r/Glasgow Tools


Reddit URLhttps://www.reddit.com/user/Bamba1977
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r/Glasgow posts200
r/glasgow comments6400


  • The Garage isn't just a gig/event venue, it's a club in it's own right and people are talking about being rejected from that. Obviously the bouncers couldn't just start randomly not letting people into ticketed third-party events or they'd lose all that business pretty much straight away. by Bamba1977 (Mon 7th Jan 2019 2:33pm)
  • They still don't take cash but only because they lost the keys to a safe at some point, not as some hipster statement about money. And they serve beer in a variety of glass sizes (including pints) dependant on the cost and/or the strength of the beer in question; which is utterly standard in pubs that sell anything outside the usual lager/Guinness selection. As for pretentious, the guys that own it are friendly down to earth types in my experience of all the times I've been in. They're even happy for you to do stuff like buy food elsewhere and bring it into the bar to eat because they don't really do food. by Bamba1977 (Sun 20th Jan 2019 6:19pm)
  • So some types of cockroach will only live in private homes and another type will go for schools and offices? Yeah, I'm not buying any of that. by Bamba1977 (Mon 21st Jan 2019 11:01am)
  • Yeah, I came home to a copy of his shitty propaganda leaflet yesterday as well. It's the fucking worst written shit of course, he actually uses the phrase "horny-handed sons of the soil" unironically to talk about people who do 'real' jobs as opposed to the "metropolitan elite" that are apparently ruining everything (unless they agree with him in which case they're really smart obviously). It's genuinely incredible stuff and, predictably, very Trump-y in places. by Bamba1977 (Tue 22nd Jan 2019 10:21am)
  • The prices did go up recently (around Christmas time) but only in terms of the increase you first saw there. So the £1.60 ticket went up to £1.65 and the £2.30 to £2.40: https://www.firstgroup.com/greater-glasgow/news-and-service-updates/planned-changes/fares-revision-2nd-december-2018 You suddenly getting charged £2.40 instead of £1.65 is a different thing though and goes back to what this entire thread is about: no one anywhere knows when and why you should expect to get charged the two difference levels of fare. by Bamba1977 (Wed 23rd Jan 2019 1:59pm)
  • My girlfriend recently tried to get an answer to exactly this question through various official First Bus social media channels and every one of them said they had no idea and only the drivers would be able to comment. The fact they're not too embarrassed to publicly admit they don't even understand their own ticket prices is fucking shocking enough in itself but it's also horseshit: the drivers themselves have no clue either. Previously I thought the same as the consensus here that anything longer than a few stops was the £2.40 fare. If you go onto the website though it'll only ever quote you the £1.65 fare for a single adult ticket within the City zone. I realise it says 'from' that price, but if they're then never going to try and explain what that means then fuck them, I'm going to take that as the charge. So, these days I just get on the bus and always ask for a £1.65 ticket and don't bother playing their stupid games. If they ever see fit up put even this basic required info up on their website I'll maybe reconsider that. But I strongly suspect that all this obfuscation is done on purpose so people will accidentally buy more expensive tickets than they need so I'll probably just keep asking for a cheaper ticket regardless. Fucking shower of pricks. by Bamba1977 (Wed 23rd Jan 2019 1:55pm)
  • Probably worth adding some clarity to this comment thread given that OP isn't from Glasgow. Mother India and Mother India's Cafe are two separate, but related, restaurants that are also pretty close to each other geographically; so if you go with the recommendation here make sure you're booking and going to the right place! by Bamba1977 (Mon 28th Jan 2019 1:58pm)
  • I don't understand any part of this. by Bamba1977 (Thu 14th Feb 2019 1:28pm)
  • https://theoatmeal.com/comics/exposure by Bamba1977 (Wed 13th Mar 2019 2:53pm)
  • Saw posters for this around for ages but I'd mentally written it off because I'm not really into theatre productions. After getting excited by it from that article I'm now disappointed that it's sold out; that'll teach me to be more open minded! by Bamba1977 (Tue 19th Mar 2019 4:41pm)
