r/Glasgow Tools


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  • So I was in a very similar position. 52% deposit, I only had 3 months of pay checks and funnily enough that contract was only for 12 months. Got accepted no problem. That was also as a single buyer, I think you're in a good position to get accepted. Mine is with Natwest but it was 5 years ago so things may have changed. My employer is the NHS though an apparently mortgages brokers like that. by fort_panda (Sat 27th Mar 2021 9:46am)
  • People rarely have 200k sitting in a bank, it’ll be in assets that can liquidate quickly. I.e stocks. by fort_panda (Mon 29th Mar 2021 10:02pm)
  • This is absolutely ridiculous and a complete cop out, you only get a blue bin in my street if you apply for one (central Glasgow) and everyone fills them up way before the two week collection. Have to ask what the fuck my council tax is going on exactly? by fort_panda (Wed 31st Mar 2021 12:44pm)
  • Look like it's F, it's actually nearing on £300 a month for 10 months, proper fleecing, having to pay to get bloody cardboard removed privately. by fort_panda (Fri 9th Apr 2021 3:23pm)
  • It's mad I don't get it, it's a 2 bed flat, it's a reasonable size but it's not exactly a palace, no idea why we're charged so much for such a crap service. by fort_panda (Fri 9th Apr 2021 3:28pm)
  • Yeah I do that but I got bored, it's not like they ever actually come it's just like they go 'oh yeah cool', nothing seems to happen you just wait the full time until the next collection date. by fort_panda (Fri 9th Apr 2021 3:26pm)
  • That's mental. We have a blue bin to ourselves and if fills up pretty rapid, no glass recycling either. No wonder Glasgow looks like a bin half of the time. by fort_panda (Fri 9th Apr 2021 3:25pm)
  • Aye fair, I will report it, promise! I'm more raging at getting fleeced for such a shit service. by fort_panda (Fri 9th Apr 2021 3:47pm)
  • Aye I just so happened to be home when they 'delivered' mine, was nowhere near my flat. Wouldn't be surprised if someone walked off with yours. Or more likely they just didn't bother delivering it! by fort_panda (Fri 9th Apr 2021 3:54pm)
  • Cool well I’ll look into it, hopefully get a discount, it’s in park so I dunno if the age of the building matters by fort_panda (Fri 9th Apr 2021 5:45pm)
  • Yeah, I’ll be a nosey neighbour and ask around as to what people are banded, thanks! by fort_panda (Fri 9th Apr 2021 7:29pm)
  • Yeah I’m glad I’m not the only one I feel guilty for chucking stuff out but for a while I was keeping recycling but like you say it just backs up, then when they empty it I’ve got enough to fill it again! What’s the point in all this recycling drive if they don’t pick it up! by fort_panda (Fri 9th Apr 2021 7:31pm)
  • Aye mate I’m not that simple, I never said it was just for bins but I pay plenty income tax for all that other stuff. Then to pay over £3000 a year on the council tax so at what point in this endless tax hole am I allowed to expect a regular, reliable bin pickup? by fort_panda (Fri 9th Apr 2021 7:46pm)
  • I’m sure you’re right mate but it’s painful enough having to pay for it let alone spend my spare time reading about it, I’m not that bothered, my bins are included and it’s a rip off. Also I don’t use a single one of all the examples you listed, I’d just like my bins picked up regularly. Even if they came to schedule (once a fortnight), they should be coming weekly. by fort_panda (Fri 9th Apr 2021 8:15pm)
  • Maintained is a strong word, the roads in Glasgow are absolutely horrendous. I also pay road tax on top of my council tax. by fort_panda (Fri 9th Apr 2021 8:39pm)
  • So: JD in Maryhill, good but getting busier, good equipment but they have manky carpets about the place that seriously need replaced. Really big facility. There’s a new one on the south side that looks bigger but I haven’t been Pure gym bath street: massive, good facilities, used to get very mobbed like all pure gyms Pure gym Charing Cross: shite, tiny, mobbed, ancient cardio machines Extreme gym south side: loads of unusual weights equipment that you wouldn’t get in commercial gyms, proper serious vibe though, plenty of massive guys so it’s a bit intimidating but people are sound for the most part, aside from some of the obnoxious personal trainers. There’s another one in the west end that was smaller and had worse equipment but they may have upgraded. by fort_panda (Sat 1st May 2021 5:39pm)
