r/Glasgow Tools


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  • Try Lanzhou noodle if you want to find a good replacement, 5 minutes walk from it. Assuming you want noodles and not Chinese takeaway. by EVE_ddred (Sat 10th Aug 2019 10:20pm)
  • I'd be upset too if I came all the way from Italy for our weather and lose the game. Not quite at the stage of throwing nazi salutes though. by EVE_ddred (Thu 24th Oct 2019 11:14pm)
  • As someone who has been in a few scuffles (all self defence), I'd say be glad it was minor injuries and not broken bones, missing teeth, head trauma or such. You don't know how lucky you were to walk away from this under your own power. Most people don't want to get into a fight, most people who have ever been in a real fight don't want to repeat the experience win or lose. You might have a burning desire for justice or such but considering all things, you probably got out of it in the best situation possible. Try to not let it change you. Adults don't fight like school weans. Experiencing a fight can have the effect of bringing out the coward in you or, worse, making you fight with more conviction if you find yourself in a similar situation down the road. The latter is scarier because, if you encounter this guy in the future, you could potentially ruin your life by underestimating how much damage you can do to someone when you actually fight with intent to cause physical harm and how uncompromising and unfair the police can be at handling them. I.E: It's not a rare story to hear of the police charging everyone in a violent altercation rather than entertaining the argument of who started it. Even a friend who is just a bystander can get dragged into it which can prevent you from going abroad or applying for jobs. Simple advice is to just move on and write it off as a rare experience you probably won't experience again. by EVE_ddred (Mon 4th Nov 2019 3:05pm)
  • > The cunts that were flying through it were using aggressively selling to people who didn't need it and those that are vulnerable. > > A long time ago when I was a broke student I worked for a similar company with a similar philosophy. My quota was 5 per day... I met that quota for 2 weeks because I could genuinely pitch what they were selling to whom I recognised were people who'd be interested. For those interested, it was lovefilm when it was still around and I would rope gamers coming out of game or HMV in with the fact that they could rent a game for £5 every month including new titles. When I signed them up, I'd show them on the app how to get it and by the time they were leaving they'd have their game dispatched for next day delivery... this also ensured they couldn't cancel the subscription as soon as they went home because they'd need to return the game first. A bit... shady, but it gave me a very good score. Anyway, one day an old lady comes up in a mobility scooter and she's interested in what it is. I spend about half an hour chewing the fat with her and what kind of movies she's into and showing her the titles she can access with a £4 subscription. She's interested, great. I fill out all her details, she signs a consent form and I'm one button away from charging her card when all of a sudden she tells me she's not actually sure if she has enough money from her disability allowance to afford it and that she still has food shopping to do today. I stop immediately and tell her that she can come back next week if she likes... my manager gets visbily furious with me behind her back, I cancel the transaction and send her on her way trying my best to maintain a pleasant atmosphere. As soon as she's gone, my manager pulls me aside and just completely tears into me telling me that he doesn't think I have what it takes to 'succeed in this business' and that he'd sell his girlfriend down the road if it meant the difference between meeting a target or not. I was disgusted and I basically told him right then and there that I quit, he's a wanker, that I don't need to 'succeed in the business' because I'm an Engineering student and this is a part-time job for me and the last thing I want to do is go home and think about how I scammed an old lady out of her disability allowance. I got a few nasty messages from that exchange and they didn't pay me for that week which should have been £250. by EVE_ddred (Sat 9th Nov 2019 3:40am)
  • DELETED Mate, I'd wager that style is about as common in Canada as it is in Scotland. It comes from the same place it always did: reality tv shows and women's programs. I'm going to assume you have cable in Canada? by EVE_ddred (Sun 17th Nov 2019 6:18am)
  • DELETED Maybe it's just Baader-Meinhof. Fake tan is popular because it doesn't give you skin cancer and the only way to acquire a tint in Scotland, when we have a 7 hour day during this season, is using it while various reality tv shows like Love Island, Kardashians, TOWE, ect all use it and actively advertise it. Thin eyebrows, eyebrow pencils and false lashers aren't new or unique either. Perhaps you just noticed a few failed attempts at a natural looking tan and it drew your attention to the rest of the makeup. I only say because I doubt anyone is a good judge of when a girl is wearing makeup since women who aren't wearing makeup are typically very noticable. by EVE_ddred (Sun 17th Nov 2019 7:11am)
  • If you want to know how bad the average journalist is at their job... look for a new story about something that you're very knowledgable, an expert or qualified person on and be amazed at the ignorance. The trick is realising that most articles are like this... you do get some good journalists but the grand majority of news is shite. by EVE_ddred (Thu 28th Nov 2019 12:29pm)
  • This is the [route I hate](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Sauchiehall+St,+Glasgow/Cathedral+St,+Glasgow/@55.866227,-4.2629106,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x48884429162e1b69:0x56a22cb68117756e!2m2!1d-4.272329!2d55.8662759!1m5!1m1!1s0x4888441df68377b1:0x90fecdea2d4b0182!2m2!1d-4.2431078!2d55.8630245). The exit is on the right hand lane and, even during the quiet hours, you get people bombing down / hogging the middle lane when you have a very narrow window to cut across. Most of the time, no issue. Worst situation I ever got though was a guy going slower than me on the right hand lane slightly behind me. I start indicating to go right and he starts laying on the horn at me, speeds up, matches my speed and looks at me incredulously only to watch me slow down, cut across behind him and overtake him on the right hand side before taking my exit. I don't understand people who drive in the middle lane. by EVE_ddred (Fri 29th Nov 2019 2:15pm)
  • Fairy tale of new york is probably the only Christmas song I can't stand. I don't know what it is, maybe I'm just a particularly dour cunt. But there's just something about it that rubs me the wrong way. by EVE_ddred (Mon 2nd Dec 2019 1:06pm)
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proud_Boys Beyond anti-immigration. You can at least have a discussion with people about immigration policy. Proud boys are an amalgamation of every neo-nazi / neo-fascist conspiracy theory from 'cultural marxism' to 'the great replacement'. by EVE_ddred (Mon 9th Dec 2019 9:34pm)
  • > After one video I was able to open up all the combination locks my wife uses on her luggage cases as a test. If it's any consolation, no lock will prevent someone opening your luggage. [Simply stick a pen in the zip to open it.](https://youtu.be/wpIJVWXsBBI?t=72) by EVE_ddred (Wed 11th Dec 2019 9:33am)
  • Can we just take it off him already? He's had over a decade to do something and instead he's only sold advertising space off the scaffolding and demanded the council fix it for him. Hit him with a compulsory acquisition is the least that should be done to him at this point since it's criminal what he's done to the building and union street. by EVE_ddred (Thu 12th Dec 2019 12:50pm)
  • If this goes anything like the r/scotland post, we'll soon be swamped by people from right wing conservative subreddits telling us that Communism killed more people than Hitler and the USSR caused more CO2 pollution than any country in the world as it fell. by EVE_ddred (Mon 6th Jan 2020 2:52pm)
  • I was just making a facetious jibe at how it went last time, but sometimes r/Scotland does get swamped by people from r/the_donald or subreddits related to the 'youtube sceptic community' if the topic is controversional or popular enough like nazi pugs, posters about how its 'ok to be white' or, in this case, some poster put up by an insignificant anarchist group. I'm going to assume we both went to high school in Scotland and that if you learned history, assuming you didn't drop out at 16 to go to college, you've learned about the formation of the real fascist party and the history of fascism. So when some guy comes in and starts saying that national socialism has the word 'socialist' in it, socialist are communist and anarchists are communist to reach the conclusion that anarchists are communist nazis or whatever they're trying to say; you probably just get very disappointed with the level of brain power on display. I have no interest in debating communism vs nazism in the same way I have no interest in politics on Twitter or youtube comments. by EVE_ddred (Mon 6th Jan 2020 3:27pm)
  • > The problem with communism is that on surface it does not look too bad and may seem convincing to some people I don't think so, anyone who advocates for leftist or against classical liberal policies isn't automatically advocating for communism. The SSP and communist party has so little support in Scotland that they can't even get a seat in a proportional system, so I think it's a complete non-sequitor that this is some widespread misconception that people have. Anarchism, which the poster would reportedly be advocating for, has more in line with classical liberal ideology than it does with Communism in my book but I'm not entirely convinced that they're true anarachists advocating for the erasure of governments and institutions. I remember anarchists over the decades protesting against rampant corruption in the banking industry in 2008, I remember them protesting when America wanted to export copyright laws and IP protection laws across the entire world with things like ACTA. America actually charged a Chinese guy once with 'economic terrorism' because he was selling fake goods at a stall. When the barras used to get raided by the police for fake goods, I didn't think one day people would be later advocating for the arrest and imprisonment of the people who did it because some America company isn't happy about having their music downloaded off the internet. So, what's the message of this poster? Capitalism is destroying the planet and your mind? Perhaps the latter claim is tenuous but the first claim is absolutely true. America has leased more oil and gas for drilling than climate scientists say is safe to release into the atmosphere. Economics has no politics, you ask what will happen if you do x and you get an answer. The country might get richer but if the planet dies, who cares? All the rhetoric about communism, nazism and such will never add anything of value because Locke and Milton who wrote their books in the 18th century probably never imagined that the world would be facing the problems it does today. People like Adam Smith or such wouldn't advocate for the current version of capitalism, he was actually quite critical of some aspects of it in terms of joint-stock companies and his view on the relationship betweeen labour, management and owners. You can critique aspects of capitalism without advocating for communism. You can like systems like the NHS without thinking it's going to lead to an authoritarian state. by EVE_ddred (Mon 6th Jan 2020 7:14pm)
  • I have Chinese friends and find that far from accurate. Most of them are from middle class backgrounds and definitely would put your average Glaswegian to shame, but they're honestly not as privileged as the wide brush you're using to paint them. The other commenter is right, foreign degrees no longer have the appeal they used to in China. Tsinghua is the harvard of China and that's where the upper 1% of the 1% go. I would actually argue that Hong Kong students are more likely to fit your category than the Chinese. As for how they feel about HK and such? Personally, I think you need to try and picture how you were when you first encountered a political situation that galvanised you. I doubt you were articulate and composed or approached arguments with the nuance that it takes to make someone see your point of view. Couple that with most of them growing up in a highly competitive education system that's stunted their social skills significantly. I know a few of them were warned by their parents about politics and it wasn't about avoiding sensitive issues like Tiananmen Square but about safety. Western media also romantises events like these far more than Chinese people do, even the ones that are pro-democracy. The perspective afforded to me by being able to speak some basic Chinese and talk about difficult topics with Chinese people has honestly been enlightening. I very seldom hear about the complexities of Hong Kong politics when spoken or written by western media and was surprised to find myself viewing it similarly with sectarianism. No one talks about the rampant racism that was well documented for decades in Hong Kong against other SE Asian countries and Mainland China before the protests, where the country is divided or the problems and challenges they face with things like property values where their lowest classes of citizens literally live in cages. If you want examples, the biggest two are probably that 10 years ago Hong Kong passed a law making discrimination in employment illegal and 10 years later not a single person has been charged with it or the hospital case where a [man lost his wife](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/apr/04/martin-jacques-racism-justice-hongkong). by EVE_ddred (Thu 16th Jan 2020 3:49am)
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExAydddhsIk I don't care that much but if I wanted edgy humor like that, I'd browse /pol/. I can understand why he's a polarising person. by EVE_ddred (Fri 24th Jan 2020 6:30pm)
  • Is there a rival bus run on the same stop? First bus sometimes bully their rivals by abusing the law about bus routes that permits late / early arrivals by certain margins so that they can have 1 before and behind a rival and starve them of customers. It can create weird situations where you can have a bunch of the same buses arrive crossover like this at times. by EVE_ddred (Fri 14th Feb 2020 2:41pm)
  • Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I actually saw an interaction on a train of someone loudly talking about corona virus but the weirdest aspect of it was that they spoke Japanese and once the guy realised this he shut up. Don't know if he even had the self awareness to realise he was targeting Chinese people. by EVE_ddred (Thu 27th Feb 2020 3:58pm)