  • I looked up the addresses of a couple of the landlords in questions and, predictably, they themselves live in nice houses in nice areas so they could presumably well afford the upkeep and not doing so is pure cuntery on their part. Check out the place yer boy Mark Barrett lives in: https://www.google.com/maps/place/36+Strips+of+Craigie+Rd,+Dundee+DD4+7QG/@56.4697658,-2.9224592,3a,90y,50.73h,85.07t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1soWQUChEH8LjUzux1At53uA!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo2.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DoWQUChEH8LjUzux1At53uA%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dsearch.TACTILE.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D360%26h%3D120%26yaw%3D70.735886%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x48865c4f5df8b59d:0x3c20094a46e3ffc8!8m2!3d56.4698062!4d-2.9222502 by Bamba1977 (Thu 21st Mar 2019 4:41pm)
  • A lot of them sell pre-packed sandwiches so I'm assuming there are storage and refrigeration standards there that need to be complied with. by Bamba1977 (Thu 4th Apr 2019 4:16pm)
  • Eh, in the vast majority of cases a journey to the end would cost the same £2.40 as any other journey (past like six stops or whatever the nonsense limit is for the cheaper one) so this isn't actually making much difference to the cost. by Bamba1977 (Sun 28th Apr 2019 4:07pm)
  • Huh. There's a plaque on the pub at Shawlands cross (was The Corona for years, is now Butterfly & Pig) that claims "cross my loof" is an olde worlde way of saying "cross my palm" (as in 'with silver'). by Bamba1977 (Wed 12th Jun 2019 11:18am)
  • It's not claiming that it's related to any Gaelic word I don't believe; more 'Scots' as a dialect of English: https://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/snd/luif by Bamba1977 (Wed 12th Jun 2019 1:27pm)
  • Whatever. I'm pretty sure everyone reading my comment knew what I meant, especially with the link I posted. by Bamba1977 (Wed 12th Jun 2019 7:24pm)
  • Bought a flat in Battlefield Gardens recently. Home report was £165K and I paid £173K. by Bamba1977 (Thu 13th Jun 2019 11:18am)
  • Nope, I just put in the bid and it got accepted. I actually didn't expect to get it for that and even the estate agent was really surprised. Don't get me wrong, there are things wrong that'll cost me some further cash to fix (kitchen's a bit grotty, it's still got old style single-glazed sash windows in the two front facing rooms and I suspect the boiler's a bit crap) but it's a really nice area, top floor and so quiet it sometimes feels like I'm the only one in the building. The latter aspect is the most important because I nearly lost my fucking mind in my last flat in Prince Edward Street due to shite landlords renting terrible flats out to inconsiderate arseholes. That's my pro-tip actually to anyone looking at flats: be wary of places with three flats to a floor. The middle flat will be really small and there seems to be a tendency for people to buy them and just rent them out to a series of pricks without ever doing them up. The flat above me had a family of six (!) living in a one bedroom flat that was barely big enough for me alone, and the one below was similarly over-crowded; the noise from both was often incredible. The larger flats on either side all seemed to be fine though. by Bamba1977 (Thu 13th Jun 2019 3:04pm)
  • As a general comment, I'm beginning to wish the Scottish government would just kill the whole Home Report bullshit. It seemed like a good idea at the time and fair play to them for attempting to make it easier for folks. But it was utterly inevitable that greed and idiocy would eventually result in everything going over the home report value and at that point the buyer is more fucked than they ever were before. At least before you could almost certainly get a surveyor to value the place at whatever you'd bid so you could get a mortgage for the full value (minus your deposit). Now you need a cash deposit *and* the extra that's always required so it's even harder again. First time buyers are doubly screwed now which should be reason alone to get shot of the whole idea. by Bamba1977 (Thu 13th Jun 2019 3:09pm)
  • Also, my parents had TalkTalk for a while and the service was pretty awful. Shite speeds and pretty regular drop-outs; they switched to BT and haven't had any such issues since. by Bamba1977 (Mon 8th Jul 2019 10:53am)