  • :( I’ll keep my eyes peeled by fort_panda (Sat 8th May 2021 3:10pm)
  • That’s a great insight. Thank you, clearly more complicated than I had realised. by fort_panda (Fri 18th Jun 2021 1:31pm)
  • This is embarrassing and self indulgent. Nobody is forcing you to leave. So don’t? Pointless. by fort_panda (Fri 29th Oct 2021 5:58pm)
  • Not in the UK with pasture raised beef, which is how almost all beef here is produced. Farmers just use land that they can’t grow crops on anyway and the cows graze on the grass there. Of course this does apply to the way the USA produced beef, but the uk media does a strange job of portraying the UK supply in the same way, clearly to support the narrative. by fort_panda (Sat 6th Nov 2021 10:48am)
  • I agree with this but people do need to eat, they don’t need to buy inordinate amounts of unnecessary consumer crap. I’m not so sure going after the food chain is the most sensible first step. And non-meat products aren’t automatically good for the environment. by fort_panda (Sat 6th Nov 2021 10:49am)
  • It might help on a global scale but if you look at how most of the beef is produced in the Uk it’s just cows grazing on grass in fields which aren’t suitable to grow crops anyway. It’s very sustainable. When people think cows they automatically think huge feed lots in the USA which obviously needs changed but I don’t see the harm in how we do it in the UK. There’s also something to cutting off your own food supply, that doesn’t go well historically. by fort_panda (Sat 6th Nov 2021 10:59am)
  • That’s what can be done, although many farmers feed them hay over the winter, which they get from their own wheat production. I just don’t think it it’s correct for the media to assert that all meat production is terrible for the environment. Sure I completely agree the way the USA farms does needs doing away with. However it’s a completely different entity in the UK. We need to eat, the pastures cows graze are often not suitable for crops, and non-meat food sources aren’t automatically environmentally friendly. by fort_panda (Sat 6th Nov 2021 11:16am)
  • Difficult to find these figures. From what I can see approximately 35% of our beef is imported, but I think it needn’t be, we export loads of it too. But if you’re eating British beef you can expect it’s grass fed except for when there’s extremes of weather. Why? Well, because The UK climate is great for growing grass. Farmers want profit so they’re not going to buy feed when the cows are better off eating grass. I looked it up and 65% of farmland in the UK is best suited to growing grass rather than other crops. If we did not graze livestock on it, we could not use it to produce food. It makes no sense for a country to go after it’s own food supply when there’s other options to target. We need to not forget that the grass is a bit uptaker of carbon. It’s a myth that the beef industry is a huge carbon polluter. What is laughable is that the uk governments solution to a problem that doesn’t exist seems to be to import beef from New Zealand. I don’t think anyone can claim that rearing beef literally across the world and then transporting it here is somehow better for the environment than rearing our own beef here! by fort_panda (Sat 6th Nov 2021 1:59pm)
  • Username does not check out. by fort_panda (Sat 6th Nov 2021 7:35pm)
  • You’d probably be better going after people that buy a new PCP a car every five minutes than just because someone happens to own an SUV. If you’ve owned one car in 15 years that’s a bit bigger I’d imagine it had a lower impact on the environment than upgrading your car every three years. However that’s too nuanced so we just go for the lowest resolution response. Electric cars are also really heavy and I’ve yet to see evidence that they’re a workable solution. Should we go about taking the batteries out of every activists iPhones? Phones are horrible for the environment. I think SUVs are just an easy target because it’s a display of wealth, and people in Britain in particular absolutely cannot stand anyone having any money, especially not more than they do, let alone spending it how they see fit. by fort_panda (Fri 12th Nov 2021 12:05pm)
  • Yeah but need isn’t really an argument. Literally everyone in the western world has inordinate amounts of shit they don’t need. We all do. Picking on people in the west end with SUVs isn’t going to change that. Many of these climate activists love travelling. Should we ban them from flying anywhere? Half of it is financial jealousy thinly veiled as environmentalism. Of course it’s easier to deflate peoples tyres and leave self righteous notes to get a lovely feeling of moral superiority (without actually doing anything yourself) so that you can feel good about yourself. by fort_panda (Fri 12th Nov 2021 12:09pm)