  • The over-reaction of some people flies in the face of what professionals and experts are telling people to do. How warped can your perspective of reality be to actually think a reasonable course of action is to steal from a hospital. Not to downplay coronavirus; it's a serious issue that shouldn't be dismissed as a form of flu or previous viruses like swine flu or ebola. But it wouldn't surprise me if the people who decide to take all these precautions end up going out for Saint Patrick's day, the end of lent, clean their phone or use cash when the breakout eventually happens. by EVE_ddred (Tue 10th Mar 2020 1:58pm)
  • @3:01 So a Junkie has decided to position himself at the Asian food store to harass them? Being a cunt is one thing, going out of your way to be a cunt to people is asking for a kickin'. by EVE_ddred (Fri 27th Mar 2020 2:24am)
  • > I think she has a problem blaming other people in her life for her own decissions What? Didn't she say she was raped and couldn't stand living in the same street as her rapist so she ran away? by EVE_ddred (Mon 1st Jun 2020 9:29pm)
  • > Allegedly but I read Elvis was living in a London bus on the moon in the Sunday sport once so it's possible for people to make things up, she also said she's a schizophrenic and has a lot of mental illness so maybe she thought she couldn't go to the police to get the rapist put behind bars were they belong instead of being free to roam around maybe even going on to rape others. I really hope this is a poor attempt at trolling, but doing it over such circumstances is simply abhorrent, /u/KipperLicker. u/Maddjonesy, I don't know you beyond the sidebar message, but can you ban this prick? by EVE_ddred (Mon 1st Jun 2020 9:54pm)
  • I don't see them as walking a tightrope. It was one thing to talk about someone swearing constantly, it was another to call the girl's rape when she was 15 years old bad life choices that she isn't taking responsibility for and then double down on it by saying she's probably making it all up. I could give him the benefit of the doubt and just write him off as daft and didn't watch the video, but he's taken it to another level and not offered anything constructive to the topic. by EVE_ddred (Mon 1st Jun 2020 10:07pm)
  • Why would there be riots? by EVE_ddred (Fri 5th Jun 2020 3:53am)
  • > university arseholes That's quite the leap in logic. After all, universities are closed and it's summer break. by EVE_ddred (Sun 7th Jun 2020 3:18pm)
  • Probably an SSP member or just some nut case true anarchist if anything. I don't think police are as partisan an issue in Scotland or the UK as it is in America; at least I don't get the impression there's a left/right divide in this country about our police force. by EVE_ddred (Sun 7th Jun 2020 4:14pm)
  • Learning in quiet areas is only good for getting a feel for handling the car and spatial awareness. You can perform this in any non-busy suburban street or any local freight depot area after work hours where you can do circuits to build up your confidence and iron out any early problems. Any decent instructor will know where these are. When you start to actually learn driving on the road, you don't really get a choice of route. The instructor will be taking you on the same circuit that your local DVSA test centre will be taking you. There's no point in changing it. by EVE_ddred (Tue 9th Jun 2020 12:25am)
  • People climb his mentor, the Duke of Wellington, everyday and put a cone on his head but some guy painting a hammer and sickle on Robert Peel's statue has managed to get inside your head to this extent? Save yourself the headache and go about your business. You're making this into more than it is. by EVE_ddred (Wed 10th Jun 2020 6:09am)
  • They were yelling 'IRA scum'. by EVE_ddred (Sun 14th Jun 2020 6:40pm)
  • Think I didn't pick up on your sarcasm. by EVE_ddred (Sun 14th Jun 2020 7:12pm)
  • > "Racist?! How can it be racist?! You're white!" There's a confusion over what hate crime means. Calling someone a Chinky isn't a crime in itself, but if you commit a crime (like an assault) while doing so then you'rre commiting a hate crime. It's a kicker and it doesn't really matter whether or not the guy is Asian or not. Only that he thought he was and the crime was motivated by it. So the officer is actually wrong here, just because he's white doesn't mean it isn't racial abuse from a legal standpoint. by EVE_ddred (Mon 15th Jun 2020 5:58pm)
  • On the same link >Existing hate crime laws > Existing hate crime laws > Current hate crime legislation allows any existing offence to be aggravated by prejudice in respect of one or more of the characteristics of race, religion, disability, sexual orientation and transgender identity. > *snip* > > Prejudice or hostility also lies at the heart of some other offences which are recognised as hate crimes. These are sometimes referred to as standalone hate crime offences and they criminalise behaviour specifically because it is motivated by racial prejudice. Currently, these standalone offences include: > > racially aggravated harassment: section 50A of the Criminal Law (Consolidation) (Scotland) Act 1995 > stirring up of racial hatred: sections 18 to 22 of the Public Order Act 1986 My interpretation of 'can be verbal or physical' is that it merely affirms that there are crimes you can commit verbally and these can considered aggravated by hate depending on the motivation or choice of words used when committing them. I.E: You try to a fight a guy, you've probably just committed affray. However, if you said something like "Come on then nigger" then the affray / subsequent assault offense would then have a hate crime kicker that increases any fines or sentences as a result of it. The standalone offences are not 'kickers', but it's debatable about whether or not these specific offenses should be generalised or targeted like this. I'm sure whatever committee and judges that examined the evidence to create the law know what they're doing though. by EVE_ddred (Mon 15th Jun 2020 9:54pm)
  • I'm just saying it's a weird comment to make since the officer seems to believe that the guy needed to be asian for it to count as hate crime. The page you linked gives examples of hate crimes. The point I'm making is that the people yelling racial slurs and such have already committed hate crime even if there wasn't a single Asian, Black or other minority around to hear it. It's very easy to demonstrate from their conduct that their violent actions are motivated by racial aggravation which means that any crime they were currently engaged in falls under hate crime. As linked below, there are two standalone offenses for hate crime and those are racially aggravated harassment and stirring up of racial hatred. by EVE_ddred (Mon 15th Jun 2020 10:25pm)
  • > some fucking dickweed comes in claiming that all crimes are hate crimes. Never understood such tendencies. It's common sense that the sole purpose of a judge is to find a balance between a criminal action and the judgment imposed on them. If your motive is that someone has different eyes or coloured skin rather than the majority of cases which are crimes of passion / emotionally motivated, then by all counts you're a danger to society. by EVE_ddred (Mon 15th Jun 2020 10:56pm)
  • You're basically asking for a public locker with a code rather than a key? The closest thing to that was the lockers / temporary luggage storage in queen street. I once left a bag with someone else's details and they picked it up later but I don't know if they're still operating during lockdown. by EVE_ddred (Wed 17th Jun 2020 5:47pm)
  • I think we all know this is going to turn into a Sectarian shit show of violence. by EVE_ddred (Sat 20th Jun 2020 12:30am)
  • Kind of racist undertones, obviously I wouldn't know until I saw a better sample of the comic. But the whole batsoup, including batman references, was kind of done into oblivion in January when fox news spread the idea that it was batsoup with a photograph of someone eating it in vietnam. Nowadays people are a bit more informed to realise that wet markets are basically farmer markets and that wuhan is a hotspot for virus mutation due to the diversity and interaction between different animals, so to me it might just comes off in poor taste. by EVE_ddred (Sun 21st Jun 2020 1:09am)
  • > Voltaire and Rousseau I thought they had closed down due to development in the area blocking access to the tea house and the book store? [Also, fuck that development.](https://www.glasgowtimes.co.uk/news/17504221.otago-lane-developers-lodge-plans-for-seven-storey-flats-in-historic-area/) The people who end up living in it will get a brilliant view of the river but everyone else will be forced to see an absolute eyesore of a building. by EVE_ddred (Sun 21st Jun 2020 4:59am)
  • If you're a centre-left atheist, then you've surely heard of secularism and how our society decidedly does not have it. The Orange Walks are a state sponsored religious event that comes at great cost to the public. See the helicopter circling george square, the dozens of police vans, motorcycle team, horse cavalry, road blocks and so on that has to be deployed when these guys went to George Square? That has to happen for every single walk with road closures through the city that severely inhibits traffic and even diverts our emergency services so they take longer to get to where they're going during them. I cannot name a single other entity that is turbo-franchised like the OO in Scotland and the only reason it persists is as an artefact of a less tolerant time where more people valued a display of supremacy over those you don't like or are politically opposed to. The only reason I don't agree with stopping the walks is because their memberbase is literally a dying breed from old age and even protestants are getting sick of them. Trying to stop them might make their appeal to victimhood appear legitimate to some people and I'd rather it go down its slow death spiral it's currently on than take a risk of society dividing down sectarian lines and having to put up with anymore years of it than I need to. by EVE_ddred (Sun 21st Jun 2020 5:56am)
  • A big problem I see is that a lot of people simply don't know how to use masks. i've seen police officers wearing them around their necks, people not covering their nose, people eating their chips after getting out and other trivial but problematic behaviours like removing the mask before they get to a point where they can wash / disinfect and then store the mask for later use in the day as if it's any better than wearing it around their neck. The public need to be informed that if you properly wear a mask, you should assume that as soon as you've entered a high-risk area that your mask and hands / gloves are contaminated and that you should only be removing it if you intend to clean yourself and the mask or dispose of it. The main advantage of people wearing masks is that they are less likely to spread germs, but if you're aiming to prevent yourself catching it, most people aren't using them correctly. by EVE_ddred (Tue 30th Jun 2020 7:14pm)
  • The media coverage was pretty awful. I live near the area and people were contacting me to ask if I was okay and I'm just like "Yeah..., what's going on?" to turn on the tv to sky news and be greeted with a reported harassing someone to the point of tears by repeating the story of how they found someone stabbed on the ground. I don't know how the BBC coverage was because I turned it off at that point. Who wants to rubber neck / voyeur to that kind of stuff even if it's via proxy of a camera man? by EVE_ddred (Wed 1st Jul 2020 10:31am)
  • Seems a bit counter-productive to have public facilities in the midst of a pandemic. Even if lockdown restrictions were lifted, I don't think I'd want to use one unless I had no choice. The message from the SG seems to support that with "plan ahead" and "stay safe". by EVE_ddred (Sat 4th Jul 2020 12:14am)
  • > Mortgage is £460 a month so I'm already £30 down. I'm nitpicking, but you don't lose money in a mortgage. You're gaining equity in the asset that's on the mortgage. You're up £430 per month not including further taxes and interest. by EVE_ddred (Fri 10th Jul 2020 5:15pm)
  • Until next year or 2021(not sure on exact date), the interest payment is tax deductible so I wouldn't count that as a loss. Also, it wouldn't be nearly as high as 50%. Compound interest wouldn't even be that high. by EVE_ddred (Sat 11th Jul 2020 6:04am)
  • I edited it before you responded, but it's actually not an assumption. ["He" is gender neutral](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third-person_pronoun#Generic_he) in the same way that "man" and "men" can be as well. I'm not digging at you, by the way. If we swapped roles, I'm sure I'd be doing the same thing you are. I mostly believe that tennants should ultimately have more rights in regard to rental property (such as being able to purchase the mortgage and subsequently the property if they stay there long enough). You'll have to pay the tax on the difference in value between purchase and sale though, not the property value. That's just another form of income tax and I think most people consider profits before tax rather than after given that you wouldn't pay any tax if you lost value. > when I move back in I'll probably be in a financial situation similar to if I hadn't moved out and let in in the first place. I'm not sure about that. by EVE_ddred (Sat 11th Jul 2020 9:02am)
  • Your math is wrong. Even at 4% interest would probably only be about 40% of the mortgage payment. And tax deductibles are as good as money in your pocket unless you've made less taxable income than the deduction. I'm not moving numbers around at all. Being £30 out of pocket to gain up to 430 in equity seems a pretty good investment to me. Don't know why you're downplaying it. by EVE_ddred (Sun 12th Jul 2020 1:29pm)
  • The problem is I'm looking at your rental income in isolation in terms of money-in money-out. I understand the argument you're going for and you could even argue that since you're probably using your maximum credit, you deny yourself the ability to buy-to-own until you liquidate it. I'm imagining it like a black box that, from what you say, you put £30 and some amount of time and effort into each month knowing that 25 years or so from now will spit out £88,000 + inflation - capital gains. Even if you sell early and use the equity to purchase a house, I'd be hard pressed not to think that it's a very good investment or savings for purchasing a home. I don't want to get to into the details of it since you've given me a macro view of the property itself. We could discuss that you can claim replacement of items and repairs in the property as expenses which you claim you put £50 per month away for. That actually seems pretty low considering. But I don't think it'd be constructive to delve too deep like that. by EVE_ddred (Sun 12th Jul 2020 2:08pm)
  • DELETED Your math is wrong. Interested is multiplied by the remainder at each month. You're calculating the interest as a flat rate as if the debt remains constant through the loan period. by EVE_ddred (Sun 12th Jul 2020 2:14pm)