  • My girlfriend recently made the mistake of upgrading her existing broadband with Plusnet to their fibre package. In the months since they've done nothing but fuck one thing up after another and at this point even she isn't sure how much money they owe her or what the next payment they take is going to be. Utter and total clusterfuck; so I'd certainly advise avoiding them. ​ Conversely, I've been with Sky (just for broadband, no TV) for a few years now and they've been brilliant. On the few occasions I've had issues their support has been fast and efficient and they've had an engineer out the the very next day when required. They've also got this feature on their website where you can pretend like you're going to cancel and they'll automatically give you a big discount on the normal broadband price (in exchange for signing up for another year of course) without you having to actually talk to anyone on the phone. It's a slightly odd thing to have implemented admittedly, but it saves you the bullshit of phoning them up and going through the usual charade to get money off. by Bamba1977 (Mon 8th Jul 2019 10:52am)
  • Three's 4G bandwidth in big chunks of Glasgow is fuck awful; it'll say you're connected and have 4G but nothing actually loads. I've just turned it down to 3G and it mostly works fine, though that's a fairly shit thing for a user to have to do. I'll be switching away from them to someone else as soon as I can arsed looking into it all. by Bamba1977 (Thu 11th Jul 2019 9:24am)
  • I hate that mural. The actual picture is just awful and is barely recognisable as him; the lettering round the edges looks like a primary school kid knocked it out and the "75BC-2017AF" not only implies he died two years ago but doesn't even make any sense. Is BC supposed to be Before Connolly? Or just Billy Connolly? Neither make any sense at all; it's a stupid person's idea of clever. by Bamba1977 (Fri 9th Aug 2019 10:40am)
  • That seems to be trying to make connections between the fires and the staff turnover over without actually, well, making any connections. I'm not saying there aren't issues going on there but that article is poor. by Bamba1977 (Mon 12th Aug 2019 1:52pm)
  • It's possible for both of those things to be true at the same time. by Bamba1977 (Mon 12th Aug 2019 2:41pm)
  • I don't understand why you're leaping to the conclusion that there's some Art School Deep Throat behind all this. Where is that supported in the article itself? It's just a shite story to drum up readership; sometimes that's all there is to it. by Bamba1977 (Tue 13th Aug 2019 11:39am)
  • If it's anything like their handling of 4G it'll be fucking pointless in the city centre. You'll technically have a 5G capable connection but they'll only give it about 2kbps fucking backhaul and you'll need to drop down to 3G to get any actual data. by Bamba1977 (Thu 15th Aug 2019 4:22pm)
  • That's a pretty specific music genre you're looking for. by Bamba1977 (Tue 22nd Oct 2019 4:17pm)
  • It's on the side of the Tron Theatre that's on Parnie Street for anyone who's wondering. Not sure why OP didn't mention that themselves. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Parnie+St,+Glasgow/@55.8563726,-4.2459165,3a,75y,55.29h,108.98t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s0udJ_SxbQdRNS79dAjLQ-Q!2e0!3e11!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x488846a3c50a1deb:0x7dfa7adc3bb92db5!8m2!3d55.8563424!4d-4.245725 by Bamba1977 (Thu 9th Jan 2020 2:30pm)
  • Coming home to my flat yesterday after a walk and someone across the crescent was loudly playing the bagpipes in their flat. That would be bad enough at the best of times, but when everyone around you's forced to stay inside and listen it's a fucking hate crime. by Bamba1977 (Thu 2nd Apr 2020 4:33pm)
  • I've recently moved from Queens Park to Battlefield and although it's a much nicer flat I'm slightly missing all the excellent bars/cafes/restaurants I used to have on my doorstep. Specifically I'm talking about this little section of Pollokshaws Road which has become utterly stuffed with really nice places over the last ten years or so: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@55.836062,-4.2700124,18.5z Not that it's all that far away of course but it's different not having it *right there*. So, yeah, if you can get a nice flat in that area I'd recommended it. You can do an entire pub crawl of really nice bars without going more than a few blocks, I fucking love it. I would say to be careful though because there's an amount of overspill in flats in that area from Govanhill so you can get some really awful neighbours that could ruin your living experience entirely (which is exactly why I moved). You've basically got: - The east side of Victoria Road (i.e. Govanhill) which shouldn't be touched with a bargepole. - Next you've got the area between Victoria and Pollokshaw roads which is generally okay but very variable and you'd want to check the state of the street and even the specific close. - Then you've got the area west of Pollokshaws Road which is generally really nice. Battlefield is also really nice as long as you don't mind a wee bit of a walk for the best selection of eating/drinking. There's an argument to be made that it's actually good because you're equidistant from Shawlands and the Pollokshaw Road bit I mentioned earlier, but I'd still prefer to have stuff actually on my doorstep. I'm also going to go against the grain a bit here and recommend against Denistoun. My girlfriend lives there and although it's fine in general--and certainly there's a few decent food places around--the pubs are fuck-awful. The Palais' passable and Redmonds is nice but pretty small so you'll often find you can get a seat. Aside from those it's all awful old-man/football bars everywhere and places like West or Drygate are far enough away that I really woudn't consider them local (depending on exactly where you live of course). I'm always surprised when people say Dennistoun's good for that sort of thing because it seems to obviously untrue to me. by Bamba1977 (Tue 12th May 2020 1:45pm)
  • Saw this in action as I was coming back from a walk last night. It's here if anyone's interested in seeing it: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@55.8237721,-4.2691237,3a,75y,41.73h,84.42t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQW8E4YqSSD94LN64Bwdxug!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 by Bamba1977 (Tue 26th May 2020 11:38am)
  • It's definitely been hairy. I was walking up Union Street in the middle of the day on a Saturday last month and it was just me and a group of bams ahead of me. There was some long calculating looks being thrown at me and I think the fact that I'm quite a big guy is the only reason they decided not to give me any shit. I genuinely felt worried and that could never have happened in the past in that scenario. Conversely yesterday on Argyle Street it was busy with shoppers and the idea of feeling intimidated seemed insane; but that was the reality not that long ago. by Bamba1977 (Sun 12th Jul 2020 3:33pm)
  • Oh, also, on the same walk and very nearby we came across Crookston Castle. It was closed at the time because of COVID stuff but I believe these Historic Scotland sites should be opening soon so worth checking. by Bamba1977 (Tue 14th Jul 2020 1:56pm)
  • Had a wander round Rosshall Park at the weekend if that's in your radius. I've cycled straight through it before because it's on one of the main routes but it turns out it's much bigger and much nicer than I'd realised. One side of it's pretty boring (unless you're into Disc Golf as there's a course there) but the other side has a peaceful pond, a grotto sort of thing, this mad old ornamental chimney and other stuff. Just a nice place to wander through basically and I couldn't believe I'd missed that aspect of it all the times I'd just sped through it. by Bamba1977 (Tue 14th Jul 2020 1:55pm)
  • I'm with Macfie in Battlefield and pay £140 annually (split into quarterly bills) for their management fee. I can't remember what they charge for buildings insurance as that's split into two payments earlier in the year for me. Whatever you're paying in top of that will be down to whatever work and maintenance is required in your specific building so comparisons to other people's bills are pretty meaningless. If you don't get an itemised bill from them then ask for one (though I'd be very surprised if you don't have one already). If you've got an issue with specific charges then dispute it. Having a general moan about the money they're asking for is utterly pointless because the charges are so individual to the flat; no one can tell you whether they're legit or not without more details. by Bamba1977 (Wed 21st Oct 2020 2:24pm)
  • It's still on tonight and there's shedloads of other stuff to see, I only took pictures of a fraction of what people have done. https://www.windowwanderland.com/event/battlefield-g42-2020/ by Bamba1977 (Mon 26th Oct 2020 12:00pm)
  • That was by far the most impressive one; and I can't fathom finding people doing something nice for the community 'insufferable'. Get some help man. by Bamba1977 (Mon 26th Oct 2020 10:14pm)