  • What gives you authority to be the judge on what other people, whom which you don’t actually know, need? I’m sure I could go through all of your possessions / lifestyle choices find things that you don’t need. Should I get to interfere with them on that basis? It’s not a reasonable position to take. by fort_panda (Fri 12th Nov 2021 12:35pm)
  • I agree with that. My issue is with the definition of need. It’s inevitably subjective. Is a single person in an SUV excessive? Probably. What about a single farmer? Or a family of 7? These people just went out indescrimintanty messing with peoples property. To me it’s incredibly arrogant to think that you can make a judgement about the persons carbon footprint based on a single piece of information. by fort_panda (Fri 12th Nov 2021 2:29pm)
  • And this is kind of what I’ve alluded to in other posts. I don’t believe these ‘environmentalists’ care about the environment as much as they care about screwing over people they deem to have more money than them. They’re quoted as ‘going after the 1%’. There’s a resentment of money that is often ignored in this. ‘How dare someone have kids, send them to private school and have a large vehicle’. It’s just typical British bitterness. It’s easy to just tell yourself that’s it’s all about the environment. Yeah, sure. by fort_panda (Fri 12th Nov 2021 7:17pm)
  • I didn’t say that wealth gives you a right to do anything. What people do have the right to do is buy a legal product and use it without someone bitter with nothing better to do messing about with it. They did actually, they deflated someone’s car tyres who had a tiny engine and then her child couldn’t get to school. As I said before they specifically said they go after 1% in particular which I’d say is very revealing about how they really feel. And given that your example was a private school in the west end, it suggests that’s also your resentment. Why didn’t you say go look at every working class street that is absolutely mobbed with crossovers parked that are just as big and uneconomical / environmentally friendly as range rovers, but are aren’t even a 4x4? It’s because British hate peoples with more money than them. Everyone knows what this really is. It’s funny how it’s always someone else’s problem. by fort_panda (Fri 12th Nov 2021 8:31pm)
  • This is why I don’t get trains. by fort_panda (Thu 25th Nov 2021 3:41am)
  • Yep, works great. No numpties bothering me or enormous people taking up 1.5 seats. Dislikes clearly by people who can’t drive; don’t blame me. by fort_panda (Thu 25th Nov 2021 11:18pm)
  • and then everybody clapped. by fort_panda (Fri 3rd Dec 2021 1:06pm)
  • You don’t think this story is ever so slightly exaggerated? ‘Badass legend’ and ‘tossed around like a wet paper bag’, haha. Certainly sounds it to me. Clearly other people agree. by fort_panda (Sat 4th Dec 2021 5:10pm)
  • Keep trying your best to spend to sound clever on Reddit. One day you’ll finally lose your virginity. I believe in you. Don’t give up. by fort_panda (Sat 4th Dec 2021 5:26pm)
  • 0/10 by fort_panda (Sat 4th Dec 2021 6:03pm)
  • No amount of terrible mum jokes will make you less of a disappointment. by fort_panda (Sat 4th Dec 2021 6:07pm)
  • What an incredibly selfish attitude. Why don’t we just take all your possessions and give them to people that have nothing? by fort_panda (Thu 16th Dec 2021 5:53pm)
  • The material item is irrelevant. What this person is suggesting is legislating against something perfectly legal, and taking it by force from the owner, and not only that, giving it to someone else. This is a very dangerous prescident to suggest. It’s also incredibly wishful thinking and comes across as quite entitled to me. They literally said ‘and give them to people that have nothing’. Why do you think you deserve something for nothing? I suspect these people might have a different perspective if the shoe were on the other foot, which makes the whole thing seem very hypocritical to me. by fort_panda (Thu 16th Dec 2021 6:10pm)