  • No you're right. I messed up. I forgot how much increasing from 3 to 4% would increase the rate and I replied to you when I was on the train and doing the math in my head. I calculated it as the value over the cost rather than taking the value from the cost over value. by EVE_ddred (Sun 12th Jul 2020 2:18pm)
  • We're both right to a degree. I was considering the % across the span of the loan. From day 1, the percentage that is paying off the interest would be 62.5% but as you pay off more of the debt / gain equity of the asset then you pay almost nothing as a % of the monthly payment in interest which is why early payment of mortgages isn't permitted by most lenders. At 3.92% interest, you pay £138,000 total for a property valued at £88,000. If you pay £460 per month you can think of it as 64% going towards the asset and 36% going towards the interest payment over the lifespan of the loan. In reality though in the first month of payment you will be paying as high as 62.5% of the mortgage bill in interest while in the last month you'll pay 3.92%. In that time, the property will most likely appreciate to £137,000 in value where you'll have to pay capital gains tax on £49,000 from the increase in value of the asset. by EVE_ddred (Sun 12th Jul 2020 7:50pm)
  • Feels premature and like it'lll cost us more in the long run personally. The virus will eventually die out if we hold the current reproduction rate, but soon enough we'll be entering flu season which makes a second wave very likely if people get complacent. Also, the longer it lingers in the population the greater chance it has to mutate and become another seasonal flu on steroids. by EVE_ddred (Sat 18th Jul 2020 4:12pm)
  • > You're wrong about the virus dying out. Locally, I think it's feasible. But I think you're correct from a global perspective given how other countries (America, Brazil and Russia) have completely dropped the ball. by EVE_ddred (Sat 18th Jul 2020 4:40pm)
  • Scotland didn't fair so good either proportionally speaking but you're right, England and subsequently the UK was slow to respond. If America and Brazil weren't having the equivalent of three 747 plane crashes everyday, our numbers wouldn't look so good relatively. by EVE_ddred (Sun 19th Jul 2020 1:08am)
  • You drove up St Vincent, so you're almost certainly going to be sent a picture in the mail with a fine. You'll be fined once and given 14 days to pay or it will double. by EVE_ddred (Sat 1st Aug 2020 2:46pm)
  • I got fined on my first day of driving and never drove near the city centre again (to be honest, I stopped visiting the city centre in general after that). I tried to appeal it because a taxi actively prevented me from making a right turn when I realised I was on the wrong lane and the guy literally stopped alongside me until I moved forward. Problem is the council never responded to my appeal and I eventually just paid the fine. I drove through a substatial amount of bus lanes and gates to get out though and got fined £30, so I don't think they do multiple fines for every mistake you commit. by EVE_ddred (Sat 1st Aug 2020 3:10pm)
  • https://haveibeenpwned.com/ Report the content on reddit as infringing on your copyright. It might sound official, but you own the pictures and people can't distribute them without your permission. If the pictures can be considered pornographic or sexual in nature and you figure out who it is (good chance that it's someone with access to your facebook so you probably do), then you can press charges under Section 33 of the Criminal Justice Act. This would actually be relatively easy to prove given the nature of the posts. If the pictures were posted in a NSFW subreddit dedicated to pornographic or sexual material then the poster has already acknowledged the nature of the photographs. Combined with them disseminating your snapchat and phone numbers; the intent to cause distress portion of the law is also extremely easy to prove. As a result, you can call the police on the non-emergency line and make a complaint as there has actually been a crime committed. Whether the police can figure out whose doing it though is another matter. If someone ever contacts you or send you anything, keep it / save it. Photographs sent via SMS usually keep their EXIF data that can tell you information about the phone and sometimes even GPS information which you can view[ here](https://exifdata.com/) or through downloadable applications. Snapchat and facebook remove exif information though, so you won't get anything useful from there but otherwise (email, SMS, ect) you can very likely identify the person contacting you with relative ease and depending on the content of the information, press charges. Hope it works out for you. by EVE_ddred (Wed 12th Aug 2020 5:38pm)
  • See how it goes in a pattern of alternating first buses and rival companies? That's most likely deliberate. Many bus companies, especially first, try to put each other out of business by aggressively scheduling buses before and after each other so they get no passengers. by EVE_ddred (Wed 12th Aug 2020 9:23pm)
  • This topic always amuses me. I remember when I was a kid playing MGS2 19 years ago and this concept was the [entire basis of the story](https://youtu.be/1W8oA2IdKc8?t=17386). Although the story is obviously more whacky in that illuminatti control everything behind the scenes but they're unaware that information has evolved a life of its own through artificial intelligence and controls them. by EVE_ddred (Sun 30th Aug 2020 4:05pm)
  • If positive tests only have one common trace, then you know that trace is the cause. by EVE_ddred (Tue 1st Sep 2020 6:57pm)
  • Most people pay by app and they just need to punch the plate in to see if it's paid so you're probably thinking that they're not doing anything but they most likely are. by EVE_ddred (Thu 3rd Sep 2020 10:45am)
  • It's lucky you have two since it'll allow you to do some trouble shooting. You can try recalibrating the analog sticks to make sure it's not a software issue. If they continue to drift, try transferring the joycons from the switch with the dead battery and see if those drift. If they don't drift, then you know for sure it's the analog sticks that are broken. Then, for the other switch, you can try [swapping the batteries](https://youtu.be/m8JDbQTk5zw?t=25) to see if it's a battery issue or something deeper. If the swap fixes the issue, then you know you just need a new battery. You'll need a 1.5mm Y00 Tri-Point screw driver to open them. This'll save you a lot of money. As for fixing the joycons if the sticks are broke... it's a relatively easy fix as well. No soldering, just a ribbon connector and two screws but there's a lot of springs and stuff holding the buttons in place that I could see going wrong. Either way, the parts can be bought for £30-60 online and there's plenty of guides online for doing it yourself. by EVE_ddred (Fri 4th Sep 2020 9:05am)
  • I don't have a hard time believing it, to be honest. I once overheard an old couple (easily in their late 70s) talking about the potential for a race war on the subway. Not common as it's one of a handful in over a decade I've personally experienced, but it does happen. I don't think we noticed the characters as much as we do now since they've now got something (masks and social distancing) to physically make themselves known. There were wee toerags (younger than 12) on the train today wandering up and down the train, coughing and throwing food everywhere. by EVE_ddred (Sat 12th Sep 2020 9:37pm)
  • I'll probably take a gander myself, but I'm not going to pretend that this has anything to do with the NHS; this is pure self indulgence. by EVE_ddred (Wed 16th Sep 2020 11:48pm)
  • Would have seemed in good fun at the time, but those cretins probably feel vindicated these days when it surfaced how much of an abuser and generally shit person he was. Glad that Scotland didn't suffer from satanic panic like the U.S did since a lot of innocent people got imprisoned and killed in America over shit like this. by EVE_ddred (Tue 22nd Sep 2020 10:59pm)
  • > I don't think supporting someone's art is the same as supporting everything they do. I get what you're saying. GG Allin was a punk rock star who wanted to legalise rape and murder, but some people wanted to see the spectacle of it. However, whether you support those positions or not it's pretty difficult to decouple the financial and social support an artist obtains from an audience or any cult of personality / parasocial relationship that people in the public eye have. R Kelly was known for years to do obscene things behind closed doors, or his [creepy concert in Ethiopia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVthudlQagk) where he was known to be actively recruiting for his underage harem of girls. These allegations were exceptionally hard to prove, the thing that got R Kelly in the end was a technicality that turned the case against him into a RICO case like out of Better Call Saul where he was flying the girls across states and thus fell under racketeering giving damage multipliers to his conviction compared to the slap on the wrist he might have got if he had kept them in a single state. The legions of fans that actively support him today and supported him during the years leading up to it when this information was coming to light were participating. I'm going to go off on a wild tangent here, but one of the documentaries I watched a long time ago that really demonstrated the power of celebrities and cults of personality was 'The Mourning After' by Hitchens on the funeral of Princess Diana that showed how the UK, for a brief month of temporary insanity, was like a parody of a North Korean state sanctioned funeral. In the documentary he goes into detail about how critical views were shut down and shunned, business owners and shops were harassed and attacked by their followers if they didn't shut down or failed to show proper respect.... despite the majority of people in the country not caring about any of it. I knew Marilyn Manson was a bad person before Wood's testimony because he's appeared in the news a few times for bad behaviour and allegations of grooming and sexual assault. I then also realised that a lot of his work directly references this and glorifies to his fans, possibly normalising it. Wood's talks about him making threats of using gangs to kill her, her friends and family which is something echoed by other people commenting on him. I just want to make one thing clear though; I'm not equating how I would react to meeting a bad person in real life to a public figure / celebrity. 'Marilyn Manson is a bad guy' is a massive understatement in the same sense that 'R Kelly is a bad guy' is one too. It's not a case of I wouldn't want to get a drink in the pub with them because they're an asshole and I don't think I'd get along, it's a case of them being people that deserve to be locked up. by EVE_ddred (Wed 23rd Sep 2020 1:38am)
  • DELETED The reason they know household visits are causing the spread is because that's what the data and common point of origin amongst those testing positive is telling them. It's easy to mock the idea that a cash register is required if you want to meet your mates, but so far there's no evidence that any significant spread from outdoor meetings or pubs has happened. Although, I doubt you'll care given what you've said elsewhere and you seem hostile to lockdown in general. by EVE_ddred (Wed 23rd Sep 2020 4:41pm)
  • > Get a proper track and trace system That ship has already sailed. There's no way we can muster the man power at the current levels of the virus to do a track and trace system with the effectiveness of successful countries like New Zealand or South Korea. Priority is no longer to wipe the virus out, the people have clearly demonstrated that we're simply incapable of such a feat and I'm sure if you've been out and about you know what I mean. The goal now seems to just slow it down until a vaccine can be distributed... a vaccine that half the population of the UK has said they won't take because they distrust it when doctor's say the need 90% of people to take it. by EVE_ddred (Wed 7th Oct 2020 4:21pm)
  • DELETED If they didn't go to University, we'd have hundreds of thousands of students in limbo that would create large clashes and problems next year where Universities would have dramatically diminished capacity with significantly increased demand. It's had issues but it hasn't been nearly as bad as you imply. Also, how can you support closing bars but think football games wouldn't lead to mass infection? Have you ever been to a football game? I feel like you're bringing politics to r/Glasgow. You can go to r/Scotland for that. by EVE_ddred (Wed 7th Oct 2020 4:44pm)
  • DELETED > All uni stuff is online anyway. If you're fortunate enough to be enroled in a course doesn't require any practical work or equipment which is not the majority of courses. I would have been completely incapable of completing my degree without access to an electronic lab, computer lab, machine shop, and any other number of facilities that Universities provide. In my final two years of University, the majority of my time was spent in labs doing practical work or modeling, testing, experimenting or constructiing projects. The stuff about landlords and halls is just pish. As for football, I don't know if you've ever been to a football game but I've been to Ibrox at limited capacity and max capacity and I don't think it'd be possible to be socially distant at all without radical changes. It seems far more sketchy. by EVE_ddred (Wed 7th Oct 2020 5:08pm)
  • DELETED What course is that, if I may ask? by EVE_ddred (Wed 7th Oct 2020 5:20pm)
  • DELETED I didn't say you were making it up. I'm genuinely curious what courses can be completed entirely online. It surprises me that paramedic science doesn't require any practical experience. by EVE_ddred (Wed 7th Oct 2020 5:32pm)
  • If you have a computer monitor, try plugging it into it and see what the display looks like there. If it's just the screen on the laptop itself glitching out, then it's not the GPU as the other comment has said and most likely the connector between the motherboard and screen. The main reason I don't think it's the GPU though is because it looks like there's still some functionality to some degree which makes me think it's just the connection. Do the artefacts change signficiantly as you open and close it? If so, I'd be even more confident that it's the case. You can probably fix it yourself with just a screwdriver if you know how to open it and can order a new cable or whatever is used to connect the screen and board together. by EVE_ddred (Wed 7th Oct 2020 11:17pm)