  • The whole Window Wonderland thing has been around for a while because they used to do it over in Strathbungo when I lived over that way, but I don't know whether this is the first year Battlefield folks have gone in for it or not. by Bamba1977 (Mon 26th Oct 2020 10:15pm)
  • "Some system needs to be devised where each building or tenement has its own designated bins, or there is at least some way of ensuring that not just anyone can put things in massive bins located on the street which inevitably overflow;" - that's exactly how it's already done. There are a few streets where stuff like recycling goes into larger street bins but the vast, vast majority of flats have their own sets of bins for food/recycling/general waste which are stored in the back garden of the building. There are also a few communal street bins for recycling and glass which is presumably intended for over-spill. "More community sorting facilities where people can drop off bulky items that should not be placed in or beside bins (i.e., furniture); OR certain days in which these items will be collected from the street." - again, that's how it's already done (specifically your last sentence there). You can put bulk items on the pavement for collection on set days of the week/month in each area and the council are suppose to pick it up. Note that this was on hold because of COVID and has now been tempoarily changed so that you need to explicitly request a pick-up. by Bamba1977 (Tue 12th Jan 2021 4:12pm)
  • Who cares? There's no statute of limitations on being fucked off with ignorant assholes so people can legitimately 'cry' about it whenever they want. by Bamba1977 (Mon 22nd Mar 2021 1:23pm)
  • It's missing the first 'r' in 'framer': https://pictureframerglasgow.com/ by Bamba1977 (Fri 2nd Jul 2021 2:18pm)
  • https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/parkingvouchers by Bamba1977 (Thu 22nd Jul 2021 10:52am)
  • Put the postcode in the 'To Search for a Council Tax band' box here and it'll tell you the council tax band for each individual property in the postcode: https://www.saa.gov.uk/ Then the band charges are under the 'What do I need to pay section' here on the council website: https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/counciltax The take your 25% single person discount off as justan_other mentions. by Bamba1977 (Thu 29th Jul 2021 9:58am)
  • 1/ There are at least two different bus companies running in Glasgow (FirstBus and McGills). They both have buses with the same number but the routes aren't the same because each company has just arbitrarily picked a number for each route they run. 2/ I can't speak to McGills as I don't use them but for FirstBus there certainly used to be two levels of fare: one for a 'short' journey (like a few stops) and the higher fare for literally everything else. The easiest thing to do is to ask for a ticket by price and that's what the drivers expect which is why you're getting a bad reaction from the worst of them. Obviously you shoudn't be getting that reaction and it's pure cuntery on their part but, it is what it is. So, like, you just get on and go "£1.70 driver" or whatever the price is. The reason though that I can't be specific about what the actual fare is despite using the buses a lot at the moment is because I never buy tickets on the bus any more. Just download the app and buy a pack of single tickets (either five or ten at a time) which you can then activate and use whenever you want. It's cheaper that way and it also means you never need to speak to a driver ever again. You just activate your ticket, get on the bus, scan the barcode from the app and walk to a seat without ever even having to acknolwedge the driver exists, which should hopefully help with your anxiety. 3/ Yeah, certainly for FirstBus it can be a bit shit like that. It happens very rarely for the routes I use but I hear it can be pretty common in other parts of the city. 4/ I've actually found Google's knowledge of the bus routes to be reliable in Glasgow but I agree that it doesn't seems to differntiate between, say, a McGills 17 and a FirstBus 17. I wouldn't have thought though that many bus stops are used by the same number bus from both companies? Even in that scenario though, because they two buses will cover wildly differernt routes as you note, you can look the route up beforehand (the FirstBus website will give you a schedule for each bus and a set of stops) and know which 'type' of 17 you need to get presumably? by Bamba1977 (Tue 21st Sep 2021 4:32pm)