  • Yes. It is selfish. The level of entitlement and victim mentality on here in unreal. You realise that if you got rid of landlords you wouldn’t suddenly be able to afford these properties, right? Just because you’d can’t afford something doesn’t mean you’re entitled to take it from someone who can. What dream world do you live in? Even if in this weird dystopia you could change laws that allowed property to be stolen, why the hell do you think you have the right to be given it? Just because you want to live in desirable housing in desirable locations, doesn’t make you entitled to, that’s not how life works. by fort_panda (Thu 16th Dec 2021 6:27pm)
  • Buying property is hardly tantamount to slavery. You are just bitter that you can’t afford desirable property in a desirable location. Taking landlords out of the equation won’t change that. How can you ‘take back’ what was never yours? Deluded. Not every landlord is some property tycoon with 100 rental properties. People who own homes have varied lives and will rent their property if they want. Peoples circumstances change. It’s very evident that you’re just playing a victim because you can’t have what you want. Everyone should have somewhere to live. What you don’t have a god given right to is a really nice place to live, in areas where there is always, and will always be more demand than supply, for a price you’d like to dictate. It’s not the real world. There are many affordable accommodations, just not in the highly desirable areas. Nobody is forcing you to rent an expensive flat. by fort_panda (Thu 16th Dec 2021 6:33pm)
  • What is it you think I’m projecting? by fort_panda (Thu 16th Dec 2021 6:58pm)
  • Fair enough. I do think many of the people taking this perspective are doing so for selfish reasons. I don’t see the government breaking the law and taking property from owners as a reasonable thing to do, even if you think it’s with good motive. How about we decide that your family home is no longer yours and should be given up, by force? That sounds like a good peaceful thing to do doesn’t it? Even if you think abolishing rental properties by some weird totalitarian force is necessary, it doesn’t work. Other countries have tried it and you actually worsen the housing situation. Turns out if you make building new homes not even slightly profitable, people aren’t that bothered about building them. Who’d have thought? by fort_panda (Thu 16th Dec 2021 6:58pm)
  • You’re too far gone to even comprehend that other people in the world have differing perspective than you. I don’t accept the premise of your argument. It’s not ‘predatory’ to own a property that you rent out to someone and it has nothing to do with slavery. Must be difficult to cope when the world doesn’t align with your extreme viewpoint huh? ‘The poor’ of the UK are rich by global standards and have a high standard of living overall. Not everyone can have a nice flat in the west end. Even if you abolish being a landlord, there’s finite room and finite number of nice flats in nice areas. by fort_panda (Thu 16th Dec 2021 7:15pm)
  • I know what projection means. I own a property in the west end that I live in and am not, nor have never been a landlord; makes no differences to me what rent people charge or pay. I just don’t buy that these intentions are as pure as they always make out. I also don’t believe that they really think just forcefully stealing peoples property ‘for the greater good’ would be the right thing if it was their property that was being given up. It’s easy to be all morally superior when it’s someone else that has to actually give up their own property isn’t it? by fort_panda (Thu 16th Dec 2021 7:30pm)
  • I’m not missing your points, I’m ignoring them. As far as I’m concerned all this slavery and exploitation chat is just ridiculous hyperbole to try and justify your extreme position. Nobody is forced to rent an expensive flat in a desirable location. There’s plenty of accommodation in less desirable areas that are affordable. There’s a limited supply in a small area which will always increase demand. I’m sure virtue signalling on Reddit about all this perceived injustice makes you feel good about yourself. It’s not actually doing anything though is it? The government isn’t going to forcefully remove ownership of peoples property. You and I both know this won’t, and shouldn’t happen. by fort_panda (Thu 16th Dec 2021 7:59pm)