  • I don't know any business in particular so I have no idea if my recommendation is a good one but if you walked past the applestore before lockdown, there's a guy usually holding a sign for simplyfixit. However, given you said it occurred after an update... I googled it and it seems to be a common problem due to a software incompatibility. If that's true, then a hardware solution won't solve it for you. The advice I saw from a few threads was to [reset the SMC](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201295) and [NVRAM](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204063). by EVE_ddred (Thu 8th Oct 2020 1:04am)
  • DELETED Side note, but have they not been sued for their logo by the red cross yet? It's one of the only examples of an international copyright since it's copyrighted under the geneva convention. It's why pharmacies, video games, med kits, ect all have to use the green cross. by EVE_ddred (Fri 9th Oct 2020 2:34pm)
  • Maybe it needs criminalised then? Only problem is that it runs the risk of obfuscating track and trace if people avoid telling them they were at house parties when they get it. I don't know, I'm losing sympathy everyday for the people who are engaging in this behaviour. I've followed as many restrictions as I can since March. Me and my family have not seen my grand father who has voiced his fear of dying alone. We could have beat this yet even with infections and deaths now higher than they were in March I still see crowds of people waiting for busses and trains with no masks and no distancing never mind house parties. Reading the news about 40% of people not wanting to take the vaccine with 90% required just fills with me more dread that this is going to last far beyond 2021. It's got the point now where I think the only way people will learn is if we open the gates and go for a fast pandemic and then the hospitality folk can take side gigs as undertakers; but at least the shit show will be over. by EVE_ddred (Sat 10th Oct 2020 12:13am)
  • Obviously not a student since I think they'd know how to spell. by EVE_ddred (Mon 12th Oct 2020 6:15pm)
  • I've been trying to figure out what the menshie's trying to say. It's cryptic like a scizophrenic wrote it. "enjoye three one two"... ect in red and then the same except "two one three"? I never did Menshie's when I was in school though, I just remember the neds doing it. by EVE_ddred (Mon 12th Oct 2020 6:39pm)
  • I figured it out. It repeats something I can't make out "eng", "enj" or whatever but the rest is one three one two, 1312 which after googling means "All cops are bastards". by EVE_ddred (Mon 12th Oct 2020 8:15pm)
  • Hasn't this been one of the fears that scientists have had since it appeared? There was a Spanish paper a few months ago talking about how immunity did not appear to last longer than 3 months in many patients but would need further investigation since the B cells could still be around. Other Coronaviruses typically have a short lived immunity and [one paper suggested](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2170159/) that it may only last a year. Regardless, it probably doesn't matter. Spain's health system was completely overwhelmed and only 5% of the population got infected making any prospect of herd immunity infeasible. All bets will be on a vaccine and personal responsibility, I think. by EVE_ddred (Tue 13th Oct 2020 12:34pm)
  • > What are the pros to NOT re-furloughing staff?? From what I've gathered from the news, most of this chaos has been created by [Rishi Sunak](https://twitter.com/BBCDouglasF/status/1308794384813613057) cancelling the autumn budget which all devolved administrations hit out about. With no budget, councils have no money and the Scottish Government can't make any decisions in good faith. As it stands, everything is waiting on Westminster and Rishi Sunak publishing a budget or mitigation policy. WEST's policy is probably structured around the fact that no one, except maybe the conserive, knows what'll happen when furlough ends. by EVE_ddred (Wed 14th Oct 2020 2:42am)
  • Jesus Christ, I was hoping it was just bullshit. by EVE_ddred (Fri 23rd Oct 2020 6:14pm)
  • How important were your references? by EVE_ddred (Thu 5th Nov 2020 4:57pm)
  • Probably a weird one, but how did you answer the questionaire since you got the job? I tried to tailor it, but I could actually use this break since graduating last year into a dead economy and covid. by EVE_ddred (Sun 8th Nov 2020 12:15am)
  • Falun Gong propaganda. China and the CCP have a lot of valid criticisms but this is like getting your science news from a scientology magazine. by EVE_ddred (Sat 14th Nov 2020 1:59pm)
  • I wouldn't ask here. The majority demographic of this subreddit will be predominately 20-30 and male which means you're putting yourself at risk. Lockdown's hard, but next year when the vaccine starts getting dished out you'll surely be able to pick up a hobby and make some friends. Hang in there. by EVE_ddred (Thu 19th Nov 2020 6:30pm)
  • Not really. I tried messaging her brother three weeks ago but he hasn't responded. However, he works in the merchant navy and has 900+ friends on facebook so it's probably just lost in the noise of his work. I have no contact with any of her friends and I couldn't even guess where she was working. by EVE_ddred (Thu 19th Nov 2020 7:28pm)
  • I honestly wouldn't recognise them since it was 4-5 years ago I met her friends. I only know the first name of one of them... I'm also trying to avoid giving anything too personal, but after our relationship ended she quickly entered a new one that was, in her own words, toxic, controlling and manipulative to the point that her partner would take her phones off her and prevent her using any form of social media. I'm more inclined to believe that this situation might have occurred again if it's possible she went back to that relationship? But I don't know. As for work, she never really told me what she did. I only know she had multiple phones for it. by EVE_ddred (Thu 19th Nov 2020 7:36pm)
  • Nope. There was a family schism. Her Mother's off facebook, her father's (the one who blocked me) went to Canada and her Brother's sailing around the world. They got kicked out of the house at one point and she 'jokingly' said she was homeless to me at one point. I honestly don't know if her situation was bad or just morbid sense of humor anymore. by EVE_ddred (Thu 19th Nov 2020 8:02pm)
  • We were fairly young when we dated (23). I was at University, she was trying to find something. She accidentally got involved in a MLM scheme at one point but I managed to convince her otherwise, she studied media at stow college but failed and then for the remaining half a year or so of the relationship she was doing something but was secretive about it and I tend to respect people's privacy. Maybe I'm just the odd one. by EVE_ddred (Thu 19th Nov 2020 8:05pm)
  • I'm trying not to unload too much of my baggage publicly. I'm bipolar, she was in therapy. I'm not sure if I'm blowing something out of proportion or not, but I guess if I could see some evidence that she's at least still alive I could leave the issue alone? by EVE_ddred (Thu 19th Nov 2020 8:13pm)
  • Thanks for your suggestions. I think I'll just let it rest for a bit and see if she pops up again. by EVE_ddred (Thu 19th Nov 2020 8:24pm)
  • Honestly, I appreciate the comment since I'd rather believe that than something bad has occurred to her. I'll let it rest for a while. by EVE_ddred (Thu 19th Nov 2020 8:33pm)
  • DELETED > That’s why I’d like to know which school is considered better for job prospects, knowledge, environment, etc in Scotland? Statistically, for job and wage prospects the hierarchy is typically: University of Glasgow > Glasgow Caledonian University > University of Strathclyde Artificial Intelligence is a new Msc at University of Strathclyde, so it'll be difficult to get any metrics or opinions on how useful or what the job prospects for such a degree is while the ones at UoG have been around far longer, have higher entry requirements and last I checked near 100% student satisfaction. If you want to play it safe, I'd go with UoG if you have the option but Strathclyde is by no means a bad option. by EVE_ddred (Sat 19th Dec 2020 11:28am)
  • Yeah, wouldn't do it there as you'll more than likely get moved on by security or polis at some point. That's one of the engineering department's buildings for lecturing, labs, offices, ect. They'll definitely complain about the noise if there's anyone in attendance. by EVE_ddred (Tue 9th Mar 2021 9:31pm)
  • Well I don't know the intricacies specific to this hate crime bill, traditionally hate crime has been a modifier or kicker to an existing crime. I.E: Harassment, Assault, Murder, ect You can get done for harassment, but if you do it while yelling racist or sectarian insults then you'll get done with harassment (hate crime) essentially. I know there have been a few exceptions to this that have made hate crime a specific crime in a few instances such as in the case of harassment, but typically it's not the speech that's the issue. It's the motive that's the problem. Harassing or attacking someone based on their skin colour, gender, sexual orientation, religion, heritage or such represents a danger to society since the law typically has to think of the 'three rs'. Removal, rehabilitation and retribution. People who represent dangers to society need to be removed. People who lose their temper due to being provoked aren't necessarily a danger, but people who attack or harass people for no good reason are. by EVE_ddred (Sat 20th Mar 2021 9:51pm)
  • I've been accused of being morally bankrupt. However, my mother is part of the shielded group and I've been doing her shopping and errands for the past year. When the unpaid carer thing was announced, it was her idea to register me and I wasn't going to say no to an early vaccine. Especailly when the virus took the leg of one of my co-workers. by EVE_ddred (Thu 13th May 2021 12:17am)
  • My take from it is that if they were being deported then that would be fine but if they were being taken to dungavel for potentially an undisclosed length of time then that's barbaric given the well documented problems of it. by EVE_ddred (Thu 13th May 2021 1:48pm)
  • Sure, sort out the detention centres and we'll agree 100%. However, some people fall through the cracks of the system and end up in indefinite detention through no fault of their own. I.E that 18 year old girl years back who was born here but her parents were deported. She didn't speak the language of her parents and her only experience has been Scotland. As a result, she's been held in one of these facilities for years since there is simply no legal way to resolve the situation. In a global pandemic, I think there are other things to focus on since a lot of leeway has had to be given to immigrants due to the disruption it has caused. by EVE_ddred (Thu 13th May 2021 7:04pm)
  • > Are my aging joints likely to handle the falls? From personal experience, it's usually the excess weight that's the issue and a lifestyle that doesn't require a lot of mobility. Losing a few kgs can go from walking up stairs causing aches to being able to jump down a metre like it was nothing. As for handling the falls, the first thing you want to learn when you skateboard is learning to fall. You should go to a grass patch and practise that. You'll feel and look weird as hell, but it'll save you from injury later. by EVE_ddred (Thu 17th Jun 2021 10:27pm)
  • Second. by EVE_ddred (Sat 3rd Jul 2021 5:12pm)
  • DELETED Sure, but it's mainly a safety thing that makes me wonder. Cars whip in and out of lanes with barely a signal around the kingston bridge and sometimes you wish you could just bypass it all when traffic is bad. by EVE_ddred (Thu 8th Jul 2021 1:05am)
  • I'd wager they have a higher chance of seeing and hearing me than a bicycle. The kingston bridge was just one example (traffic has been pretty bad during the road works that I've mainly stuck to the car despite the good weather for the bike). There are a lot of routes I could take to bypass all of that that don't go through the city centre if I could get through the bus gates. I wouldn't dare try to filter or overtake in a bike there from the things I've seen. However, even if that's not the cases, there are also long stretches of roads that are bus lanes you frequently see open around the city. I could just filter or overtake the cars at the lights... or I could use an open lane? I feel like one option is clearly safer. by EVE_ddred (Thu 8th Jul 2021 1:36am)
  • Normally I would let it go but I've been left thinking with how to prepare in the future for similar situations which I think is a bit insane since it's an impossible situation to read. I also own a motorbike and it's things like this that make me stick to the car. I guess the only real solution is to avoid rush hour times. by EVE_ddred (Sun 15th Aug 2021 11:37am)
  • Saying I can't handle it is me expressing feeling unable in that moment to predict or take measures to defend myself against that kind of situation. It feels like the driver, for all intents and purposes, may as well have intended for us to have an accident and there's no real way to avoid it had they not corrected their mistake. So I thought I'd reach out and ask if people are experiencing similar issues and how they approach it. by EVE_ddred (Sun 15th Aug 2021 2:41pm)
  • I'm not looking for therapy, I'm looking for driving tips. by EVE_ddred (Sun 15th Aug 2021 2:45pm)
  • Other posters have articulated better than I probably could why this isn't a reasonable alternative to driving. I don't think you're being antagonistic on purpose, but you're definitely giving that impression. by EVE_ddred (Sun 15th Aug 2021 2:50pm)
  • Cool story bro. by EVE_ddred (Sun 15th Aug 2021 2:56pm)
  • No, I'm just trying my best to avoid an argument. A lot of commenters have understood what I'm talking about and gave helpful advice, many mirroring my view that the best solution is to simply not be in it. Kind of similar to when I did take public transport and would avoid the cramped conditions of a rush hour train, nevermind the condition of the trains in general, by reading a book until it was quiet but I no longer have the spare time to spend nor the ability to fit my life into 20L backpack in comparison to a 400L boot. You're not being constructive or helpful. You seem to be trying to start an argument or segue into some monologue about commitment and dedication based on some weird conjecture that "I've not committed to being a better driver". It's a strange thing to focus on as you don't know me beyond what you may have gleamed from the comment section of me also having a motorbike license. I have taken advanced driving and riding courses which was provoked by how much more aware and focussed I became when I learned to ride a motorbike. But all of this is irrelevant. Limit point analysis, anticipation and prediction of hazards and road layouts by trying to understand what civil engineers might have been trying to solve when they chose the signs, speed and road markings for a stretch of road is irrelevant to this discussion. As is learning to control your body language and 'being like buddha' when confronted with a potential road rage scenario which is doubly important for bikers. What I want to know is, hey, someone put me in a dangerous situation that was nigh impossible to predict and avoid. The only solution was for me to assume this driver was going to try and intentionally run me off the road but that doesn't seem reasonable or within the scope of what instructors would teach in 'defensive driving or riding'. How do you handle this during rush hour in Glasgow? 'Get a dash cam', 'Try take the M73', 'Keep calm' were the best advice given. Now, I'm sorry if I've offended you, but you are genuinely giving me the impression that you want to argue with me which is why I'm trying my best to now verbosely explain the situation which seems crazy. by EVE_ddred (Sun 15th Aug 2021 3:42pm)