  • Anyone who think it's so rough you shouldn't even consider a security job in a suburban shopping mall has no idea what they're talking about and their opinion can be safely disregarded. Glasgow is no more rough than any other big city in general, and Silverburn especially is absolutely fine. by Bamba1977 (Fri 1st Oct 2021 4:16pm)
  • Or non-Glaswegians who somehow think the place is still all razor gangs and poverty; it's incredible the number of people who think it's still the 70s here for some reason. by Bamba1977 (Fri 1st Oct 2021 4:15pm)
  • Absolutely fair comment. For some weird reason when I was replying I couldn't for the life of me think what the 'normal' name for something like Silverburn was and my apparent inner 90s US teenager just threw up 'mall' so I ran with it. Total pish chat; sorry about that. by Bamba1977 (Fri 1st Oct 2021 11:28pm)
  • Aye, I heard the same rumor about the flumes in the Magnum pool in Irvine. In hindsight it's totally nonsense but at the time people just seemed to believe everything they heard. by Bamba1977 (Fri 1st Oct 2021 11:31pm)
  • I got tenement windows replaced last year--the three windows in a bay and a single one in the bedroom--and it cost me £2664 for tilt and turn style units. I also got a quote at the time for sash style windows and they were more expensive for sure, but not ridiculously so. My flat's on the top floor and they did everything from inside the flat, no scaffolding was required or every discussed and I'm surprised to hear talk about it being needed. by Bamba1977 (Sun 10th Oct 2021 9:21pm)
  • If you get standing tickets it's great; I've seen loads of bands there and although it's a big venue the sound has always been brilliant. If you can't get standing tickets then I honestly just wouldn't bother at all. I feel that's true of any venue over a certain size though, by the very nature of things you're always going to end up watching the gig on the nearest screen which is just pointless. I see these massive gigs at like Wembley etc and just wonder why the hell people even go, just so they can stand in a different post code from the actual band while watching them on a big TV. Obviously the Hydro isn't the same scale but it's the same thing to me. by Bamba1977 (Mon 21st Feb 2022 11:01am)
  • One of the floors of Sports Direct on Argyle Street has a section for band t-shirts and other pop culture stuff. Well, I say it's Sports Direct but I think it's another shop embedded in there. by Bamba1977 (Fri 23rd Sep 2022 4:16pm)
  • Or Dublin, as I found out this past weekend. by Bamba1977 (Fri 28th Oct 2022 3:37pm)
  • You can totally walk into Polmadie, I've done it quite a few times and no one have me any hassle. by Bamba1977 (Sat 12th Nov 2022 1:20pm)
  • Weirdly there's one in the little arcade on the top floor of The Forge in the east end. by Bamba1977 (Sat 3rd Dec 2022 5:46pm)
  • Instead of doing any of this, just use Songkick. by Bamba1977 (Thu 19th Jan 2023 11:41am)
  • Ezra Miller's basically a fucking lunatic. Look at the "Controversies and legal issues" section of their Wiki page and it all just gets more unhinged the further you read. by Bamba1977 (Mon 13th Feb 2023 10:30am)
  • This isn't about the rights of the protestors, it's about the rights of the people looking to seek healthcare without facing intimidation and bullshit. We're looking to add to their rights; not remove from the rights of the protestors. Also, in general, fuck up with this 'slippery slope' horseshit argument. by Bamba1977 (Sat 11th Mar 2023 10:21am)
  • Who's trying to stifle criticism of the government? Do you think the SNP convenes all their meetings in abortion clinics? by Bamba1977 (Sat 11th Mar 2023 11:48am)
  • Get fucked smooth brain. by Bamba1977 (Fri 21st Apr 2023 7:54pm)
  • I've heard it once or twice over the years but had no idea if was supposed to be considered some kind of Glasgow anthem. Probably related to what kind of music you and your mates are into in general (cheesy techno isn't on my radar), the pubs/clubs you go to, etc. Assuming that someone isn't from Glasgow because they have a different experience to you is fucking weird. by Bamba1977 (Wed 26th Apr 2023 9:33am)
  • If only Google Maps existed, what a world that would be... by Bamba1977 (Thu 27th Apr 2023 6:56pm)
  • Was coming to post this myself, easy to get to and a good walk. by Bamba1977 (Sat 13th May 2023 9:21am)
  • The list was apparently put together by a company called FurnitureBox. This is a company that sells dining room tables and is based in Wiltshire; why in the fuck would anyone consider that an authority on stylish Glasgow locations!? by Bamba1977 (Tue 20th Jun 2023 5:10pm)