  • Alt-right hahaha. Anything that isn’t falling off your perch extreme leftist viewpoint is alt-right? Hilarious. It matters not what I think about what poorer people should or shouldn’t have, or rich people. It’s not about morality. You earn proportion to the value you provide to society. Not everyone can be a lawyer or footballer. Life is not equal. There is no utopia. People are not equally able to earn for myriad reasons and no amount of legislation or legal force will solve that. by fort_panda (Thu 16th Dec 2021 8:15pm)
  • Call it what you want. What you are doing is just taking a ‘holier than thou’ stance without actually doing anything to make yourself feel good about it. Prattling on on Reddit making out that private letting is the same as slavery is achieving absolutely nothing. The fact is that you are paid proportionate to your value, in a non-emotional sense. Yes nurses and firefighters get paid less than hedge fund managers. There aren’t many hedge fund managers or people with the skills to do such a job and to get such a position would be incredibly competition. That’s not really the point though is it? My point is that not everyone can earn the same amount for millions of different reasons. Inevitably there will be disparity that means some people won’t be able to afford the top level accommodation. If you compare normal jobs, the nurse is paid more than the secretary or the cleaner because that’s the price our society puts on their value, which is related to how rare their skill set. It takes longer to become a nurse than a cleaner. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it inevitable. What on earth does wheelchair access have to do with your suggestion that the government steal private property from the owners (who paid for the property legally)? Just because there is quite rightfully legalisation to ensure disabled people have access, doesn’t make it right to steal private property in the name of the ‘greater good’ (as defined by you). You seem to think just because you think something is right that it should be legislated, just because you say so. I disagree. Should I have the right to decide legislation? Given that we disagree quite a bit I’d suggest you wouldn’t like that. Ultimately, you think your perspective is ‘morally superior’ to mine, it isn’t. It’s just an opinion, just like mine. by fort_panda (Thu 16th Dec 2021 10:49pm)
  • You ignoring the fact that almost all of my points are not responded to, eh? Comparing property rental to slavery is embarrassing. There’s no need to say much more than that. It’s certainly not an argument. Slavery is forced Labour for no pay and you can’t refuse or leave. Renting a flat that’s expensive is not forced; nobody has a right to live in the most expensive areas of Glasgow. Everyone should have shelter, yes. A nice flat in the west end / south side, however, is not a right. Shelter should also not be stolen from owners because people don’t like it. It’s very evident that the people suggesting this aren’t the people who would be forced to give up their property, right? Convenient that isn’t it. by fort_panda (Thu 16th Dec 2021 10:52pm)
  • No, you lot ignore genuine arguments because I question your ideological drivel that is just a massive circle jerk on Reddit. That and you don’t have any real retort. Also these little pithy sayings don’t make you look as smart as you’re hoping. by fort_panda (Thu 16th Dec 2021 11:06pm)
  • If you look back my issue was with someone literally saying ‘abolish landlordism, give it to people who have nothing.’ This is what I have an issue with. I don’t actually have anything against making becoming a landlord less profitable. Your suggestions would indeed make it less desirable and I don’t have an issue with some legislating to discourage investors owning huge property portfolios etc. However, it would also make building new property significantly less desirable and to solve the issue of not enough affordable housing is building more of it primarily. Capping rents in the West End, for example, isn’t going to make more flats available, it would probably make them less available since many would get a rent cut and would be more likely to stay put. by fort_panda (Thu 16th Dec 2021 11:31pm)
  • I don’t support landlordism, which I’ve said before. I just don’t support your suggestion that government should take peoples property and give it to others who you deem to be more worth of it. Value is based on competence, not emotion. Honestly you’re essentially just saying you want to live in a communist society and if someone seriously takes that position, there’s no real discussion to be had. by fort_panda (Thu 16th Dec 2021 11:38pm)