  • Those tar snakes are really dangerous for motorbikes. Annoys me when you see botched jobs like this on the road. Kind of glad I saw this post and know to take it easy in the city for a while til I clock them. by EVE_ddred (Thu 14th Oct 2021 3:50pm)
  • [MF doom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7asrACR-Fak) by EVE_ddred (Fri 5th Nov 2021 1:01am)
  • Cyclists should probably do a CBT on a motorbike or some equivalent training, in my view. It's kind of madness that someone can go on the road with absolutely no knowledge of the highway code and then ask the question "I went through a red light, am I an asshole?". by EVE_ddred (Sat 6th Nov 2021 6:59pm)
  • Yeah, there's a few things they can probably slap you with. If you commit an offence on the road, then you could be hit with points. If you don't have a license, it's already 3 points. It's kind of like people riding 125cc scooters with no L plates. Police typically turn a blind eye, but piss them off / do something dangerous and you get 6 points and a £500 fine. by EVE_ddred (Thu 11th Nov 2021 9:55pm)
  • I was surprised by my reaction to this article as well. I was originally thinking about the audacity someone has to come to another city / country and vandalise someone's property. Then I read it was specifically targeting "SUVs" and while I don't condone the action (which for all intents and purposes was fairly harmless); I completely understand the hate. SUVs should be banned. by EVE_ddred (Thu 11th Nov 2021 11:56pm)
  • The emissions and fuel consumption is only one aspect of their inefficiency and short falls. The SUV is a modern problem that should never have happened. Personally, if a ban is seen as too radical for some, I think they should have some bigger barriers to entry. Maybe make them a separate license category that requires the extended test of the car license. by EVE_ddred (Fri 12th Nov 2021 1:27am)
  • It's not just about being green but safety. Some SUVs can weigh between 2 and 3 tonnes. Their headlights are raised and shine directly into the mirrors and eyeline of typical cars. They block line of sight of the road and can have significantly more blindspots on them. They're basically trucks in the shape of cars, but vans and LGVs weigh less unladen. In terms of utiltiy, minivans, people carriers and such are far better designed with lowered headlights (and centre of mass) and high FOVs. They also handle worse while simultaneously giving the illusion of safety. An increase in road accidents has been directly correlated with SUV use with their crashes being significantly more fatal for the occupants inside and outside the vehicle. If I had to choose between keeping an eye on a boy racer in a stage 3 remapped impreza or someone doing the school run in a g wagon, I'd be watching the g wagon like a hawk. That's without getting into the fact that the impreza will still, by far, have done less damage to the environment than the SUV. by EVE_ddred (Fri 12th Nov 2021 8:39am)
  • You'd be surprised how easy it is to get a criminal record. I know a few people with records. Some are deserved, some not so much. The fact that they can't go on holiday to certain countries, nevermind the limitations to their careers and such is quite a significant blow to them and far outweighs the harm of the offence. I.E: I have one friend who was done with assault. He deserved that one, he was fined instead of a prison sentence. The friends who were with him though? They got charged too, as did the group that came to intervene. The police weren't going to sort out the mess and play "whodunnit" and now everyone involved pays some form of price for it. by EVE_ddred (Fri 3rd Dec 2021 10:26am)
  • DELETED I didn't say countries don't have a right to ban people with criminal records. I was saying that judging people on the basis alone that they have a criminal history is short sighted. One of the best people I ever worked alongside was a convicted drug dealer who was caught with several million pounds worth. And he's treated equally alongside my friend who was merely present when someone in a group of lads he was hanging out with decided to get into a rammy at a bar. by EVE_ddred (Fri 3rd Dec 2021 1:47pm)
  • DELETED Actually, you know what, let's actually have this discussion because I have a tonne of real world experience rather than internet experience in this regard. I got straight As in high school and could go to any University I could choose, but my real world circumstances meant working was the more prudent and sensible choice. I chose to work in the logistics industry, where a lot of class 1 and class 2 drivers were not from Scotland. I started as a warehouse operative which is to say a glorified shelf stacker with a forklift license and I worked myself up through the ranks til I became a shunter, part-time supervisor and general overseer of warehouse / logistics operations when the main supervisor wasn't present; I was given, on many ocasions, the opportunity to get my Class 1 license but I always turned it down because the work is awful. At the height of the pandemic, I was working an average of 85~ hours per week with my worst weeks approaching 100. I went from 15.5 stone to 12 stone 7 pounds. Drivers and logistics staff, in general, got treated like garbage as we were nto seen as 'essential workers' and I infrequently would go out and deliver food to the drivers during lockdown. Ocasionally, this would escalate to the point where drivers would ask the police to intervene on a shop or service station refusing to serve them. Our road and service infrastructure is garbage and drivers were treated like garbage during brexit and the pandemic. I had absolutely no interest in pursuing a career in this industry after the first year. That's when I decided to apply to University so that I could better my working conditions even though I know I will never earn as much money as I did working in logistics. For an idea, during covid, I hit the 40% tax bracket easily. The driver shortage was a nightmare to deal with. We had, approximately, 30~ class 2 trucks for local delivery and we only had about 12 permanent drivers employed where the rest were composed of agency staff and sub contractors and I personally noticed the reduction in EU drivers. In that time, there was no proper vetting of staff when it came to criminal background checks. We had a couple incidents where new employees were nearly lynched and/or chased out the yard when it was discovered they were pedophiles. Scottish born and bred, mind. On the other side, we had people with more 'socially accepted' criminal convictions. Like the drug dealer, the people convicted of assault or so on. They were not bad people and they don't deserve to be judged for a single mistake in their life. The drug dealer, in comparison as having the most severe conviction, just wants to live a simple life now after his parents died while he was in prison. My own supervisor was convicted of assault and, infact, has a court order preventing him from carrying any knives (even a stanley blade). I left this industry for my mental and physical health to pursue a degree in the hopes of living a calmer and easier life despite the fact that it will be a massive hit to my income. An industry that has been broken by tacit mismanagement and disruption from the government and, in my opinion, a poor attitude from the general population. It wasn't the people that I worked with that made me want to leave. by EVE_ddred (Fri 3rd Dec 2021 2:23pm)
  • DELETED It's the general cuntish attitude from you that I'm highlighting and was addressing from the beginning. When someone gave a small disagreement regarding your comment on criminality, you responded to him with: > You have a criminal record I assume. You used the idea that someone might have a criminal record to dismiss their viewpoint on it. I'm giving you a real world example of how the arterial veins of this country are kept pumping by the very people you look down on where most, after exerpeiencing what I did during brexit and the pandemic, had the sense to seek greener pastures like the EU's continental lines and services compared to our narrow twisty roads with barely any services and facilities. A fun fact: the company I worked for built our own facilities during the pandemic. This country needs EU workers and it especially needs EU truck drivers. You would throw them away because of trivial criminal histories, that you have acknowledged can be minor in the case of your family member. Because you think it'd be too hard for the government to examine and make a judgment on it? But, you know, training 100,000 HGV drivers, staffing tens of thousands to manage a border and administrate new customs paperworks and so on is definitely more feasible. Believe me, I have no faith that this country will fix this issue. At the end of my degree, I am already making a beeline for greener pastures myself. by EVE_ddred (Fri 3rd Dec 2021 2:41pm)
  • DELETED Oh, okay, my mistake. I assumed you were dismissing his viewpoint. Now I see you were just refusing to acknowledge his point that context is key to judging it. I guess if you just approach every argument deliberately obtuse so you never actually have to make a point. I.E: Your position is to look at all levels of criinality as equivalent for the purpose of immigration. Maybe if you had some real world experience, you'd feel different. by EVE_ddred (Fri 3rd Dec 2021 2:51pm)
  • DELETED You don't need to spend a month to get to know someone. People can appeal with personal statements regarding their criminality when they meet barriers for education, apprenticeships, funding or what have you in our own country's institutions and it gets reviewed and investigated by a person who can overturn it. I.E: My friend wanted an apprenticeship and wrote a personal statement about how he wasn't actually involved in the fight, but the police charged him and everyone else remotely involved at the time. That he had a stable job, a family and felt like he'd be punished enough for a single mistake. If you think that the government is incapable of making judgments on these issues, then I don't know how you expect them to manage anything in general. Not to mention, for the majority of people, their first encounter with the justice system is usually their last. I have no issue working with people convicted of drugs, assault or other violent offences. It's only severe offences like pedophilia, rape and such that I have ever had a red line on and, from my experience, that usually ends with the person getting the shit kicked out of them in the yard anyway. by EVE_ddred (Fri 3rd Dec 2021 3:08pm)
  • I think they need to create alternative ways to cross the clyde than the kingston bridge other than the A74 and M74. The level of congestion through the M8 that disappears once you've gotten out of Glasgow or onto the streets not leading to the M8 is mental. by EVE_ddred (Fri 10th Dec 2021 9:14pm)
  • OP, from your post history, it seems like you've been a bit obsessed with gaining access to this place for the past 9-10 days. Tell me, what do you think you're going to find in there or why is it so important for you to gain access? Also, combination locks are extremely easy to pick but it seems you'll be creating a hassle for someone when you eventually leave it unlocked. I would bet that what you'll find in there is infrastructure for the local gas, water or electricity supply and not something you should mess with anyway. by EVE_ddred (Sat 11th Dec 2021 1:38am)
  • Just think, if he actually practised the drums the amount of years he's been around; he'd be able to replace Neil Peart. by EVE_ddred (Thu 20th Jan 2022 10:46pm)
  • What I don't understand is what I'm supposed to do when I take secondary position in a motorcycle and a cyclist wants to go straight. H3 states I'm supposed to give way to the cyclist but I was taught to block their path, perform a lifesaver to make sure I'm not being undertaken by a cyclist or other motorbike and then turn left. It's going to take a lot of effort to unlearn this and I'm not sure I want to given how critical it is as a defensive driving technique. by EVE_ddred (Mon 31st Jan 2022 12:30pm)
  • What covid mandate are they protesting? The only one I'm aware of are nurses and care workers but it's always been required that they have their vaccines so couldn't be that? by EVE_ddred (Sun 20th Feb 2022 5:48pm)
  • It's not really about reducing accidents but congestion in this case. Strictly enforcing a speed limit means there is seldom any opportunity for overtaking and the rate of cars entering the section of road will be roughly equal to the rate exiting. I'm not a fan of putting speed cameras on the M8, but if cars actually obeyed the variable speed limits then there would be very little congestion across the kingston. by EVE_ddred (Tue 8th Mar 2022 1:01am)
  • > that some motorists do weird shit around us. I've been riding for around a year and I'd say I've only had one close call, but plenty of things I notice only happen when I'm on the bike and not in the car. The close call, I'm convinced, was a completely deliberate attempt to kill me. I was traveling along the M8 heading easy at junction 15 around 9pm with almost no traffic on the road. A car was middle lane hogging, the next exit is Charing Cross (which I intend to take) roughly a mile and a half away. I don't undertake, I actually go out of my way to move over to lane 3, I'm wary of the driver because he's in the middle and I approach with caution to get an idea of what the intend to do. They're fidgeting with their radio and cruising on the middle lane so I assume, while they're a moron, they're going to stay in lane 2. I then accelerate hard to quickly pass them and as I do it, the car swerves out to come into lane 3 with no indication with probably a foot or two distance from me as I pass. I took the charing cross exit, pulled over and basically sat for 5-10 minutes calming my nerves that someone could be that dangerous on the road. The weird things I've noticed though: * People expect you to filter when it conveniences them and not to do it when it doesn't. * When cars are parked on the opposide side of the road, cars will just pull out and expect you to move over and let them squeeze between you. * Some cars will think you're trying to race them when moving off when you're usually being pretty restrained. Usually if I spot a reckless driver, my first instinct is to just give way and let them go about their business somewhere far away from me. As for the OP though... rear ending someone is almost always the person behind's fault either trying to catch underbraking or driving too close / at inappropriate speed. The only way you could blame the person in front is if they swerved in front of you before braking, reversed into you or some other maneuver that is clearly intended to make you crash into them. by EVE_ddred (Tue 22nd Mar 2022 1:13am)
