances to teach or train new oraganists. I was gutted when I was out of town for the Bowie tribute. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Sun 10th Jan 2021 1:00pm)
  • 👆 THIS THIS THIS 👆 PlantMama is legend! She is the sweetest person in the world, will help you find the perfect plant, writes personal notes on all her deliveries, etc. She even does a Friday night plant question session on Insta and answers questions about plant problems. Girl is legit the best thing to come out of lock down. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Wed 27th Jan 2021 6:33pm)
  • [https://www.expatforum.com/forums/britain-expat-forum-for-expats-living-in-the-uk.8/](https://www.expatforum.com/forums/britain-expat-forum-for-expats-living-in-the-uk.8/) This was a really helpful forum when I went through the visa process. I apologise in advance for the long post but this question always hits me in the heart because the immigration struggle is real and unfortunately for Americans it's not a decision that can easily be made on a romantic whim. I am happy to go more into logisitcs and details than what I said below if you want to message me. If you are not married and do not intend to marry then you either need to be a brain surgeon, a wealthy entrepreneur, a student or perhaps a migrant worker. Or a major celebrity or fiance to a prince. There really are very few visa options outside marriage visas. Not sure if partner means married, but if not, as others have already stated get married or it's going to be nie on impossible to move. And it will cost you a literal fortune. You are looking at spending thousands for the whole process (you also have to reapply every 2.5 years for 5 years...each time is roughly £2,000+). Also, it won't matter if you have a great job. Your current income, for the most part, means nothing. Your spouse will have to be making a minimum of £18,600 a year in proveable income. And with the pandemic happening making that income if they don't already could be very tricky. If they don't make the minimum, that's ok, you can just have at least £62,500 in savings and that will take care of it. As some have said move them to Hawaii, and while I understand that mentality from Glaswegians, it's not really an easy answer either. I have a friend who is moving to Seattle to be with his spouse and he was told that if he had any history of being on government assistance then he should not bother applying. And with the pandemic more people are on assistance than ever before. But maybe Biden will change those heavy immigration restrictions....probably not for a while though. It's not like in rom-coms where a pair of star crossed lovers can just be together in the next scene. It's not impossible though. But check out the forum and they may be able to clear some things up for you. Also, sorry if I sound pessimistic and bitter, but the immigration process will do that to you. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Fri 29th Jan 2021 1:33pm)
  • Not open yet, but if you wait till the week of the 26th you can hit up R:evolve Recycle. They have swap shops in Cambuslang, Rutherglen and Hamilton. You take your clothing donations in, they give you 'points' depending on what you brought, and then you can spend those points on new (to you) clothing. It's like shopping for free. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Fri 9th Apr 2021 4:40pm)
  • I have an extra one you can just have if you like. DM me if interested by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Thu 29th Apr 2021 5:40pm)
  • Used to work at the Science Centre. They own the building part of it, and all the kit inside (screens, seats, etc) I believe is owned by IMAX. So they will more than likely liquidate the assets. From the rumours I hear from people I still know there (and they are just rumours) I believe the Science Centre is going to reclaim that space and maybe move a new, bigger planetarium in there. Or perhaps new exhibits of some kind. Again, it's all heresay but it would be cool to have a big spacious science exhibit in there. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Thu 20th May 2021 6:36pm)
  • This! Olio is great for this stuff. I have almost always been able to get rid of the things I am no longer needing for free using this app. And there seems to be less chancers and scammers than say Freecycle or Gumtree. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Wed 9th Jun 2021 7:27pm)
  • There may be several things at play for you. Depending on how long your studies are going to last they may just not want a short term let and are looking for renters who are going to stay longer than 1 year or so. Also, it may not be your student status and just that the competition is fierce. About 6 years ago I had just graduated from my post grad and was looking for a flat for the last 4 months of my visa. When I was looking the viewings were insane. Fifteen people all viewing at once, some people making offers at the viewing and my viewings were cancelled, etc. The flat I finally did get was ONLY because I offered to put 5 months down (yes, I only had 4 months left in the country but I was about to be homeless if I didn't get something). They said the reason I got the flat was because I offered the most upfront, with the guy offering 4 months being the next one they would have considered. So maybe you need to be willing to offer more up front to beat the crowd? It could literally just be going to the highest bidder and nothing to do with student status. Just my thoughts, good luck! by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Sat 19th Jun 2021 10:23am)
  • I've been recently and the food was extremely underwhelming. I had the French Dip, wich was just some beef on a roll swimming in a plate of 'juice'. The meat was tepid and the roll soggy before I even had my first bite. My partner had a deep dish pizza, and my Chicago pizza loving parents would have wept at it. While it was reportedly tasty, it was just some toppings on a very deep piece of pizza dough, not an actual deep dish pizza. We also got the chips with I think salt and chili, or spice? And it was chips you would deforst from ASDA with some spicy salsa thrown on top of them. Sorry for the long reply, I was just super disappointed as I had been scanning their Insta for a while and was excited to try. Still and ok atmosphere for a pub though. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Sun 20th Jun 2021 2:11pm)
  • They've already been mentioned but I will absolutely second Spitfire and Ottoman Coffee House. Not really coffee house but I love Tchai Ovna for their massive tea list, comfy dining area and occasional friendly tea cat. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Wed 23rd Jun 2021 6:29pm)