  • Sure, but when no one else is on the road except the two of us with over a minute until the Charing Cross exit? I personally think the most reasonable explanation for it is they were following their sat nav's instructions without observations or signals so when we passed junction 15, the satnav told them to turn / keep right and they just moved over without any observations or signals. I don't move over early specifically because I have a paranoia about people's blind spots (and A-pillar blind spots when I'm moving through junctions with someone signaling right). I constantly adjust my speed and observe people so that if someone does something reckless or doesn't seem me, I have options to escape or stop and I think that's one of the reasons why I only have one close call when I've heard other riders talk about numerous events on the road. I also like to fast past cars because it makes the bike trigger the loud induction noise as well as making the maneuver quick. Most people drive well in my view, but there's a silly amount of people on the road who genuinely don't seem to think about what they're doing at all. by EVE_ddred (Tue 22nd Mar 2022 11:49am)
  • To be a chartered engineer, you only need to have completed a Master's Degree or worked for two years in the industry and paid your membership fees. by EVE_ddred (Mon 4th Apr 2022 8:17pm)
  • We need protected infrastructure and helmet laws, especially with the advent of e-bikes. I liked a breakdown by [fortnine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM8Xli2KTzI) on e-bikes being more dangerous than motorcycles and if that's the case, measures need to be taken to protect them from themselves at least. Not advocating training, licenses or such but definitely need to give cyclists options away from the road. by EVE_ddred (Sun 8th May 2022 8:25pm)
  • It's common for bars and clubs to turn away solo men and, even in some cases, small groups of men who don't have any women with them or, more well known, wearing suits and fancy get ups to student or punk bars. It can go the other way too. It's not always a fair policy, and one they're probably feeling out, but if enough patrons have complained about being creeped on by solo men or a myriad of other reasons and they've got enough customers to keep the till busy then they're under no real pressure to change it (especially with the prices of NQ64). I worked as a bartender and bouncer in a very busy bar in Glasgow 10 years ago and I was explicitly told by a manager that if someone started giving me trouble or complaining, just refund them and then don't serve them again because the time it takes to deal with a complaint loses them more money than serving another customer. by EVE_ddred (Tue 24th May 2022 6:28am)
  • DELETED > You are not impeding them or obstructing them from carrying out their duties - they have, evidently, been able to arrest the intended person and you did nothing to prevent them from doing so. Everything would have presumably occurred exactly as pictured whether or not you were filming (up until the point where you were challenged on filming, of course). I am not a lawyer, but a woman approached the officer and the officer advises her not to speak due to it potentially being uploaded onto the internet. The woman may have been the person who called the police and wanted to figure out how to proceed further. I don't know what specific law it would be, but I do know that the police do have a right to move you on in such instances as you are disrupting them. Whether or not that extends to seizing the phone itself, I don't know. There is still a gap between this recording and the other one, so there may be more. by EVE_ddred (Tue 24th May 2022 10:55am)
  • DELETED > They could **only** seize if they have a reasonable suspicion of criminality I am not a lawyer. But this isn't true and the memo doesn't say this. There are various statutuory powers that allow the police to seize a phone and the laws regarding this are not mutually exclusive or interchangable with the laws regarding data protection. The memo does touch on that filming police can come under obstruction under the right context. I.E: A victim or witness may not feel comfortable giving testimony if they are being recorded. The reasons for this are fairly self-evident. by EVE_ddred (Tue 24th May 2022 11:31am)
  • DELETED > The memo literally says: >This, of course, does not affect an officer’s powers to seize items where they suspect there is evidence of criminality. My contention is with your use of the word *only*. The memo is a rule of thumb regarding recording police in public, it does not touch on the myriad of nuanced instances that could take place. As for what you're saying regarding the officer should make an effort to move away from the scene / the person filming... all I'll say is your mileage may vary. The person filming already approached the scene and made the decision to start recording, whether or not it becomes obstructive isn't based on the behaviour of the individual but the effect the individual is having. Maybe the officer was abusing his power or maybe the officer had a good reason for it, it seemed like the woman wanted to point out something to him (maybe another suspect involved in the crime). Either way, there was a gap between both videos and it's not clear exactly what's going on or has happened in any of it. by EVE_ddred (Tue 24th May 2022 12:16pm)
  • DELETED This is getting a bit out of hand for my liking. I'm not a fan of long paragraphs / debates. I don't agree with your definition of obstructing police though. Anything that makes their job more difficult is obstruction. There's no requirement for them to draw a line in the sand or take steps to try and get away from you. Whether or not this is the case or not... I cannot make a sound judgment on it. The officer, when seizing the camera might have informed him under what statuatory power he was seizing the phone. Who knows without the full unabridged video. However, what I disagreed with is that you quoted this memo as an absolute right to record police in public coupled with the idea they can only take your phone when they suspect a crime. I'd say that's quite evidently not true if you've followed any of the stories regarding MPE technology and laws over the past decade. The police have a host of powers to draw from to seize a phone and it honestly would not surprise me if OP's phone has been subjected to this technology. by EVE_ddred (Tue 24th May 2022 1:18pm)
  • > Which reads to me like the officer said they could seize OP's phone, but then backtracked, and positioned it as them doing OP a favour, like we won't seize your phone if you let me delete the video. Probably. But they do have that power under the prevention of terrorism act iirc. And I'm not sure what the recent Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill has added. It wasn't that long ago (I think in 2014?) that the police were trialing security booths that allowed them to completely download all information from a phone and consent wasn't required. Even that's not a hard requirement when you get access to 99% of the information of someone through knowing the sim and going through their service provider instead. My impression is that the UK has always been rather authoritarian in this regard when it comes to digital rights and, even in Scotland, we have the added bonus that they're given additional powers over recording when you're on council managed property as opposed to public property. So the idea that the officer may be completely in the wrong? I honestly don't know anymore, it's been many years since I've allowed myself to fall down a rabbit hole like that. by EVE_ddred (Tue 24th May 2022 1:33pm)
  • Insider knowledge? If the guy has an SIA badge, he will search your bags and ask you to open your coat and that's about it. All containers are banned, even water bottles, so you can't even think of hiding it in something else. If they don't have a badge, they can't do anything although they will strongly suggest you to open your bag so they can have a look. My suggestion is to find a way to discretely hide it and don't make a spectacle of it when you're inside. Supervisors and sia staff will regularly patrol and ask stewards if there's any issues they need to take care of and all it takes is one of the unlicensed stewards to mention it. by EVE_ddred (Tue 14th Jun 2022 4:32pm)
  • I'm not gay, but I'd say that Glasgow has gotten a lot rougher in recent years as a result of austerity. I worked during lockdown and walking the streets alone in the daytime turned out to be a frightening experience because the only people out and about were the 'characters'. I also think we're still recovering from that 2 year period. Sometimes it can be harmless and just having a moment where your face sucks inside itself from cringing at the banter from freshly turned 18-20 year olds trying to flirt who clearly have had very limited contact with people the past few years. Sometimes when I'm just passing through the streets during saturday / friday night that there are a lot of creepy men hanging about. At least definitely more than usual. I've seen drunk men in their 40s hanging about the street getting aggressive to women who are clearly 19-20 years old. On the nights I've been out, I've seen guys hovering outside with nae mates constantly trying to chat up birds who are going home or out for a smoke. I've questioned whether this was always the case or a new phenomenon, but I feel like it's far more common now than it was before. Either way, I'm a 6'0 guy who goes to the gym and I don't feel safe walking the streets alone some nights. Someone in drag? Not a fucking chance. by EVE_ddred (Wed 15th Jun 2022 3:35am)
  • To be fair, I attract attention to some degree. If I'm riding my motorbike that day, I'm fully kitted up and that usually invites drunken groups to make a comment. Usually only gives me anxiety about parking my bike though that a drunk person might try and sit on it which has happened once so far by a drunk woman whose male friends got *very protective* when I yelled across the street to get off it. Other times it's just me not thinking about what I'm wearing and accidentally pairing black north face trousers with a slayer shirt and then looking like a goth. In an ideal world none of this should matter, but in reality if you stick out, you'll get encounters. Some positive, some annoying and maybe 1 in a 100 just leaves you scratching your head wondering what's wrong with people. I don't know if PUA are still a thing, but I don't think I ever noticed the behaviour to the degree I see these days and I don't know if that's me just being more aware of it. I would like to think it's the same people every week rather than an actual epidemic, but I don't go to clubs or such. When I do go out I generally go out in the day and wrap things up around 10pm when places start to get busy but even that's enough to observe it. by EVE_ddred (Wed 15th Jun 2022 4:03am)
  • I went to two of the eve meets. My username is the same as my character "ddred". Flew with Dead Terrorists, Shadow Cartel and Pandemic Legion. Did we ever meet? by EVE_ddred (Wed 15th Jun 2022 4:09am)
  • Ah, I was never there when a dev was there. I think I was there in 2016~~2015~~ and 2018 when I still enjoyed the game. I think you probably know how it is. I get the itch to play again every now and then, I have a super, multiple capital alts, hundreds of ships and such just gathering dust, but I know the game I liked is just not there anymore. Actually, it was 2016. I remember it because it was shortly after this [clip](https://m.twitch.tv/videos/39181085) that I searched online when you mentioned it. by EVE_ddred (Wed 15th Jun 2022 4:16am)
  • I think someone posted GCC's expenses sometime last year and the biggest drain was none of the things you mentioned. The settlement hurts, ofcourse. It's nearly £200 million, but that's being paid with a loan and thus year to year the expenditure on it is fairly low. If I understand the budgets on the website correctly, total service expenditure from the council is equal to £2.64 Billion. Almost a billion of that is funded from revenue, £1.36Billion is provided by the national budget and the difference of £309 million was to be picked up by taxes. While GCC can't afford to spend £50 million recklessly; that money wouldn't cover 2 months of the environmental services you mentioned which isn't the largest part of the budget. The majority of spending is in social services and such. by EVE_ddred (Fri 24th Jun 2022 2:58pm)
  • I liked the breakdown [Fortnine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM8Xli2KTzI) did on electric bikes and how they're about as dangerous if not more dangerous than motorcycles. He doesn't advocate for training and gear requirements like motorcycles have but I think advocating for an education of the risks they're taking is something worth pursuing. by EVE_ddred (Sat 25th Jun 2022 7:16pm)
  • I thought the fastest an ebike was capable of was 28mph? And I'd actually argue that 15mph limit carries its own dangers. That is opening yourself to aggressive overtakes and the fact that bikes can't counter steer effectively until you're going more than around 15mph. by EVE_ddred (Sat 25th Jun 2022 8:05pm)
  • Mopeds require road tax, insurance, a full helmet conforming to safety standards and L plates (if you only have a CBT). I've never seen an ebike with any of these. by EVE_ddred (Sun 26th Jun 2022 10:04am)
  • I don't think it's completely out of the ballpark that some of the landowners are letting the buildings degrade with the explicit intention of having them knocked down and selling the land on. I.E: [What every woman wants](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-50521433) Then you have the Egyptian Halls on Union Street which I can't remember when it didn't have scaffolding. Supposedly the owner made a killing from the billboard advertisements and refuses to sell or repair the structure without the council paying for it. Do I know any of this for certain? Not really, but given how many historic buildings we've lost in the past decade; it almost feels malicious. The council really need to start exercising compulsory purchase rights rather than rewarding behaviour that isn't in the interest of the public. by EVE_ddred (Wed 6th Jul 2022 4:30pm)
  • Maybe a radical option would be to pass a law and make land under b-listed developments owned by the local authority so that if the buildings fall apart, the owners are left with nothing. Use it or sell it kind of thing. by EVE_ddred (Wed 6th Jul 2022 11:45pm)
  • What do you mean? by EVE_ddred (Fri 8th Jul 2022 8:19pm)
  • Define fair market value in this context. The land has a theoretical value, but to a developer looking to building something it's worth £0 while the building is there but letting a building degrade to the point of condemning leading to its demolition is not something that should be permitted. My suggestion isn't one to steal property from an owner but to protect b-listed property. by EVE_ddred (Fri 8th Jul 2022 11:45pm)
  • If you want to be truly shocked, you should ride along the M8 average speed camera route in a motorbike. Because you're sitting higher up, you have a clear view of what people are doing in their cars as you pass by and I'd say about 25% of people are on their phone while doing 40+mph. by EVE_ddred (Wed 13th Jul 2022 2:15pm)
  • Your problem was probably slowing down. Pigeons take off at a fixed distance they've learned from the speed limit of the road. If the car is going slower or faster than this, then dead pigeons. I don't know why I know this. https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsbl.2013.0417 by EVE_ddred (Mon 18th Jul 2022 11:53am)
  • Some people like cars, some people like the sound of cars. As long as you don't drive like a dickhead or through a residential street at night on the red line, I have no issue with it. But you know, if someone has a 'finely tuned performance engine', this would mean they've done something like a stage 3 remap which requires changing the exhaust and can make it much louder. I doubt I could tell the difference from sound alone between Knockhill's rally fiesta and one which has just had the exhaust swap by noise alone. Also, I'm just going to add on to the end here since I am a car and motorcycle guy. Anyone who's done this hobby for a length of time doesn't really do it to get attention. Most who take to it when they're young learn after a few months that the only thing cars and motorcycles attract are middle aged men and young boys. by EVE_ddred (Mon 25th Jul 2022 9:25pm)
  • The sound you're probably thinking about is high RPM. [Here's](https://youtu.be/b0ZjDSn2jD0?t=50) a 250cc Honda motorcycle from the 80s that revs to 20k RPM. As the video shows though, it'll hit the redline doing 30mph. Similarly, I own a Street Triple R and it revs to [12,500](https://youtu.be/hDjFtb0ygus?t=19). However, RPM isn't indicative of performance. It's also kind of subjective since the street triple R, when hearing it in person, has a distinctive whine and whistle sound from the straight gears and in-line 3. A boxer engine will sound gruntier. A harley davidson will sound kind of [ugly](https://youtu.be/XeuXShFIgyc?t=215). Comes down to personal taste. by EVE_ddred (Mon 25th Jul 2022 9:40pm)
  • Don't get me wrong. I think that's dickhead behaviour myself. When I say I'm a car and motorcycle guy; I like the engineering and learning about how all the physics and mechanics work so I can be a better driver and rider. The people I'm friends with who share my interest are generally not interested in trying to garner attention from other people but just sharing a hobby. When it comes to reckless or careless driving, that's isolated to track days and we also talk about avoiding driving or riding on saturday nights because that's when the real dangerous drivers seem to come out in force from your boy racer who wants to show his car off and hasn't clocked that no one cares yet to the middle aged men in SUVs and BMWs wanting to flaunt their klarna finance. I have one down my neighbourhood who redlines every friday and saturday down my street at about 11pm on the dot. Why he does it, I'll never know. However, his car doesn't sound like it's been remotely tuned or modified so I think there's just a stigma that loud car / motorcycle = tiny dick seeking attention. by EVE_ddred (Mon 25th Jul 2022 10:07pm)
  • You know, I'm gonna do a second reply as I feel kind of compelled to given the malicious comments by some folk in the comment section. I.E: "Never got enough love from Mom & Dad" or such. I'll give you a run down on the kind of person I am. I'm generally quiet and keep to myself, I don't go out drinking or clubbing and so on. I'm pretty much a nerd and that nerdy behaviour also extends to cars or anything with an engine. The kind of people in my social circle are similar. We all have degrees and we met and bonded over this subject of interest while we were at University of Glasgow. Most of them were medical students. I feel like you have to go against the grain of society to take a real interest in this sort of thing. One of the reasons I never cared about people's opinions is because my early hobbies of skateboarding and roller skating would garner a lot of negative attention. In the early 00s, you couldn't go anywhere without being harassed by security or people for the object of hate they had built inside their head where as it's a lot more accepted these days. To give you an idea of how comical things could get, I was once cornered by some choir boys when I was walking through town because the local church had a problem with skateboarders skating on their stairs at night, of which I wasn't one of them. But people generally don't care for the facts in these things. I'm aware that when I go out on my motorcycle that I am inheriting the stigma that people attribute to anyone who rides on two wheels instead of four. Or I have to smile and nod as the hundredth stranger regales me with stories of donor-cycles being scraped off pavements. It took me a while to grow up and come to a conclusion that the NIMBY adults who would yell at me for skateboarding most likely had the same attitude of the kids who would give me shit in school for liking something remotely alternative. I like performance cars. My first car was a piece of shit that helped me learn mechanics through frustration with its refusal to get out of bed in the morning. When I bought a "nice car", it was a renault clio eco elf with a *jaw dropping* 96 bhp but would do 70-80mpg when I rode it well and maintained it. My motorcycle and 'fun' car both consume more fuel than the clio and the motorcycle has more horsepower than the clio with 1/6 the weight. The reason why I don't do it for attention is because I know that people generally don't like it. But fuck 'em. I'm having fun and I don't think I'm being an ass about it. My next 'project' is hopefully going to be a Subaru Impreza that will probably be heard for miles. I know it'll get groans and people will talk behind my back, but I've went through the majority of my life experiencing that. Why would I change for what I know is a minor inconvenience for them? Again, like I said before. There are bad actors in every hobby. I'm not talking about people who generally cause a nuisance and make the roads dangerous. It's a sophisticated hobby and one that I'm going to enjoy until my bones become too old to do so. by EVE_ddred (Mon 25th Jul 2022 11:29pm)
  • It's fine, honestly, you don't need to apologise, but I thought it deserved a more measured response. Part of the reason why I vehemently hate social media is it greatly amplifies the worst (and sometimes the best) of society. But I genuinely think that some people need to consider whether their own reaction to things are warranted or they are simply projecting their own prejudices. A loud exhaust is, after all, just a loud exhaust. In most contexts it's a benign quirk of a sub-culture when it isn't waking you up at 3am and one that'll disappear as we slowly switch to EVs. You are right in calling out people causing a racket at night, but some comments are just directing hate towards an entire group of people. For example, I don't like Harley Davidsons because I think they're very good at transforming fuel into noise. But I don't think Harley Davidsons are flawed individuals for liking that. by EVE_ddred (Mon 25th Jul 2022 11:50pm)
  • It honestly is rough at all times and gets rougher as the cold weather sets in. When I went to go grab some breakfast for me and some friends one day, there was a queue forming. Doors open, everyone piles in and I'm the only one who approached the till. I then realised that they were all rough sleepers and looking for a spot to camp and get some heat. The basement of Tim Horton's was like a hostel. by EVE_ddred (Fri 5th Aug 2022 9:54am)
  • Kevin Bridges used to hang about with the goths at the back of the school of art before he was famous. I was a 12 year old skateboarder at the time, so I didn't really talk to the older ones but he seemed alright. by EVE_ddred (Fri 19th Aug 2022 4:04pm)
  • DELETED Define "night out". What works for me isn't necessarily what'll work for you. I'm older now so clubs and bars don't interest me like they did when I was younger. If I was to go for a night out, I'd go to Hillhead Bookclub or some of the cafes and bars around Hillhead. The Record Factory has a pub quiz on every now and again. Tchai Uvna for some outdoor quiet tea time. Classic Grand for industrial and metal music. NQ64 is alright but a bit pricey for some arcade gaming. I'd be curious if anyone else has suggestions. However, most of those will require a group of people on a Saturday night to reserve a table. NQ64 knocks back solo males, as do most clubs and bars. My suggestion is if you're struggling to get out on weekends to look for hobbies and clubs. If you're on the younger side, you can even look at University Societies even if you don't go to those universities. I.E: You could go learn to Salsa dance at UoG's society for it. by EVE_ddred (Sat 27th Aug 2022 3:12am)
  • It's not a myth. Talented children have to fight to get opportunities in public schools. I left high school with 6 higher As. Here's a summary of my experience: *Fifth Year* My Choices were: Higher English Higher Math Higher Physics Higher Tech. Studies Higher Graphic Communication Higher Computing Higher Chemistry The school gave me: Higher Math Intermediate 2 English Intermediate 2 Administration Intermediate 2 Geography Higher Tech Studies They told me most of the higher classes I had chosen were full due to health and safety for the size of the rooms. They told me there weren't enough students sitting computing or graph comm and so weren't running them. I protested and the English teacher told me, to my face, that she didn't think I was capable of higher English. They told me they gave me administration since it was the closet thing they had to computing. I told them I hated geography and it would have been the last thing I would have chosen. Truly maddening at the time and when I think back on it. I contacted my council and complained about it. 2 months later, they got me to attend two high schools simultaneously with a taxi service between the schools where I replace administration with physics and could only attend 3 out of 5 of the classes per week. My results that year were: H. Math: A I2. English: A H. Physics: A I2. Geography: F H. Tech. Studies: A 3 highers isn't enough to apply to any university but I was done with that school so I moved to the school I had been taking the taxi to but my enthusiasm was gone. In my final year I took: Higher English Higher Computing Higher Graphic Communication Advanced Higher Math After I submitted my University choices, I dropped out of maths as it was pointless. Got my As and left with a bitter memory of high school. If I had been trying to get anywhere beyond where I was aiming, the school would have actively prevented me. by EVE_ddred (Wed 31st Aug 2022 6:08pm)
  • "Shetland" has been using University of Glasgow for the police HQ, but it could be anything. by EVE_ddred (Fri 2nd Sep 2022 12:24pm)
  • > Oh my god, what the fuck kind of neighbour would report someone for smoking weed in their own home? Absolute scumbag. Tbh, I have a neighbour that smokes weed and the smell is awful. You might think I'm exaggerating, but when her door opens you can smell it half way down the street. Throughout summer, as soon as I've caught a whiff of it, I've had to close my windows and doors because it's so bad. I can totally understand why someone would reach the end of their rag with it; I reckon if I was living her permanently, I'd be on the brink of losing my shit over it. by EVE_ddred (Sun 4th Sep 2022 6:02pm)
  • Why not Coatbridge? Genuinely curious because I grew up in Coatbridge and most of my free time from when I turned 13 was spent either hanging around Glasgow city centre, skateboarding in Kelvingrove or wandering about the town. Similarly, it takes about as much time to drive to Glasgow as it does to drive to Cumbernauld with a G postcode and they're in almost opposite directions from Coatbridge, so it doesn't seem like you can be arguing anything beyond the literal city borders which is nothing more than a way of managing mail infrastructure and elections than anything cultural. Not having a go like, just genuinely curious since it seems kind of self-evident that places like Argyll and Bute isn't Glasgow despite having a G post code. by EVE_ddred (Fri 30th Sep 2022 6:38am)
  • > Also, I would argue that Airdrie and Coatbrig are culturally about 200 years behind the rest of the world. Truth is, I don't mind this kind of humour normally. But it's a fine line between mocking Coatbridge and Airdrie for their societal issues and genuine sectarianism. I.E: When it's along the lines of "Florida man", it's fine but you're getting pretty close to the line. by EVE_ddred (Fri 30th Sep 2022 6:53am)
  • I grew up in one of the rougher areas of Coatbridge and had friends in Easterhouse. I understand these areas have a bit of a reputation. I think I can be a little sensitive to the humour when I feel like it's uncalled for, so sorry if I stepped on your toes when I addressed it. Thing is, I've not found it uncommon to see people have strong opinions about the area built entirely on its reputation rather than actual experience of the area. For example, I have never felt unsafe walking around at night because in my opinion, if you're going to be attacked in Coatbridge or Easterhouse... it's because you did or said something and/or you know the person which I'd argue goes for much of Glasgow. by EVE_ddred (Fri 30th Sep 2022 7:49am)
  • I can give you a jump from my car if it helps. by EVE_ddred (Sat 1st Oct 2022 8:00pm)
  • He got it sorted.i swung by and asked the shop and they said he was gone already. by EVE_ddred (Sat 1st Oct 2022 8:34pm)
  • No worries. I wasn't doing it for the money anyway. I'm part of a motorcycle club and know how it feels to be stranded. by EVE_ddred (Sat 1st Oct 2022 9:22pm)
  • Just be careful with gumtree. Last time I tried to sell a computer, it was a very obvious mugging attempt. by EVE_ddred (Tue 4th Oct 2022 1:04am)
  • Honestly, PVC is pretty terrible as far as waterproofing goes. The PVC layer will eventually wash off and you'll start to wear an increasingly damp poncho. I would use a cheap disposable one in an emergency but not for regular rain gear. If you want to buy "the best" possible waterproof garment on the market, you want something that's gore-tex. They also have a good refund / replace policy if the material leaks in the slightest. It's obviously not cheap though. by EVE_ddred (Sat 8th Oct 2022 11:30am)