  • Besides going foraging, you can buy some from Glasgow Plant Mama. She sells soil by the scoop (£1 per very generous scoop). She is really helpful as well. Although she is moving shop fronts at the moment so may not be totally available for a drop in or delivery. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Sun 4th Jul 2021 10:56am)
  • The baby seagulls are starting to fly so the parents get particularly loud when one of them tries to wing it. We've seen a few babies fall off the roofs across from us and not be able to get back up because they still don't quite grasp flight yet. They then wander around the street looking despondent and the parents go absolutely wild when that happens. It's sad and extremely gratifying all at the same time. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Sun 18th Jul 2021 10:53pm)
  • You could always try donating them to Get Well Gamers: [https://getwellgamers.org.uk/](https://getwellgamers.org.uk/). They take old consoles and send them out to kids in hospital. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Mon 19th Jul 2021 3:34pm)
  • Hey, can anyone tell me where steamie bot gets the 'What's on Today' links? I know of something that is happening this weekend and was wanting to add it to the list of 'events'. Thanks very much! by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Wed 28th Jul 2021 7:23pm)
  • Ah thanks! I figured the details were being scraped from some Glasgow event website and The List is a good shout. I will look at that and the Glasgow Market subreddit. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Wed 28th Jul 2021 9:01pm)
  • Good bot by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Wed 28th Jul 2021 9:22pm)
  • Revolve Recycle are great. You turn in your clothes to their swap shops and you get points in return which you can then use to take out any clothes in the shop for free. They do a lot of good for the community so are a worthwhile charity to support. They have shops in Rutherglen, Cambuslang, and Hamilton you can drop your clothes off at any of them. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Sat 4th Sep 2021 12:10am)
  • It's only 2 yrs old. Unfortunately, we bought it online from some non-standard retailer like Big Furniture Warehouse or something like that so doubt we could get it fixed through them as it probably came from China or something. And no jumping haha, looks like the culprit is a cheap chip board support beam. If I had the time and tools I could probably fix it myself but I am at the point I just want it done. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Wed 15th Sep 2021 6:15pm)
  • Thanks for the link. Looks like they mainly do re-upholstery but I'll give em a shout and see if they can do wood repairs or know a business that can. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Wed 15th Sep 2021 6:59pm)
  • Fair point. I knew going into buying the couch that it wasn't going to last forever, I think it was £300. So I am not surprised at it having faults. To be fair though, the couch otherwise is in perfect condition and looks and sits nicely. And the beam isn't fully broken just has a crack in it. So I was hoping to have it fixed instead of needlessly binning an otherwise good condition couch. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Wed 15th Sep 2021 7:02pm)
  • I definitely thought about it. The problem with fixing it myself is that I would have to check out tools from the tool library and get wood from the shop all in the one day I have off work and without a car. I was just hoping to find a workman who already had all the things to make my life easier. I am definitely DIY minded just short on time and resources. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Thu 16th Sep 2021 1:44pm)
  • Yeah I understand. I was quoted £170 from 1st Class but they are now shut due to a positive covid test. If it came to £170 over £500+ for a new one I would prefer the lesser amount. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Thu 16th Sep 2021 1:42pm)
  • Definitely an idea for a quick fix! by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Thu 16th Sep 2021 1:44pm)
  • Cheers mate. This is the kind of info I was hoping for. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Thu 16th Sep 2021 11:49pm)
  • Thank you so much for a truly helpful answer by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Fri 17th Sep 2021 8:01am)
  • Hey I work for a place that could help you with this! R:evolve Recycle. Besides lots of other stuff, we run various workshops which are free for the community. You should come to our "Meet, Make & Mend" workshop which happens every Thursday from 10-12. We set up sewing machines, have large tables, lots of threads, fabric etc to use, all for free. There are volunteers who run the workshop who can help you with what you need. Address is 56 Hamilton Rd in Cambuslang (AND we have parking!). DM me if you want more details. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Tue 26th Oct 2021 6:19pm)
  • See, I still maintain that we played it the 'real' way as kids, in that someone else announcing that they lost the game didn't make you lose the game. You could only lose if you thought of the game yourself. This meant we would always laugh at the person who lost, instead of getting angry at them losing. (I am also from America and have encountered many people who played it both ways in the states, but people in the UK seem to only play it the 'wrong' way) edit: a word by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Tue 28th Dec 2021 2:07pm)
  • Late to the party, but depending on where she lives you could check out [https://www.leap-project.co.uk/](https://www.leap-project.co.uk/) . They do elderly befriending and free learning and leisure classes like art , knit and natter, new age curling, etc. They even have a free handy person service where volunteers go to the house and help change lightbulbs, hang curtains and little tasks around the house. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Sun 16th Jan 2022 4:55pm)
  • Glasgow Science Centre is always a good full day out and they will be re-opening to regular hours I believe during the Easter break by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Wed 30th Mar 2022 6:21pm)
  • It's called "Falling in Love" by the Rebel Bear. Some consider them "Glasgow's answer to Banksy" as the artist is anonymous, but here is their Insta if you like more art. [https://www.instagram.com/the.rebel.bear/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/the.rebel.bear/?hl=en) by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Tue 30th May 2023 5:47pm)
  • There are a lot of bartering groups on FB (brilliant Bartering Glasgow comes to mind). I am a member of a few of them and there are definitely some wonderful people on there who may let you borrow a dress. I've seen lots of exchanges where a borrow is arranged instead of a barter. Could try one of those. Good luck. by ThrwAwyTdayHrray (Tue 30th May 2023 6:01pm)