  • DELETED Anything less than a net of £400 per week is unsustainable in my view. That's for single living with modest hobbies and the occasional night out. You won't be putting away much savings, but you can at least have a semblance of a life. Lifestyle creep is the biggest obstacle. When people earn more, they seem to forget what it's like being poor and just get used to splashing on their impulses. If I start earning more, I get the urge to go buy something shiny myself. by EVE_ddred (Mon 10th Oct 2022 2:12pm)
  • To be clearer, I'm talking about take home pay.it's about 25k per year and if you're working 37.5 hours with minimum holidays then it requires £12.9 per hour not 10.9. However, you'll struggle to find an unskilled job that pays that much that isn't an agency. The living wage, in my view, might be accurate in representing the bare minimum required to survive and sustain a home but it says nothing about welfare. by EVE_ddred (Mon 10th Oct 2022 5:41pm)
  • I think it's a bit hopeful that taxis and delivery drivers won't continue to stop in the middle of the road and illegally park there. A lot of the restaurants also put crates or cones out to block the space in front of their restaurant so the delivery drivers can park. My only guess is they're hoping to route drivers round Charing Cross who want to go North and through Byres Road if they want to go south. Will it work? Who knows. Glasgow's road infrastructure is already a shambles. Who cares if we add another bad one into the mix at this point. Parking in the west end is kind of pointless though. It's shorter for me to drive and park up near Murano or Maryhill and walk down than it is to take public transport. by EVE_ddred (Tue 8th Nov 2022 5:10pm)
  • > i live near byres road, and what should be a relaxed people-friendly environment is instead a fight for your life trying not to get ran over. I gotta ask. But, you do use the pedestrian crossing, right? Like, I support pedestrianisation. But I've never had a close call on Byres road. by EVE_ddred (Tue 8th Nov 2022 5:22pm)
  • > There's a proposal being actively considered just now to remove the M8 slip roads from the north side of Charing Cross. What that would do to traffic in the surrounding area is anybody's guess. Probably just create chaos tbh. Sounds like they're trying to solve the demand for kingston by cutting off traffic flow into it, but I really don't see the demand going down. It's one of the only ways to get across the clyde so it's not like there's alternative routes, transport or infrastructure to resolve it. Or simply if they reduce capacity, they will just get bigger queues. It isn't a question of induced demand but necessity. I mean, to try and give perspective. If I'm trying to get to the west end heading M8 West, I have a number of alternative routes I can use depending on how long the queue is. If the kingston is clear, I can go all the way to Charing X junction. Otherwise Junction 17 onto the A804. Otherwise Junction 15 onto Spring burn. Otherwise, Cathedral. Then you use side streets to navigate onto the A804 to go to Charing X but if that side is buggered too then you navigate to the Clyde through high street to filter onto the express way at Anderston. However, like I said. Glasgow's road infrastructure is a shambles and you hit red lights constantly stop and starting on what should be trunk roads / free flowing because Glasgow has this weird mixture of trying to cater to pedestrians and cars by having major roadways through the heart of the city. If they remove the M8 slip roads, then they'll need to create a few bypasses on the north side of glasgow so that traffic traveling south of the clyde can flow freely. There's literally no reason for traffic to be this bad; the demand isn't actually that high. It's just our roads are garbage. by EVE_ddred (Wed 9th Nov 2022 3:51pm)
  • I'm unconvinced tbh. I think your idea makes sense from the point of view when you only look at connecting greater glasgow to the city centre. Even on that front, with the current hellish traffic, public transport is just not as good as driving. With a 10 minute tailback over the kingston, it still costs less money in fuel and takes less time than train, subway and bus; and I live within 5 minute walking distance of a central line station. However, if you ever look at different possible journeys like Glen Boig/Easterhouse/Airdrie/Coatbridge to places which are relatively close to them like East Kilbride or Hamilton, you can see how much a pain in the ass public transport is. This isn't a small edge case either. I don't know about you but the possibility of spending 3+ hours on a train/bus everyday is something that would make me lose my sanity when it's a 7-10 minute journey by car. The kingston could be a 5mph road and people would still drive it because the demand is far greater than the capacity for people from the central belt and west coast to commute to work in the Glasgow area. Or rather, this isn't a case of induced demand in my view. Public transport has a long way to go before it becomes more appealing and I think nothing you listed really solves those issues unless you're a student or work in the city centre. Most traffic using the M74 and M8 are only trying to get through Glasgow. by EVE_ddred (Wed 5th Apr 2023 12:36am)
  • I appreciate your reply, but I don't think you quite took my point the problem with M8 congestion is bigger than people trying to get to the city centre. As the bus corridor page states, it's to ease access to the city centre for those areas. For my journey, the introduction of a bus route to central or queen street has no effect. Maryhill Road makes perfect sense. It can be a 20-40 minute walk to the nearest train station from places in that area and thus introducing a bus route could provide incentive to get people who live in those areas to choose public transport over their car. However, it doesn't address what I was saying that relatively local journeys are still a nightmare in Glasgow that cars have a huge advantage over. Those solutions are fine for people who live in Glasgow and are traveling outwith it (like Edinburgh or Livingston) or within the city centre but not for people traveling through or around it which I believe is the grand majority of traffic. by EVE_ddred (Wed 5th Apr 2023 1:11am)
  • DELETED Trustworthy? Your main gripe is that you cant pay cashless but uber and private hire have terrible drivers. I've had a drunk uber driver. One that I've had to give directions to despite having satnav but being unable to read road signs or select the right lane. They change lane constantly without warning and bully themselves through the roads. It really isn't worth the convenience of paying. by EVE_ddred (Sun 30th Apr 2023 5:06pm)
  • DELETED I'm surprised if you never encountered it before. I can only assume you don't drive and don't recognise it as a problem for a 'professional' driver. Most of them genuinely have no driving skills. by EVE_ddred (Sun 30th Apr 2023 5:17pm)
  • Speed is just one aspect of it. Rate is the actual danger driving in town. I.e braking hard or changing lanes and accelerating quickly. I have no loyalty to black hacks, but uber and private hire is shockingly bad. I get that the price and payment method is a major inconvenience but I find it just surprising that people are honestly happy with the standard of driving you see from them on a daily basis. by EVE_ddred (Sun 30th Apr 2023 11:28pm)
  • Is the guy that does interviews for the garage still a creep? About 10 years ago, I remember hearing a few stories about how during the interview they'd ask you to log in to your social media to 'make sure you're active'. by EVE_ddred (Wed 16th Aug 2023 7:28pm)
  • I've never really engaged with any of the discourse on the LEZ so forgive my ignornace if this has been brought up before, but I generally think the LEZ and current road tax is naive. For example. I'm a car and motorcycle guy. My daily driver is a small LEZ compliant eco hatchback with absolutely no horsepower. 60~mpg, low emissions. My motorcycle's emissions (at least in hydrocarbons) easily surpasses most cars on the road. It's exempt from LEZ, probably even the ULEZ. I do less than 3k miles on my motorcycle every year. I pay about £120 road tax on it. My eco hatch costs me about £30. I still own an old beater of a toyota celica I used to drive for fun (probably less than 2k miles per year) that now costs £645 to tax for a year. My dream project car is a subaru impreza and that'll probably end up being over a £1000 for road tax and, similar to the motorbike, won't be driven long distance or many miles in a year. I am not a rich man. These are my hobbies that I put years of effort into. The point that I'm ultimately trying to make though is that current climate and environmental policies don't really capture this story. I don't take it personally, but I can completely see someone feeling singled out. After all, when I do drive into the city centre I can feel my sensible choice of car being dwarved by a euro6 compliant straight 6 three litre land rover that does more damage to the road than any of my vehicles could ever do. Yet I could easily pay 20x the road tax they do. When the LEZ switches from euro 5 to euro 6, my hatch will no longer be permitted in the city centre but those cars will. I understand that it's not meant to be targeted and trying to solve an issue with a broad stroke, but I do think that climate change is now progressing to the point (as in emissions and energy usage are still increasing, not decreasing) that I feel such naive approaches are untenable. We need policies that capture how vehicles are actually used. by EVE_ddred (Fri 22nd Sep 2023 10:51am)
  • I wish I had a drive way, but no. I abuse my friend who runs a garage to store my celica. I also rent a small lockup that costs me about £20/month. My daily is parked outside while my bike is either in the lockup or in a shed. Apologies if I came off wrong though. I'm supportive of cycling and public transport and wish to see better infrastructure to support it in Glasgow. I personally think toll roads and congestion charges might be the start of a proper solution. But I think also policies that reflect the total amount of CO2 emitted. I don't think I've got the best idea or such but I was thinking that a fairer approach would be something like a fuel tax where discount is awarded based on vehicle type, emissions and usage which is pretty easy to determine based on the number plate. by EVE_ddred (Fri 22nd Sep 2023 11:17am)
  • If second vehicles were shown to be actively contributing to climate change, I'd certainly re-evaluate my hobbies. I wouldn't own two vehicles for the same purpose if that's more aligned with what you're saying. Ultimately though, I do understand climate science and the monumental task that will one day have to be undertaken to undo it. It's a simple fact that our current energy usage, one way or another, has to stop. Whether we successfully employ renewable energy by then or not I don't know. Personally, I think we're part of the party generation and 100 years from now there will be a hangover generation who has to deal with the fallout from what we've done. But, back to my point. It's all good since you can just buy a 2024 SUV to do your school run and only pay £30 tax on it rather than implementing policies that move people away from cars as their main mode of transport. I'll always be into my hobby. I don't care if I have to spend £1000 to have my fun for a few months of the year. So long as it's actually solving the problem and not just giving people the impression that something is being done. by EVE_ddred (Fri 22nd Sep 2023 11:55am)
  • The claim hasn't been substantiated since I last read about it. As far as I know, it was possible for Chinese nationals to go there to deal with certain 'notarial' matters that might be important for things like visas, rent or such. (proof of income, credit, ect). The Dutch claimed to have proof that two operating in the Netherlands were used by Chinese nationals to coerce Chinese dissidents to return to the homeland. The Scottish police didn't investigate it. Probably due to a lack of evidence or proof that loon fung was operating in the same manner or outside of the law. by EVE_ddred (Fri 22nd Sep 2023 12:54pm)
  • I understand. I just think it's encouraging the wrong thing (buying newer, less fuel efficent albeit less cancer causing vehicles). Like this [graph](https://youtu.be/Q3Ak7ArqmyI?t=94) illustrates, and what I eluded to with my motorcycle being exempt from the LEZ. My car also gets better MPG than the bike on city streets. My main point was just to point out that the LEZ and reducing emissions in total are basically at opposing ends. by EVE_ddred (Fri 22nd Sep 2023 1:58pm)
  • Warehousing generally always has a demand for bodies. Bonus if you get a forklift license. You can start at an agency and weed out the rough places, gain experience and then settle into any kind of role fairly easy. Play to your strengths though. For me, I was never great with customer service or any customer facing role. Early on it seemed like my peers were more capable than me due to their ability to land jobs bartending, waiting, call centres or working in shops while I kind of just accepted my limits in that regard after trying a bartending gig for a month. Companies in Hillington and Linwood are typically always looking for spare bodies, especially as Christmas is approaching. A few I am aware of, that are relatively low barrier to entry but not great are Menzies and Wholesale Domestic. Menzies is a production line and doesn't well so can be a bit soul destroying. Wholesale Domestic is a bathroom wholesaler. Pay isn't great, but the work is okay. by EVE_ddred (Thu 28th Sep 2023 12:24pm)
  • I made [this](https://i.imgur.com/xdUXx6A.png) to try and visualise what you've described. I made 3 alternate possibilities for where the two cars came from. Light blue doesn't make sense since they can already been on the lane to take the first exit. Dark blue doesn't make sense since it's a traffic light intersection. Unless you or they ran they red light. Light green doesn't make much sense either since it implies they moved over to the right lane to overtake you to take the first exit that you might be taking!? Either you encountered two of the worst drivers on the road in a row or you're not remembering it correctly / messed up somewhere. There are two possibilities I see this happening. You rolled through a yellllo light at the lights and both cars followed the dark blue line and rolled through them at a higher speed than you. They'd be in the wrong since catching up to cars on the roundabout is against the highway code. (You must give way to cars on the roundabout, not to the right of the roundabout). The other alternative is the same situation in reverse where you caught up / passed cars on the left. by EVE_ddred (Mon 11th Dec 2023 12:59am)